13 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA COVER STORY due to the concentrated and iterative development of the innovation-driven economy. The legal services industry here closely aligns with the innovationoriented economy, and related services are gradually taking root.” Another Rising Lawyer winner, Chen Yiwei, partner of Hui Ye Law Firm, shares similar observations: “Occupying less than 4 percent of the country’s land area, the YRD region has generated nearly a quarter of China’s economic aggregate and one-third of China’s total import and export volume. The region has attracted a significant number of multinational companies, resulting in a genuine need for sophisticated solutions for international legal matters. Law firms in the region often assemble cross-border legal service teams to meet the high-quality, international legal service needs of clients. Furthermore, the legal services industry in the YRD region is actively pursuing innovation. With the advancements in the Internet and technology, some firms are proactively exploring areas such as Legal Tech and artificial intelligence to provide more efficient legal services.” “The legal services industry in the YRD region is thriving, possesses strong market appeal, and is highly international, creating a wide array of opportunities and challenges for lawyers,” concludes Chen. REGIONAL INTEGRATION After engaging with numerous winning firms, ALB observes that many winners, although headquartered in Shanghai, do not confine their work within city boundaries. Instead, they view the YRD region as an integrated entity. Zhao Liangbo, managing partner of Boss & Young Attorneys-At-Law, notes that the accelerating pace of integrated development in the YRD region has created significant opportunities for the legal services industry. “In terms of market demand, integration implies an accelerated flow of Local Firms 长三角地区本地律所 ALLBRIGHT LAW OFFICES 锦天城律师事务所 BOSS & YOUNG ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW 邦信阳律师事务所 BRIGHTEOUS LAW FIRM 浙江金道律师事务所 C&T PARTNERS 世纪同仁律师事务所 CAPITAL EQUITY LEGAL GROUP 京衡律师事务所 CO-EFFORT LAW FIRM LLP 协力律师事务所