14 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 OCTOBER 2023 COVER STORY production factors within the region and increased cross-regional economic activities. This is expected to lead to a surge in demand for cross-regional legal services. Commercial activities in the YRD region, such as corporate mergers and acquisitions and government procurement, are increasingly cross-regional. These require services from firms that possess regional synergies. Traditional regional divisions based on cities are no longer capable of meeting these new needs. Therefore, firms with a presence across the YRD region will gain a competitive edge,” explains Zhao. “Apart from the Nanjing office, established rather early, Boss & Young set up new offices in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shanghai Lingang, and Jiaxing respectively in 2018, 2019, 2021, and 2023, further expanding our service network in the YRD region. Since 2020, we have vigorously promoted the implementation of our YRD region integration plan and have achieved commendable results. The capabilities of different offices to collaborate have improved, enhancing the quality and efficiency of services across cities and regions.” Zhu Liting, executive partner of Grandway Law Offices and director of its Shanghai office, points out that the high degree of industry concentration resulting from regional integration is one of the reasons the YRD region can achieve a high-level development of legal services and attract many non-local firms to establish offices. “The YRD region hosts diverse industries and a complete industrial chain. Leading companies in almost any industry can be found here. If you follow the upstream and downstream of a particular industry, you will undoubtedly discover numerous high-quality suppliers and downstream companies in the region, reachable by highway or rail within at most two hours,” notes Zhu. “The legal services industry, especially firms like Grandway, primarily Local Firms 长三角地区本地律所 FADEDONGHENG LAW FIRM 江苏法德东恒律师事务所 HIWAYS LAW FIRM 上海市海华永泰律师事务所 HUI YE LAW FIRM 汇业律师事务所 JIANGSU HE & PARTNERS LAW FIRM 江苏剑桥颐华律师事务所 JOINT-WIN PARTNERS 正策律师事务所 L&H LAW FIRM 六和律师事务所 RONLY & TENWEN PARTNERS 上海融力天闻律师事务所