17 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA COVER STORY predicts several significant trends. He anticipates that services will extend beyond traditional industries and integrate deeply with the new economy. Market competition is expected to intensify, showcasing a clearer survival-of-thefittest pattern. Technology will permeate all service areas, key to enhancing quality and efficiency. Recruiting, training, and retaining top legal talents will significantly impact the strength of firms, and clients will increasingly have personalized needs necessitating tailored solutions. To address these trends, Boss & Young will advance several strategic measures. They plan to enhance their strategic presence in YRD cities, ensuring a reasonable network coverage. Increased investment in technology to establish an efficient digital office system is a priority, as well as strengthening talent incentive mechanisms and creating an agile organizational structure. They aim to build a knowledge management platform to foster knowledge accumulation and innovation, expand international business cooperation to enhance global service capabilities, and develop a client-centered, lean business process. Zhu has observed several impactful changes in the local legal services industry, including the influence of new technologies such as AI, the emergence of new businesses due to shifts in the economic environment, challenges and opportunities in talent recruitment and training, and differentiation in fierce competition. According to Zhu, technologies like AI can handle some low-end legal work, but the human element in legal practice, including relationship building with clients, remains irreplaceable. He emphasizes that the future of legal services will continue to be people-oriented. Amidst competition, Zhu emphasizes Grandway’s approach to building professional “highlands” and “barriers” Non-local Firms 长三角地区非本地律所 JINGTIAN & GONGCHENG 竞天公诚律师事务所 JUNHE LLP 君合律师事务所 KING & WOOD MALLESONS 金杜律师事务所 TIAN YUAN LAW FIRM 天元律师事务所 W&H LAW FIRM 炜衡律师事务所 ZHONG LUN LAW FIRM 中伦律师事务所 孙凭慧律师是正策律师事务所合伙人律师,同时她也是滁州仲裁委员会仲裁 员、台州市涉外商事法律服务专家智库成员。目前担任几十家国内外知名合资企 业、外贸公司以及航运物流企业、保险公司常年法律顾问,为公司合规、跨境交易 及投融资等业务提供全程法律服务,创建“事前预防、事中控制、事后跟踪”的独 特法律服务理念,梳理业务流程,把脉风险节点,打造企业个性化风险防范体系。 孙律师多次向各政府部门、平台企业提供公司合规、涉外贸易、航运物流、保 险金融以及知识产权等专业法律培训十余年,每年受邀举办风控讲座数十场,在 业内享有较高知名度。 同时孙律师担任《中国航务周刊》法律栏目特邀律师,在专业期刊发表几十篇 专业文章。曾参与编译由中国航协法律委员会编著的《中国民航法律案例精解(英 文版)》一书。 T: 孙凭慧 Pinghui Sun 合伙人 Partner E: 138-1687-2836 WWW.JOINT-WIN.COM 区域市场排名:长三角地区律师新星 2023 ALB China