40 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 MAY 2024 OFFSHORE CLIENT CHOICE ANTHONY OAKES partner, Ogier 奥杰,合伙人 Anthony Oakes is a partner and head of Ogier’s finance practice in Asia. With more than 30 years of experience, Oakes provides legal counsel on BVI and Cayman law. His practice spans diverse finance-related matters, restructuring and insolvency, private equity initiatives and general corporate matters. Notable among Oakes’ transactions was his advice to a $1.3 billion first-of-its-kind green loan supporting the major development of a cold storage and logistics facility by ESR/ Chinachem Group in Hong Kong. His pivotal role as BVI counsel to Contemporary Amperex Technology on its groundbreaking $1.5 billion debt offshore bond issuance, the largest U.S. dollar bonds issuance by a Chinese private enterprise at the time, earned nomination for the Debt Market Deal of the Year at the prestigious ALB China Law Awards 2021. Clients praise Oakes for his “excellent judgment” and “pragmatic advice.” They value his ability to “develop good rapport,” “build trust,” and provide legal guidance “with a commercial viewpoint.” His expertise is not only sought after by clients but also esteemed by his peers. Notably, he has been featured in the ALB Offshore Client List for nine consecutive years, a testament to his enduring influence and prominence in the field. Anthony Oakes 是奥杰香港办事处合伙人和融资业务 亚洲负责人,过去30余年,他致力于为客户提供关于英属 维尔京群岛和开曼群岛的法律咨询,执业领域涵盖各类 型融资业务、重组和破产、私募股权以及常规公司事务。 Oakes 参与过众多引人注目的交易,例如近期为华 懋集团及ESR Group在香港一笔首创性的、额度高达13 亿美元的绿色贷款提供了支持。 他作为英属维尔京群岛顾问为宁德时代在其开创性 的15亿美元海外债券发行中发挥了关键作用,这是当时中 国私营企业最大规模的美元债券发行,因此被提名为2021 年ALB中国法律大奖年度债券市场交易大奖。 客户对Oakes的评价很高,赞扬他有“卓越的判断 力”和“务实的建议”。他们重视他“建立良好关系”和“ 建立信任”的能力,以及能够提供“具有商业视角”的法 律指导。 他的专业性受到客户和同行的高度评价。Oakes连续 九年入选ALB 客户首选离岸律师榜单,足以证明他在该领 域的持久影响力和突出地位。 NATHAN POWELL partner and global head of corporate legal services, Ogier 奥杰,合伙人及公司法业务全球主管 Nathan Powell is the partner and global head of corporate legal services at Ogier’s Hong Kong office, renowned for his extensive corporate finance practice focusing on BVI, Cayman, and Jersey companies. His expertise spans capital markets, IPOs, mergers and acquisitions (public and private), private equity structures, and joint ventures, with a particular emphasis on downstream corporate advisory work. Powell’s expertise extends to Ogier’s multi-disciplinary restructuring and corporate recovery team, where he navigates complexities in refinancing, corporate restructuring, member and creditor schemes of arrangement, and investor and shareholder rights and actions. His involvement in bond restructurings further showcases his versatility in navigating diverse legal challenges. Powell’s stellar reputation among the A-list offshore lawyers is a testament to his exemplary performance, with clients and colleagues alike lauding his commercial mindset and solution-oriented approach. One testimonial describes him as “extremely commercial, technically excellent, and commanding extraordinary respect in the Hong Kong market.” Powell is regarded as the ultimate authority on BVI and Cayman law in Asia, earning praise as a “talented commercial practitioner” who is “a pleasure to deal with.” Nathan Powell 是奥杰香港办公室的合伙人,也是公司 法业务的全球主管。他在企业融资实务方面拥有广泛经 验,专注于英属维尔京群岛、开曼群岛和泽西岛公司业务。 他的专长领域包括资本市场、首次公开发行、并购(公开和 私人)、私募股权架构和合资公司业务,特别关注针对下游 企业的咨询服务。 Powell 的专业能力还延展到奥杰的跨领域重组和 企业复苏团队,协助客户处理再融资、企业重组、成员和 债权人安排方案,以及投资者和股东权利及行动等复杂问 题。他在债券重组方面的业绩展示了他在应对多样化法律 挑战方面的能力。 Powell在海外头部离岸律师中的卓越声誉证明了 他的杰出能力,客户和同事都高度评价他的商业思维和以 解决方案为导向的工作方法。一位同行形容他“极具商业 头脑,技术出众,在香港市场享有极高的尊重”。Powell 被视为亚洲英属维尔京群岛和开曼法律领域的权威人 物,被誉为“才华横溢的商业从业者”,与他打交道“令 人愉快”。