23 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA BROUGHT TO YOU BY W&H LAW FIRM 张小炜 炜衡律师事务所党委书记、全国管委会主席 As a renowned, large-scale, and comprehensive law firm in China, W&H has been listed on the list of international authoritative legal rating organizations for many times due to its professional teams and outstanding reputation in the market. With a long-time exploration and development, the law firm has gained fruitful achievements despite of challenges and difficulties. Mr. Zhang Xiaowei, president of W&H Law Firm, shared his insights on the firm’s growth and development with ALB. Q: In recent years, W&H has made outstanding achievements in terms of professionalism, what are the features of W&H in legal industry? A: The uniqueness of W&H lies in our adherence to the market-oriented, clientcentered, professional development strategy, and our focus on the key long-term project of “building a vertical business platform”. To be specific, it means that the platform initiates a proposal and provides fund, then lawyers with prominent achievements in specific practice areas will be designated to organize and lead specialized committees. By doing this, we hope to build a professional platform that integrates market and industrial information and resources. On the one hand, through the strategy, we realized information exchange and business collaboration, which promotes business performance sharing and resources integration of the firm. On the other hand, as W&H meets the diversified and comprehensive legal service needs of clients, we are highly recognized by market in various practice areas. As far as W&H is concerned, the key to building a professional team is not only about elevating lawyers’ specialty literacy, but also about enhancing the influence in the market segments. Through this method, we look forward to developing competitive advantages in the long term. A law firm’s everlasting success and the key to standing out in the market lie in its accurate positioning, advantages remaining, and in-depth development. Q: Could you talk about the importance of practice principle to the law firm? A: Practice principle is like a compass that guides the firm’s development. Since the founding of W&H, we have been upholding the professional principles and values of “Insight, Communication, Solution, Conscience”, and chasing for “Providing comprehensive, high-quality, and efficient legal services for both domestic and international clients”. In front of fierce competition and challenges, we adhere to the development model that is professional, large-scale, diversified, and in-depth. We seek to provide our clients with more specialized and effective legal services. In addition, we focus on our clients and service quality through improving lawyers’ specialized ability. We believe that clients’ interests are prior to anything else. On the basis of our practice principle, we are diligent and efficient to offer specialized legal services for the clients. Moreover, we stick to the culture of “Happiness, Dignity, and Hope”, which helps attract more elites to the firm. As our teams grow, innovation springs up, continuous improvement can be realized. All of these are significant to the growth of W&H. As a result, the practice principle is paramount to the firm’s development, and it can be regarded as the guide and core of the firm’s growth. Q: What are W&H’s plans for the future? A: Internally, we seek to improve the professionalism; externally, we hope to explore more possibilities; we are always on the road to chasing for our one-hundredyear ambition. In the future, W&H continues to focus on the market-oriented and client-centred principle. Internally, we will keep promoting our service quality, carrying forward craftsmanship, improving our system, and bringing the sense of dependence and warmth to every lawyer. Externally, we will pay efforts to brand building and enhance our reputation in the market by joining more international cooperation and sticking to specialized and international development. Furthermore, we are also planning to establish an office in Hongkong so as to facilitate our international layout. We look forward to building a leading law firm that is increasingly inclusive, united, and renowned. Based on practice and diligence, we are determined to forge ahead and build up strength to realize our goals, and make contributions to the society by protecting justice and fairness for more people. 专全访国炜管衡委律会师主事席务张所小炜律师 Interview with Zhang Xiaowei, President of W&H Law Firm 作为我国著名的大型综合性律师事务所,炜衡凭借专业的团 队与杰出的市场口碑,多次荣登国际权威法律评级机构榜单,一 路探索发展,乘风破浪,硕果累累。炜衡全国管委会主席张小炜律 师与ALB分享了律所成长与发展的心得。 Q: 近年来,炜衡在专业化建设方面取得了卓越的成就,在法律行 业中,您认为炜衡有哪些独特之处? A: 炜衡与众不同的关键,在于我们坚持以市场为导向、客户需求 为中心,坚持专业化发展战略,将“纵向打造业务平台”作为长期 建设的重点工程。具体而言,就是由平台发起倡议并提供资金支 持,由在某一专业领域中已有建树的律师牵头组建专业委员会, 整合市场行业信息和事务所优势资源,着力打造专业化平台。一 方面,通过“纵向打造业务平台”战略,我们搭建起了同专业领域 下信息交流、业务协作的沟通桥梁,促进了全所的业绩共享与资 源整合。另一方面,立足于这一战略,炜衡满足了客户多元化、 综合化的法律服务需求,在各业务领域中获得了较高的市场知 名度。 就炜衡而言,律所进行专业化建设,其关键不仅在于提升律 师团队的专业能力,而且要通过整合资源和团队建设,通过信息 聚集、资源整合,不断提高炜衡专业团队在细分市场中的影响力, 形成竞争优势。找准定位,植厚优势,走专业化道路纵深发展,才 是一家律所基业长青的立足根本,也是律所在市场中脱颖而出的 关键。 Q: 您能否谈一谈执业理念对律所发展的重要性? A: 执业理念犹如指南针,指引着律所的发展方向。自成立以来, 炜衡一直秉承“洞察、沟通、解决、良知”的执业理念,将“为中外 客户提供全面、优质、高效的法律服务”作为最高追求。一路走 来,炜衡在竞争和挑战中迎难而上,坚持规模化、专业化、多元 化、深层次的发展道路,持续为客户提供更专业、高效的法律服 务。此外,在执业理念的指引下,炜衡聚焦于客户与服务质量,遵 循“客户至上”的原则,着力培养律师们的专业能力,不断完善律 所的专业融合建设,始终把客户的利益放在首位。我们相信,高 标准的职业道德、赢得客户信任,才是打造好律所口碑的关键。 一路走来,炜衡坚持“洞察、沟通、解决、良知”的执业理念,以 勤勉、尽责、专业、高效的标准为客户提供法律服务,为其保驾护 航,在赢得客户信赖与认可的同时,“快乐、尊严、希望”的文化理 念也持续吸引着更多优秀的律师英才加入律所。人才队伍不断壮 大,积极创新、不断进取,实现自我价值,才成就了不断发展进步 的炜衡。因此,执业理念对于律所发展有着重要意义,是律所发展 方向的指引与核心。 Q: 关于未来发展,炜衡有怎样的规划呢? A: 内修专业,外拓版图,求索百年之道。在未来,炜衡将始终坚持 以市场为导向,以客户需求为中心,长期为各类客户提供专业、全 面、优质、高效的法律服务。对内,炜衡将继续深耕业务,发扬好工 匠精神,做好每一个案件,不断完善制度,同时也要让每一个律师 都感受到依靠和温暖。对外,炜衡将不断加强品牌影响力和美誉 度,外塑品牌打造专业化服务团队,积极参与国际合作,坚定不移 走专业化、国际化的发展道路。此外,我们正在筹备香港办公室, 以加速国际布局。相信在未来,我们能够打造出一个在理念上愈 加兼容、专业上愈加精湛、文化上愈加醇厚、品牌上愈加响亮的领 军律师事务所。一路脚踏实地、高瞻远瞩、披荆斩棘,让梦想照进 现实。今后,炜衡将锐意进取、蓄力扬帆,继续在追求理想光明之 火,匡扶人间正义之衡的道路上不断前行。