52 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 NOVEMBER 2023 ALB CHINA IP FORUM 2023 On October 26, 2023, the ALB China IP Forum 2023 was successfully held at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Beijing. Over a hundred corporate intellectual property leaders, legal and compliance executives, and experts gathered to discuss a range of hot topics in the field of intellectual property. The forum officially commenced at 9:30 am with a highly anticipated discussion titled “the layout and management of intellectual property rights by enterprises in the era of digital economy.” The session was moderated by Huang Yongjie, Deputy Director of the Business Development Department of CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office. Guest speakers included Li Chong, IP Manager at Naton Medical Group; Li Peng, Senior IP Counsel at Du Xiaoman, and Li Yadi, General Counsel at G7 Connect. Following the discussion, the forum ALB SUCCESSFULLY HOSTS ANNUAL IP FORUM IN BEIJING ALB成功举办2023年中国知识产权论坛 Bo Li, Director of the Domestic Trademark Department, CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office 李渤,国内商标处处长,中国贸促会专利商标事务所 Lou Jun, Senior Partner, W&H Law Firm Shanghai Office 娄俊,高级合伙人,北京炜衡(上海)律师事务所 Yuancheng Lin, Deputy Director of the Domestic Patent Department, CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office 林远成,国内专利处副处长,中国贸促会专利商标事务所 moved on to its first presentation of the morning session. Lou Jun, Senior Partner at W&H Law Firm Shanghai Office, delivered a presentation on “Construction of Trade Secret Protection System.” After Lou’s insightful presentation, the morning session of the forum concluded, and attendees, along with guest speakers, engaged in in-depth discussions during the lunch break. At 1:30 pm, the forum continued. The afternoon session began with another discussion focused on the cutting-edge topic of “protection and application of intellectual property rights in the field of artificial intelligence.” The session was moderated by Wang Guixiang, Partner at W&H Law Firm, and featured discussion guests Lei Hanfang, IP Director at TuSimple, and Yang Miao, Senior Director of IP and Data Compliance at Beijing Kingsoft Cloud Network Technology. Following the discussion, the afternoon session transitioned into a presentation by Lin Yuancheng, Deputy Director of the Domestic Patent Department, and Li Bo, Director of the Domestic Trademark Department, both from CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office. Their presentation was centered on “ Intellectual property protection for enterprises going overseas.” The presentation brought all participants to the end of this year’s IP Forum. ALB would like to sincerely thank everyone for your active participation and the guest speakers for sharing their valuable insights. In the field of key business areas, ALB remains committed to providing a valuable platform for exchange and networking for the legal community, and we hope to see you soon on our next event!