29 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA ALB YOUNG LAWYER CAREER SURVEY industry, everyone has a sense of mission. We don’t ever want to be the kind of lawyers who are only good at talking and relationship-building but want to gain the respect of others through our professionalism.” Meanwhile, Luo has his own reading of this. “We have a phrase ‘Within the moment’ in Chinese, which means changing one’s state according to the needs of the environment,” says Luo, “I think young lawyers starting out should, most of the time, keep their heads down and adapt to the environment while keeping their pride and individuality deep down in their hearts and showcasing them when needed. This requires us to make judgment calls to know whether showing our individuality at a certain moment will help or destroy our future growth?” The fifth-year lawyer feels the same way: “A firm or team has its own culture. For example, some teams have many restrictions on document drafting, expression, even character fonts, etc. But in fact, not all good documentation looks the same. So in this sense, lawyers’ own ‘work personality’ may be suppressed. But overall, I think junior lawyers may need to keep their heads down first, accept more commonalities, and learn from other’s success stories. At the same time, as they grow, they will learn to ‘dance with shackles’ and express their own characteristics and personality.” When it comes to the value and sense of accomplishment of the profession, this lawyer says frankly that since he mainly practices securities-related law, it may not fit the general imagination of the value of being a lawyer, such as “being able to deliver justice and help disadvantaged groups.” In fact, he feels that as lawyers, they sometimes are in a relatively weak position, so those moments when he has been able to gain praise from others through his professionalism and critical thinking have given him a great sense of accomplishment. Therefore, he sets his practice goal as “to be a respected professional.” Li has an even simpler way of examining his self-worth. “Every night before going to bed, I ask myself: am I satisfied with my work today? If I wanted stability, I did not have to leave civil service and become a lawyer. Since I am already out of civil service, I must work hard to do everything to the best of my ability. As long as the answer is affirmative, I can sleep soundly that night.” 今天,几乎所有运营于中国的律 师事务所都将吸纳和培养年轻人才视 为律所长远发展策略中至关重要的一 环。为此,他们努力提供体面的入门薪 资,竭力搭建透明、合理的培养及晋升 制度,并且希望在方方面面为年轻人 提供细致入微的人文关怀。 上述努力诚然值得赞许,且收获 颇丰,但律所管理者们在面对年轻律 师时,仍旧会时常感受到挫败。中国 的高速发展,叠加网络及信息化的不 断演变,导致不同代际面对着截然不 同的社会现实和成长环境,不可避免 地塑造出差异巨大的人生观和价值 观,曾经适用于律师职业的法则和道 德观念也可能已经过时。恰如一位年 轻律师所总结的:“律所似乎总在提 供我们不需要的,却忽略我们真正需 要的。” 为了弥合这种误解,过去三个 月,ALB展开了“年轻律师职场调研” ,共有来自全国20个省市、年龄在30 岁以下的年轻律师,从多元维度分享 了对于律师职业和律所环境的真实 观察与感受。 有趣的是,年轻一代对于律所 的诸般努力并非全然“买账”。当被 问及“你所在律所的合伙人/管理层 是否真正关心年轻一代的成长”时, 只有36%的人表示同意,27%的人不 置可否,37%的人则表示否定。 与此同时,年轻律师们指出,他们 在律所管理层中仍缺乏真正的“代言 人”:只有20%的人表示在律所中,35 岁以下的律师能够一定程度参与到发 展决策之中;而44%的人认为,30岁 以下的律师对于律所政策、文化、氛 围,无疑能够产生积极的影响。 择所时的多重考虑 每年春秋两季,律所都会组织丰富的 校招活动,希望吸引尤其顶尖高校的 年轻毕业生。本次调研中,70%的参与 者拥有硕士学历,18%的人则有海外 留学经历,他们的反馈可以帮助我们 I highly value the sense of personal accomplishment that comes from my work 我十分看重工作所带来 的人生成就感 Agree strongly 很同意 Agree 同意 Neutral 一般 Disagree 不同意 Disagree strongly 很不同意 42.74% 36.76% 17.1% 1.7% 1.7% SURVEY RESULTS I hope to work in an environment where I can be my true self, rather than suppressing my personality 我希望在一家能够充分“ 做自己”,而非压抑个性 的单位工作 Agree strongly 很同意 Agree 同意 Neutral 一般 Disagree 不同意 Disagree strongly 很不同意 58.49% 29.66% 8.47% 1.69% 1.69% Visit ALB China Official WeChat platform for the full survey results. 您可关注微信公众号“汤森路透ALB” 获取完整调研结果。