1 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA CONTENTS context through two fundamental chapters. 中国凭借卓越的经济 增长和蓬勃发展的技 术成就,已成为全球 知识产权领域的一股 强大力量。在这一部 分,我们将通过两个 章节,剖析和阐明中 国知识产权保护的关 键内容。 BRI EFS 4 Big Story 焦点故事 8 Appointments 律师转所信息 10 Deals 交易 With contributions from: • Commerce & Finance Law Offices 通商律师事务所 • Grandway Law Offices 国枫律师事务所 • Hiways Law Firm 海华永泰律师事务所 COVER STORY 12 2023 ALB China Regional Ranking: Yangtze River Delta Firms & Rising Lawyers 2023 ALB China 区域市场排名: 长三角地区律所和 律师新星 For the third consecutive year, ALB is delving into the legal services market in the YRD region and invites law firms and exceptional rising lawyers share insights with us. ALB连续三年将目光 锁定在长三角地区的 法律服务市场。成绩 斐然的律所和律师新 星与ALB讲述了如何 层层突围、确定方向、 不断进阶。 Ranking by ALB, text by Victor Wu With contributions from: • Boss & Young Attorneys-At-Law 邦信阳律师事务所 • HanSheng Law Offices 汉盛律师事务所 • W&H Law Firm 炜衡律师事务所 FEATURES 24 What Young Lawyers Want ALB年轻律师职场 调研 Young lawyers represent valuable assets for law firms, crucial for ensuring their long-term development. However, law firms still appear to harbor several misconceptions and misunderstandings regarding what young lawyers truly seek for their career development. 对于律师事务所来 说,年轻律师是保障 机构长远发展的宝贵 财富,然而对于年轻 律师在职业发展过程 中真实的所思所感, 律所仍旧存在不少“ 迷思”,甚至误解。 32 2023 ALB China Top 15 Female Lawyers 2023 ALB China 十五佳女律师 Women play a significant role in society and deserve to be recognized and celebrated in every industry. This year, ALB China Top 15 Female Lawyers again showcases exceptional lawyers acknowledged by the market for their outstanding contributions to the legal services sector. 女性能顶半边天,巾 帼力量在任何行业领 域都值得被尊重。今 年上榜ALB China十 五佳女律师榜单的杰 出女性律师们也因其 在法律服务行业的卓 越成就而获得了市场 的认可。 With contributions from: • Co-effort Law Firm 协力律师事务所 • Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所 40 Major plans of miners 矿业出海之路 Two experienced legal professionals in the mining industry share their insights into the recent globalization efforts of Chinese mining companies. 两位长期投身于矿业 领域的法律专业人士 向我们分享了中国矿 企近些年的“出海”之 路、面临的法律风险, 以及法律人的保驾护 航之道。 50 ALB Legal Guide To Intellectual Property 2023 ALB知识产权法律 指南2023 China has become a powerhouse in the global intellectual property landscape. This section guides to dissect and illuminate key aspects of intellectual property protection in the Chinese 40 MAJOR PLANS OF MINERS 矿业出海之路 Image: Evgeny_V/