42 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 MAY 2024 The ALB Tahota Belt and Road International Commercial Legal Summit 2024 was successfully held on April 19 at the Renaissance Hotel in Xi’an. The summit, hosted by the Xi’an Municipal Bureau of Justice and co-organized by the Xi’an Foreign Affairs Office, Yanta District Bureau of Justice, and the Xi’an Lawyers Association, and managed by Tahota Law Firm Xi’an Office and ALB, marked ALB’s first offline event in the city. It received positive feedback from the local legal and business communities. The summit brought together over 200 corporate in-house counsel, highlevel executives, and legal professionals, who engaged in deep discussions on hot topics in international commercial law under the Belt and Road initiative (BRI). These discussions focused on the opportunities and challenges for Shaanxi businesses, emphasizing the synergy between commercial activities and legal practices. The event began with speeches from three distinguished guests. Su Guofeng, the Director of the Xi’an Bureau of Justice, highlighted Xi’an’s proactive engagement with the BRI and its efforts to build a model zone for international commercial legal services. He called for all sectors to seize the momentum and push for high-quality development under the BRI framework. Qi Zhang’an, Vice President of the Xi’an Lawyers Association, noted that Xi’an has 530 law firms and 12,653 practicing lawyers. He emphasized the legal community’s role in providing theoretical and intellectual support to explore new breakthroughs in international commercial legal services. Amantha Chia, Senior Director of ALB JOINED HANDS WITH TAHOTA ON INAUGURAL BRI LEGAL SUMMIT IN XI’AN 2024一带一路国际商事法律服务高峰论坛圆满落幕 Legal Media Group, AEM, Thomson Reuters, highlighted Xi’an’s achievements in high-tech industries, international trade, and cultural tourism, calling on legal and business elites to share their experiences in foreign commercial legal services. The summit then featured a keynote speech by Yang Fan, Director of Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution Division at China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC). She discussed the role of arbitration in strengthening the rule of law in foreign affairs and collaborative efforts under the BRI. This was followed by Charles Feng, a partner at Tahota Law Firm, who spoke on legal issues in cutting-edge unfair competition cases, analyzing actual cases he had represented and highlighting challenges related to data protection. Afterwards, Du Kun, a lawyer at From left to right: Wang Han, Professor of Northwest University of Political Science and Law; Xu Wenxin, Deputy Director of Xi’an Arbitration Commission; Han Lei, Head of Legal in Northwest Region of Vanke; Wei Tingting, Attorney of Tahota Law Firm 从左到右:王瀚,西北政法大学教授;徐文新,西安仲裁委员会副主任;韩磊,万科西北大区法务负责人;魏婷婷,泰和泰律 师事务所律师 ALB TAHOTA BELT AND ROAD INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LEGAL SUMMIT 2024