18 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 NOVEMBER 2023 COVER STORY 北京德和衡律师事务所(简称"德和衡")成立于2010年5月,是一家专业化、规范化、国际化、 品牌化的特殊的普通合伙制律师事务所。律所总部位于北京,并在中国主要省、市、自治区以及中国 主要投资贸易伙伴国家设有超过三十家分支机构,具有由两千多名执业律师组成的上百个“一体化” 专业团队。 德和衡自成立以来,秉持“专业、专心、专才、专注”的服务理念,以客户需求为核心,坚持专 业分工和团队协作,依托先进的管理经验,现已发展成为中国最具品牌影响力的综合性商务型律师事 务所之一。 德和衡律师拥有国内外知名院校法学专业教育背景以及丰富的法律职业经历,众多律师同时具备 外国律师执业资格及注册会计师、税务师、经济师、专利代理师等专业资格。德和衡以建设复合型、 专业化的人才队伍为导向,助力客户应对日益复杂的商业挑战。 作为中国涉外法律服务机构的先行者,德和衡在北美、欧洲、东亚、东南亚等地区设立有12家直 属海外办公机构。 德和衡作为品牌律所,用精英律师,以国际化视野,发挥本地优势,为国内外客户提供专业、优 质、高效的全方位商事法律服务。 北京 | 上海 | 深圳 | 青岛 | 济南 | 前海联营 | 邯郸 | 南京 | 郑州 | 太原 | 海口 | 杭州 | 哈尔滨 | 武汉 | 成都 | 广州 | 石家庄 | 天津 | 福州 | 长沙 | 重庆 | 苏州 | 呼和浩特 | 南昌 | 佛山 | 昆明 | 沈阳 | 宁波 | 兰州 | 无锡 | 香港 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 | 加利福尼亚州 | 多伦多 | 悉尼 | 新加坡 | 莫斯科 | 圣彼得堡 | 马德里 | 东京 | 伦敦 地址:中国·北京市朝阳区建国门外大街2号银泰中心C座12层 电话:+86 10 8540 7666 邮箱 邮编:100022 扫码关注公众号 commitment to staying on the path of upscaling in the short term, aligning their plans with their unique developmental stages and environments. Yingke Law Firm places significant emphasis on internationalization, considering it the foremost strategy. Li of Yingke states that internationalization remains the firm’s primary development goal. By 2026, Yingke plans to open 100 overseas offices directly operated, invested, and managed by the headquarters. The firm aims to establish collaborations with 100 international legal service institutions, build and expand the “global one-hour legal services ecosystem,” cultivate a team of international cross-border legal talents, and establish the Yingke global Chinese family inheritance legal services center. In terms of practice areas, Yingke will continue to focus on innovative fields such as carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, rural revitalization, etc. The firm also intends to enhance regional integration by establishing regional boards of directors and boards of supervisors, and a founding partner system for each branch office to elevate the sense of honor and belonging of equity partners. For Tahota Law Firm, Li sees integration as the inevitable direction of future development. “On the basis of achieving integrated risk control, we will gradually integrate marketing, business image, branding, strategy, and other important aspects.” Pursuing excellence in professional services is a key strategy for Tahota’s growth. Li Qingyu outlines the firm’s focus on improving the professionalization of individual lawyers, fostering collaboration between offices and departments, exploring and expanding into market potential practice areas, attracting professionals in those fields, and building a professional brand in selected areas to enhance specialization and market share. Harmony among colleagues is emphasized by Zhang of Zhonglun W&D Law Firm. The firm plans to increase support for lawyers to grow into partners and will attract external partner teams and senior lawyers by leveraging brand resources. Zhonglun W&D also envisions gradual expansion overseas, considering new offices in Singapore, other Southeast Asian countries, the United States, Europe, etc., with a focus on stability. Zhang Haijun anticipates increased investment and research in emerging legal areas such as private equity investment, real estate asset securitization (REITs), China concepts stocks, Internet finance, STAR Market business, data compliance, artificial intelligence, carbon peaking, carbon neutrality, and the metaverse. As TianTai Law Firm approaches its 30th anniversary in 2024, Zhang He outlines the firm’s commitment to improving industry service capabilities, pursuing moderate expansion, advancing information technology development, promoting digital transformation, and adjusting its strategic direction to facilitate continuous business growth.