28 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 NOVEMBER 2023 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 广州和深圳两地作为中国经济发 展和科技创新的驱动中心,孕育了包 括人工智能、云技术、生物科技、机器 人、智能出行等各个领域的企业,由此 也引领了知识产权(IP)服务的发展。 万慧达知识产权合伙人姚红军 律师告诉ALB,广深两地的知识产权 服务需求总体仍然处于增长状态,只 是在不同行业和不同领域有不同的表 现:“跨境电商领域、新能源行业、消 费电子产品行业的知识产权需求仍然 处于增长状态;但是在一些传统行业, 由于受总体市场需求不足、国家主管 部门打击商标囤积和专利不正常申 请、国际地缘冲突加剧和中美贸易摩 擦等多方面因素的影响,而处于需求 萎缩的低迷状态。” 姚律师认为广深两地的IP市场各 具特色。深圳作为特区,各方面的尝试 更为积极,在知识产权保护制度和规 范建设上有很多先行于全国的探索和 Within life sciences, Zhu sees an increase in cross-border activity and demand from biotech companies. On the technology side, some areas where Morgan Lewis is working closely with Chinese and international companies include software, telecoms, smartphones, video processing, internet television, LEDs and robotics. “My colleague Yalei Sun now divides his time between Silicon Valley and China, advising Chinese companies in IP due diligence, licensing and settlement negotiations, and patent litigation, US government regulatory compliance and appellate matters,” says Zhu. NEW TRENDS TO LOOK OUT FOR Yao expects that there will be four hotspots in IP legal services in Guangzhou and Shenzhen in 2024. They include IP layout in overseas markets, especially in Belt and Road Initiative involved countries; patent layout in the fields of new energy, AI, blockchain, autonomous driving, biotech, and satellite communications; cross-border IP dispute handling; as well as IP value assessment, financing and trading. Li notes that more Chinese sellers will need IP compliance services as directto-consumer (DTC) brands expand overseas. In addition, large high-tech companies will continue to lay out in the global market and apply for invention patents. Apart from passive response to litigation, Chinese firms will proactively safeguard rights and prosecute global infringers. Li predicts that there will be Chinese companies filing IP lawsuits abroad as plaintiffs with lawyers’ help in 2024. Based on the Guangdong court’s strategy “to serve the development of the GBA with IP judicial initiatives”, Chen believes that “IP protection in high-end manufacturing industries will be further strengthened. New types of litigation cases or nonlitigation projects involving the digital economy industry will gradually appear. It will also strengthen a fair competition market involving commercial entities. Cross-border businesses in GBA will be further improved.” Zhu points out that one issue for businesses going into 2024 will be the impact of the new Protecting American Intellectual Property Act of 2022 (PAIP Act), signed into law by President Biden on January 5, 2023, for regulating the relationship between the U.S. and Chinese governments and businesses concerning the long-standing subject of IP theft. In addition, the United States Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and China will create legislative proposals on a range of U.S.-China strategic competition-related issues. Zhu suggests that tech and life sciences companies should be watching these developments closely. “As industry players develop, deploy, and invest in new energy technologies and resources, we are seeing huge growth potential, particularly in the electric vehicle and renewable energy, clean, and other low-carbon technologies spaces,” says Zhu. “In a time of heightened competition, it is critical for our clients to protect their intellectual property. Our global IP team, which includes lawyers and IP professionals with diverse technical backgrounds, is advising clients on a full range of IP-related issues impacting the electric vehicle space,” he says. 经验,比如深圳中级人民法院率先出 台全国首个数字经济知识产权司法保 护意见,还首创了技术调查官“全流程 嵌入”模式。 华进律师事务所高级合伙人黎 叶律师告诉ALB,在深圳和广州市场, 知识产权服务需求出现分化现象,在 新式茶饮、服装、饮料、酒店、新能源 等领域知识产权服务需求旺盛,批量 维权服务趋势比较明显,驰名商标案 件和高判赔案件也在增多。 “广深两座城市的企业对知识产 权服务的需求相似,但相比较广州,深 圳科技型企业较多,跨境电商知识产 权案件发生的频次较多。”黎律师说。 摩根路易斯律师事务所合伙人 朱韶斌律师观察到,深圳和广州市场 对知识产权服务的需求在增加,特别 是来自科技和生命科学公司的需求。 “深圳是一个重要的技术中心, 是中国内地初创企业密度最高的城 市,也是世界各地高科技公司的集结 地。”朱律师说。正因此,今年7月,摩 根路易斯新设了深圳办公室。 “在深圳这样一个复杂的市场 中,有很多不同的客户,各种法律服务 都大有可为。摩根路易斯为有跨境知 识产权咨询需求的客户提供独特的服 务,因此我们的服务与该地区的许多 其他律所是互补的。” 广悦律师事务所知识产权高级 合伙人陈明武律师观察到,在广州和 深圳市场,涉外知识产权案件增长明 显。根据广东省高级人民法院公布数 据,2018年-2022年期间,全省法院共 审结涉外知识产权案件9876件、涉港 澳知识产权案件4913件,年均分别增 长25.75%和27.59%。这也相应引发 了涉外知识产权业务需求的增加。 陈律师告诉ALB,在政策保护上, 广东法院近年也发布系列规定或意 见,进一步加强依法平等保护境内外 主体合法权益,同时还发布了粤港澳 大湾区知识产权保护典型案例,进一 步巩固广东作为知识产权诉讼“优选 地”或管辖地的地位。 涉外类型新业务 陈明武律师进一步列举了几类 涉外类型的新业务。 第一类为公平竞争案件,包括打 击商业经营主体之间涉及虚假宣传、商 业混淆等各类不正当商业竞争行为,维 护、持续促进市场健康有序竞争。 第二类为涉外反垄断业务。“广 东作为跨境电商大省,涉及该领域的