33 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA GC INSIGHT technology field.” CREATING VALUE WITH IP In the past few years, China has been driving efforts to build new national strength through innovation and has started to pay increasing attention to IP. For TMT in-house teams, protecting their companies’ IP and exploring channels to create value from IP assets have also become increasingly important. “IP nowadays is crucial to the innovation, competitiveness, and sustainable development of technology companies,” admits Xing. Therefore, Du Xiaoman has developed a lot of unique practices and gained a lot of experiences in its IP work. “We have set up a dedicated IP management team to provide services for all of Du Xiaoman’s IP matters. In addition, we have established a complete IP protection framework to cover the protection of trademarks, copyrights, patents, and trade secrets, the protection and use of open-source software, as well as dispute resolution.” In addition, Du Xiaoman also focuses on developing standardized processes and innovative publicity and implementation methods to raise the IP compliance awareness of all employees, thereby forming a favorable atmosphere where all employees respect and protect IP. Apart from protection, Du Xiaoman also emphasizes the use of IP to create real value. “We have stepped up the use of IP. By strengthening the licensing, authorization, assignment, and other operations of proprietary IP, we truly convert our huge annual technological investment into rights and value,” Xing introduces. Tapping IP to create value is also an important part of the work of T3 GO’s in-house team. According to Zhu, this work mainly focuses on three aspects. “First, we worked with product R&D departments to explore patent opportunities, reinforce patent navigation and technology layout, and guide investment in technology R&D resources.” “Second, amid fierce market competition, we have analyzed the 过去两年中国TMT行业所经历 的“强监管时代”或将结束。根据国 金证券研究所今年早些时候发布的 《TMT崛起》系列报告,2021-2022 年的政策调整期过后,TMT板块正迎 来“政策回暖、供需修复”的新时代,快 速发展的生成式人工智能技术(“AIGC 技术”)也给“技术+场景”不断带来新 的想象空间,“TMT可能已经具备成 为市场新主线的所有重要特征”。 事实上,即便在过去几年变化 的市场和政策环境下,TMT企业也普 遍未失“初心”,延续着对于技术和产 品创新的坚持。而在强监管背景下为 企业创新提供支持,更凸显出TMT 企业法务部门的专业能力,以及工作 智慧。 T3出行是总部位于南京的一家 patent data and portfolios of competitors to determine our strategies, and improve our IP risk prevention capabilities. Third, with IP securitization now a proven tool to effectively revitalize IP, we are currently actively trying to raise funds through ABS to provide financial ammunition for the company’s growth.” PROMOTING DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION While helping the company explore compliant development in new technology fields, Xing points out that the Du Xiaoman legal team itself also hopes to leverage AIGC technology to achieve self-improvement and digital transformation. He tells ALB, “Such expectations first involve simplifying contractrelated work, assisting in the intelligent review of contract content; secondly, aiding in litigation work by retrieving and analyzing cases to provide suggested solutions. AIGC technology can also help legal compliance departments achieve more comprehensive functions, such as periodic overall legal risk summary analysis, using accumulated data for analysis, and generating reports. Furthermore, as a tool for future capability institutionalization, it gathers various resources through AIGC to form an interactive platform.” He further states, “We are always actively embracing and learning about new AIGC technologies. We are also exploring comprehensive practices from both domestic and international peers, striving to apply our own XuanYuan large model to make some attempts and explorations in the legal vertical domain.” Zhu of T3 Go says that the in-house team has “always valued digital technology tools and been committed to relying on such tools to improve contract and compliance management capabilities and raise the efficiency of internal collaboration.” Specifically, in terms of electronic contracts, they currently adopt tiered contract signing management. And for litigation management, “we have built a set of digital case management solutions, covering functions such as case application and reception, evidence collection and analysis, process monitoring, file reading, communication and interaction, etc., to achieve visualization of the litigation process. This litigation system enables rapid coordination among departments and breaks down information barriers.” “Looking ahead, we will continue to explore and deepen more sophisticated functions of digital management tools, such as a business query ticketing system and a legal research collaboration system, to improve the capabilities and efficiency of the in-house team to support business,” says Zhu. ZHU CHUNYU 朱春雨