16 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 OCTOBER 2023 COVER STORY high expectations regarding professionalism and attention to detail. Meeting these demands for international legal services necessitates a long-term commitment to upholding professional standards and enhancing the capabilities of both oneself and their team. Chen emphasized the need for lawyers to stay abreast of legal changes, improve skills and knowledge, and keep a keen eye on shifts in the legal environment, industries, and markets. He believes that continuous attention and adaptation to changes are essential for personal growth and success. Additionally, Chen stressed the importance of prioritizing clients, embracing teamwork, fostering innovative solutions, upholding integrity and professional ethics, and promoting public welfare and social responsibility to enhance professional growth. Apple Sun from Joint-Win added that for lawyers to grow, they require robust team support to overcome individual limitations. Diligence and the pursuit of excellence are vital in enhancing the depth and breadth of handling cases effectively. This year’s rising lawyers have ascended to partner positions and often hold management roles. For these experienced practitioners with over a decade of practice, leading a team and growing collectively with the team are particularly significant. Chen’s team specializes in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, corporate law, and litigation and arbitration. He aspires to attract more exceptional lawyers with similar ideals to establish a reputable, efficient, and professional team. He emphasizes continuous training and education, mentorship, teamwork, work quality management, incentives, rewards, and social interaction to enhance the professional competency and team spirit of team members. FUTURE IS HERE Discussing the future of the legal services market in the YRD region, Zhao Non-local Firms 长三角地区非本地律所 GLOBAL LAW OFFICE 环球律师事务所 GRANDALL LAW FIRM 国浩律师事务所 GRANDWAY LAW OFFICES 国枫律师事务所 GUANTAO LAW FIRM 观韬中茂律师事务所 HAN KUN LAW OFFICES 汉坤律师事务所 JINCHENG TONGDA & NEAL LAW FIRM 金诚同达律师事务所 上海 杭州 宁波 常州 江阴 南通 上饶 南昌 河内 东京 印尼 WWW.JOINT-WIN.COM 021-60375888 上海浦东新区陆家嘴环路 479 号上海中心大厦 6101 室 Room 6101,479 Lujiazui Ring Road,Pudong New Area,Shanghai 专业主义为本 客户价值优先 正策律师事务所成立于2008年,总部 位于上海,在杭州、宁波、常州、江阴、 南通、上饶、南昌等地设有分所。在越 南河内,我们设立了第一家境外分所, 在日本东京和印尼雅加达设有办公室。 目前,正策将近500名执业律师为市场 竭诚提供专业法律服务。正策律师通 过制定准确、细致的解决方案,高效、 全面地满足客户需求,在业内积累了广 泛的声誉和良好的口碑。 历经十余年探索耕耘和转型发展,正 策律师事务所已经成为业内领先的综 合性律师事务所。正策的法律服务布 及23个执业领域、14个行业类别。正策 律师追求专业与高效,提供的法律服务 能够始终尊重和满足客户在多个专业 领域的各种需求。未来,正策将秉承 「专业主义为本,客户价值优先」的宗 旨,持续行业创新与探索。 PROFESSIONALISM ORIENTED CLIENT VALUE FIRST