8 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS – NOVEMBER 2023 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM BROUGHT TO YOU BY CIETAC The Central Asia Trial Center of CIETAC Officially Unveiled and Established in Urumchi, Xinjiang 贸仲中亚庭审中心在新疆乌鲁木齐正式揭牌设立 During the China-Central Asia Arbitration Forum held in November 1, 2023, the Central Asia Trial Center of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (“CIETAC”) was officially unveiled and established. Chen Jianan, Vice Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (“CCPIT”), Chen Mingguo, Vice Governor of the People’s Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Director of Public Security Department, Wang Chengjie, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of CIETAC, Mo Weigang, Chairman of the CCPIT Xinjiang Committee, Zhou Zhihao, Vice President of the High People’s Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Rana Sajjad, President of the Center for International Investment and Commercial Arbitration, Diana Bayzakova, Director of the Tashkent International Arbitration Centre, and Enkhtsetseg Sukhbaatar, President of the Mongolian International Arbitration Center unveiled the Central Asia Trial Center together. Central Asia is where the Belt and Road Initiative was firstly initiated. Over recent years, China and Central Asian countries have continuously bolstered their strategic partnership and maintained steady and rapid growth in economic and trade cooperation. Consequently, the demand for legal services has surged. Xinjiang, serving as a gateway to the west, possesses unique advantages in promoting China-Central Asia economic and trade cooperation and high-quality development of Belt and Road. To support this endeavor, CIETAC establishes the Central Asia Trial Center in Urumchi, Xinjiang, aiming to facilitate parties from Central Asia and neighboring counties involved in the Belt and Road cooperation, harness the vital role of arbitration in safeguarding the economic and trade cooperation and development of Belt and Road, continuously promote China-Central Asia commercial legal cooperation, and foster a closer China-Central Asia legal cooperation community. The Unveiling Ceremony (揭牌仪式现场)