15 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA COVER STORY focused on capital markets, tends to consider industrial layout and gravitate towards regions with the highest degree of industry concentration and the greatest potential. I firmly believe that moving forward, the YRD region will continue to hold the most influence and the greatest potential for sustainable development. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the demand for legal services in an integrated YRD region will be limitless, and all firms need to identify the right market positioning and practice areas,” adds Zhu. Cai Lei, a partner based in Shanghai at Tian Yuan Law Firm, highlights that the integration of the YRD region, as a new driving force for the entire region, has had a positive impact on the legal services industry. For instance, the establishment of local offices has proven beneficial in responding to the comprehensive needs of clients and balancing labor costs across different regions. “Tian Yuan has also embraced this trend in the YRD region and fostered a close partnership among offices in various locations. Our Shanghai office can, on one hand, delegate routine legal service needs of certain clients to other offices, and on the other hand, leverage our superior strengths to assist offices in different places in developing new services beyond the traditional legal services market. This approach ensures both economic benefits and human resources are distributed in a more equitable manner,” explains Cai. PATH OF PROGRESSION Talent plays a vital role in the development of the legal industry in the YRD region, much like in other areas. Rising lawyers on this year’s list shared their insights with ALB. Chen Yiwei from Hui Ye highlighted that due to the considerable size of YRD clients and their frequent interactions with law firms, lawyers are faced with Local Firms 长三角地区本地律所 SHANGHAI HANSHENG LAW OFFICES 上海汉盛律师事务所 T&C LAW FIRM 天册律师事务所 Non-local Firms 长三角地区非本地律所 COMMERCE & FINANCE LAW OFFICES 通商律师事务所 DACHENG LAW OFFICES 大成律师事务所 DEHENG LAW OFFICES 德恒律师事务所 个人介绍 陈一维 Alex Chen 代表案例