25 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA ALB YOUNG LAWYER CAREER SURVEY MULTIPLE CONSIDERATIONS Every spring and autumn, law firms organize various campus recruitment drives, aiming to attract graduates, especially those from top universities. Seventy percent of survey respondents hold a master’s degree, and 18 percent have studied overseas. Their feedback helps us answer a crucial question: What factors do outstanding young people consider when choosing a law firm? Some indicators remain critical, such as remuneration. Fifty-one percent of respondents agree that “the remuneration level of a law firm is an important consideration when I chose my current job.” Besides salary, financial gains include various benefits, yet only about 22 percent of respondents are satisfied with the benefits provided by their firms. The brand reputation of a firm also holds strong appeal, with 68 percent of respondents stating that “the industry reputation of the firm I work for is an important consideration when I chose my current job.” Moreover, young people have a more comprehensive picture of what a lawyer’s life should look like. As one interviewee puts it: “What young lawyers need is not merely a platform. In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, a decent income, reasonable commute time, a harmonious working environment, etc., are also important considerations for a career.” Among all respondents, 80 percent admit that “compared to the current salary level, I value more the project quality, future promotion path, and career prospects offered by the firm.” Meanwhile, 90 percent say that “good leadership and a positive team atmosphere are factors that I value more in my work.” Whether a firm has a harmonious atmosphere and can eliminate “toxic culture” is also crucial, with 67 percent of respondents acknowledging that “whether a firm advocates ‘excessive internal competition’ is an important consideration when applying for a job.” In addition, the devil is in the details. Some small matters can either hinder or help the decision-making process for young people. For example, 65 percent of respondents confess that “the convenience of the commute and the distance between home and office have also played an important role in my job search.” SENSE OF BEING SQUEEZED After carefully choosing their preferred firm and embarking on their legal careers, many young people discover that the reality of a lawyer’s career isn’t as glamorous as they imagined. In this survey, more than 70 lawyers shared their feelings about practicing law. Surprisingly, the messages seem to reflect a prevalent sentiment among young lawyers that they are being squeezed by their legal careers. Phrases such as “suitable for being mentally controlled,” “willing to sacrifice,” “exploitative,” “lack of respect,” “unappreciated,” “treated like livestock,” “overworked,” “must be obedient,” “subservient,” and “cheap labor” appear in the messages. “Law firms believe that young lawyers should willingly contribute without asking for anything in return and be content with being asked to sit on the sidelines,” writes one lawyer. Another says: “Law firms believe that young lawyers can leave at any time if they can’t stand the pressure. Anyway, there is no shortage of young people.” Has “no pain, no gain,” the supposed golden rule of many lawyers, lost its relevance among the younger generation? The answer is no. This survey shows that 62 percent of respondents “believe that a lawyer’s reputation and income growth are related to persistence. I am willing to persevere in this profession and work hard for a bumper harvest.” This illustrates that young people still believe in “working their way up.” However, as mentioned earlier, many young lawyers today have significantly better educational backgrounds than their predecessors. Those who have attended elite schools and hold high academic qualifications may have more concrete aspirations and needs when starting their careers. They want their firms to have a strong brand name, capable leadership, sophisticated projects, and a positive team atmosphere. Additionally, instead of believing in “working hard today for delayed gratification SURVEY RESULTS At our law firm, the partners/management genuinely care about the growth of the younger generation 我所在律所的合伙人/ 管理层真正关心年轻一 代的成长 Agree strongly 很同意 Agree 同意 Neutral 一般 Disagree 不同意 Disagree strongly 很不同意 19.49% 16.95% 27.12% 17.8% 18.64% The current generation of law firm leadership has lost their leadership 目前这一代的律所领导 层已经失去了他们的领 导力 Agree strongly 很同意 Agree 同意 Neutral 一般 Disagree 不同意 Disagree strongly 很不同意 10.17% 20.34% 34.75% 22.88% 11.86%