44 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 MAY 2024 ALB TAHOTA BELT AND ROAD INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LEGAL SUMMIT 2024 2024年4月19日,2024一带一 路国际商事法律服务高峰论坛在西安 万丽酒店成功举办。本次论坛由西安 市司法局主办,由西安市人民政府外 事办公室 、西安市雁塔区司法局 、西 安市律师协会协办,由泰和泰(西安) 律师事务所、汤森路透亚洲法律杂志 (ALB)承办。 ALB在西安落地的首场线下活动 获得了当地法律及商业群体的积极反 响,论坛汇聚了两百余位资深企业法 律顾问、企业高级管理人员和法律专 业人士,近十位演讲及讨论嘉宾围绕 企业涉外商事法律领域热点话题,针 对陕西省企业在“一带一路”机遇下 创新和发展中面对的机遇和挑战,聚 焦商事和法律联动,进行了深度分享 与热烈讨论。 下午14点,论坛正式开始。论坛首 先迎来三位致辞嘉宾。 西安市司法局局长苏国峰在致辞 中说道,近年来,西安积极践行“一带 一路”创新,努力构建“一带一路”国际 商事法律服务示范区建设,全面推进法 律服务功能区建设。他呼吁社会各界 顺势而为、乘势而上,推动陕西“一带 一路”高质量发展的重要工作。 西安市律师协会副会长齐章安表 示,西安市共有律师事务所530家,执 业律师12653名,法律专业人才应用 自己的学识智慧来提供有力的理论支 撑和智力支持,为研究和探索“一带一 路”国际商事法律服务的新突破积累 更多经验。 谢京庭女士提出,近年,西安在 高新经济产业、国际贸易、文化旅游 Law Firm. They discussed the multifaceted opportunities for businesses under the BRI and the proactive role of legal professionals. Xu emphasized the growing interest in foreign legal services, highlighting the efforts to leverage Chinese arbitration institutions’ strengths and enhance the influence of Chinese justice internationally. Han shared insights from a in-house perspective, noting the ever-evolving risks companies face. Citing Vanke as an example, he discussed the critical need for foreign legal expertise in various business sectors and stressed the importance of building trust with external lawyers who are attuned to the company’s needs and can help navigate these challenges. Wei addressed how external lawyers could effectively assist companies in managing initial risks under the overarching BRI context. She advocated starting with non-litigation services to develop comprehensive early risk prevention systems, then integrating these with the strengths of arbitration and litigation services to create a holistic legal product suite. As the event ended to resounding applause, Yao Ziqi, the managing partner of Tahota Xi’an office, thanked the speakers and attendees for enriching the forum with their insights and discussions. He called on the legal community to use the summit as a springboard for advancing the specialization, efficiency, and innovation of commercial legal services under the BRI. Member of the management committee and supervisor of the board at Tahota Xi’an office, Chen Ping and Zhang Long, also shared their perspectives on the integration of legal services with economic development, emphasizing the growth of cross-border business and legal talent in Xi’an as a key city along the Belt and Road. Amid enthusiastic applause from the attendees, the 2024 Summit concluded successfully. ALB remains committed to creating valuable platforms for legal professionals and extends its gratitude to all participants and speakers for their support of this summit. We look forward to seeing you again soon!