15 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA COVER STORY as a strategic market for their firm. “The Shenzhen office is set to enhance business related to Hong Kong, Macao, and international markets, capitalizing on Shenzhen’s strategic location in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and its proximity to Hong Kong and Macao. We’re also aiming to become leaders in sectors such as financial services, logistics, and intellectual property, benefiting from the GBA’s role as a demonstration area.” Moreover, the Shenzhen office is working to raise AllBright’s brand awareness in South China. “For six years running, we’ve organized the ‘AllBright Classroom,’ where we invite experts to discuss the hottest topics of the year, open to all lawyers and entrepreneurs in Shenzhen. This initiative not only disseminates expert insights but also strengthens our brand presence and fulfills our commitment to social responsibility.” Sun from Grandway has indicated the firm’s intention to continue prioritizing its core practices while embracing a strategic diversification in South China, pursuing a new “capital markets legal service + model.” “We aim to leverage the region’s openness and our cross-border expertise to assist Chinese companies in listing abroad, particularly on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and to help them with their international endeavors and regulatory compliance. We’re also integrating AI technology to refine our knowledge management and streamline our operations,” Sun explains. “Moreover, we plan to expand our reach by opening a new office in Guangzhou and are considering additional locations in Hainan and Fujian to grow our market presence and provide clients with localized services, thereby enhancing their experience,” Sun adds. Lianyue, following its next fiveyear plan, is set to implement a series of development initiatives. “We will roll out a talent acquisition strategy to attract specialists in data compliance and new economy legal services, create a joint innovation legal center to cultivate specialized lawyers, form a branding and publicity committee to improve event planning, and reinforce our professional image as leading lawyers in core practice areas.” Yang from Wang Jing & GH discloses the firm’s international expansion ambitions. “Beyond solidifying our position in the South China market, we are planning to establish offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Rome, projecting the South China law firm brand onto a wider stage. The establishment of these new offices is in line with our strategy to maintain a strong foothold in the GBA while embracing a global outlook. This will enable us to better support the international growth of Chinese enterprises, attract international clientele, and strengthen our global influence and competitive edge.” Experrse: Data, Privacy & Cybersecurity, Liigaaon & Arbitraaon, Compliance & Regulatory 业务领域:数据隐私及网络安全、 涉外争议解决、合规业务 Phone +86 20 3941 6888 Email 地址:中国广州市天河区珠江西路15号珠江城大厦9楼 Add: 9/F, Pearl River Tower, 15 Zhujiang West Road, Guangzhou, PRC Li Qian Partner