12 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 NOVEMBER 2023 Several winners on this year’s ALB China Top 30 Largest Law Firms list emphasize that the numerical growth alone does not adequately measure the magnitude of a firm. With an increase in the size of a firm, there arises a proportional increase in the number of pressing issues that demand resolution. Therefore, understanding what it truly means to be a large firm is better explored through various perspectives, such as specialization and integration. 今年,多家登上“30大所”榜单的律所告诉ALB,数字的增长不是规模化发展唯一的度量衡,更大的规模也带来了 更多亟待解决的问题,从专业化、一体化等视角切入,或许能探寻到规模化更深远的意义。 COVER STORY RANKING BY ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS, TEXT BY VICTOR WU 排名:《亚洲法律杂志》,作者:吴嘉林 After over two months of collecting information and conducting research, ALB is pleased to present the 2023 ALB China Top 30 Largest Law Firms list. Compiled with data up to the end of July this year, the list is organized based on the total number of lawyers, with a separate breakdown for partners and associates. In the realm of domestic firms, Yingke Law Firm and Dacheng Law Offices have maintained their positions as the top two, with minor changes observed in the ranking of the other top ten firms compared to the previous year. Notable movements include Tahota Law Firm, Zhonglun W&D Law Firm, and China Commercial Law Firm, each advancing by two, two, and three places to the fifth, ninth, and tenth positions, respectively. Other firms within this range have experienced minimal alterations. Within the 11-to-30 range, Guanghe Law Firm, headquartered in Shenzhen, has undergone the most significant change, rising nine places to the 19th position. Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm, Hiways Law Firm, and TianTai Law Firm have all ascended by four spots to claim the 14th, 18th, and 22nd positions, respectively. For the remaining firms from the previous year, their rankings have either remained unchanged or shifted within a three-place range. Additionally, this band welcomes three new entries this year: Kangda Law Firm (21st), Leaqual Law Firm (27th), and Jingtian & Gongcheng (28th). Regarding the total number of lawyers, only Yingke Law Firm has surpassed the 10,000 threshold, while Dacheng Law Offices boasts over 5,000 lawyers. There are 11 firms with lawyer counts ranging from 2,000 to 5,000. Firms ranked 14th to 29th all fall within the 1,000 to 2,000 lawyer range. JunHe LLP, holding the 30th position, has a total of 961 lawyers. These figures suggest that having over 1,000 lawyers in total may be considered a threshold for any domestic firm aspiring to make it to the top 30. Upon comparing recent rankings, it becomes apparent that while changes among the top ten firms are relatively modest, there are significant fluctuations in the rankings from 11 to 30. New entrants emerge each year, leading to the inevitable departure of some previous winners from the top 30. Consequently, it is challenging for a firm to secure a spot on the list for multiple consecutive years or to consistently improve its ranking. Li Qingyu, Management Committee member of Tahota Law Firm and Director of its Chongqing office, underscores the sense of urgency arising from heightened market competition for large firms. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the legal industry in China has witnessed a growth rate exceeding 10 percent in recent years. While this indicates considerable room for industry development, it also means that leading firms face a more intricate and fierce competitive landscape. Leaders of several winning firms on this year’s list share their insights with ALB on new perspectives regarding upscaling and strategies for maintaining a competitive edge. TOP 30 LARGEST LAW FIRMS 中国最大30家律所