20 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 MAY 2024 Hu Yinliang AllBright Law Offices Hu Yinliang is a partner at AllBright’s Shenzhen office. Since joining AllBright in 2011, he has advanced from a paralegal to a partner, deeply integrating into the platform and specializing in financial and securities capital markets. Hu has significantly enhanced his brand recognition and market influence in legal services related to maturity extension for financial and securities products, debt restructuring, and disposal of bond default, and etc. With a background in Bond Issuance and Real Estate Debt Restructuring, Hu has accurately grasped the service needs for Maturity Extension in the real estate industry, as well as compliance needs for brokerage firms in Bond Maturity Extension and Default Disposal. He has expanded his business scope to include legal services for asset securitization products like ABS, CMBN, and CMBS. Hu has gradually developed a comprehensive bond-related legal services model covering the entire process, which includes bond issuance, risk management during the bond’s life, default disposal, overall extension, trustee litigation, and representation in misrepresentation litigation. Professional and efficient services, along with meticulous teamwork, are the key secrets behind Hu winning the trust of numerous clients. 胡银亮 锦天城律师事务所 胡银亮律师是锦天城深圳办公室合 伙人。加入锦天城以来,他从律师助 理、专职律师逐步成长为合伙人,扎 根律所平台,深耕金融与证券资本市 场,不断精深专业,在金融/证券产品 的展期、债务重组、违约处置等法律 服务领域形成一定的市场竞争力、品 牌影响力。 依托执业初期在债券发行及地 产债务重组法律服务项目中积累的 丰富经验,胡律师准确把握地产行 业的债券展期服务需求以及券商在 债券展期、违约处置方面的合规服 务需求,服务的金融/证券产品品种 从债券、信托、公开票据逐步延伸到 ABS、CMBN、CMBS及其他资产证券 化产品。他以金融/证券产品为核心开 发研究了一系列细分法律服务产品, 逐步建立了一套包含债券发行、存续 风险管理、违约处置、整体展期、受托 起诉、虚假陈述诉讼代理等服务内容, 贯穿产品前、中、后端的全链条法律 服务模式。专业高效的服务、精细化 的团队分工合作,是胡律师赢取众多 客户信任的不二法宝。 T.J. Tianju Shen P.C. Woo & Zhonglun W.D. LLP T.J. Tianju Shen is a seasoned legal counsel with a demonstrated history of practice as Chief Compliance Officer and General Counsel in multinational corporations and worked at Wilberforce Chambers. He has led a number of crossborder M&A, cybersecurity and dispute resolution in high-tech fields, over 30 jurisdictions ranging from Europe, North America, Southeast Asia to Oceania. T.J. has a professional background in both Telecom Engineering and Law, and was selected for the Lord Chancellor Scheme U.K., by China and U.K. Government at 2017. Guo Xiaozhou, General Counsel of Celanese, comments that “Mr. Shen has an aptitude for providing practical solutions for innovative industries, with a keen grasp of business essentials, and mighty insights into various industries.” T.J. is a foreign expert committee member of the European Lawyers Association’s cybersecurity and AI committee, director of ICT Committee of China Law Society (Guangdong), director of Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce, Qianhai. 沈天举 中伦文德胡百全(前海)联营律师事 务所 沈律师具有通信工程及法律专业背 景,曾担任欢聚集团Joyy.Inc、碧桂 园集团、McCain Foods等跨国企业 首席合规官、总法律顾问职务,并供职 于英国Wilberforce Chambers大律 师事务所。他曾管理包括北美、欧洲、 东南亚及大洋洲超过30个司法区域的 法律合规事务,并主导完成多起高新 科技领域的跨境收购与兼并、信息网 络数据安全、出口管制与贸易合规、 国际争端解决事项,2017年入选中 英政府Lord Chancellor Scheme。 塞拉尼斯亚太区总法律顾问郭小 舟如此评价道:“沈律拥有对多个行 业的洞见,能够精准把握商业实质, 与内部团队高效协作,为创新产业提 供切实可行的解决方案。” 沈律师同时担任欧洲律师协会 网络安全与人工智能学会外籍专家 委员、广东省法学会信息通信专委会 理事、前海香港商会理事。 Wenchao Wang Merits & Tree Law Offices Wenchao Wang, Co-Managing Partner at Merits & Tree Law Offices Shenzhen Office, has 14 years of experience specializing in venture capital and related legal services, providing one-stop and comprehensive legal support to startups and investment institutions in various sectors such as pharmaceuticals, healthcare, AI, semiconductors 2024 SOUTH CHINA RANKING PROFILES COVER STORY Some lawyers have been featured alphabetically in profiles. 以下按姓氏首字母顺序排列,您将一览部分上榜律师风采。