35 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA 2023 ALB CHINA TOP 15 FEMALE LAWYERS from being lawyers, persistence is essential,” says Shen. Zheng has been actively involved in the legal profession, uniting lawyers and assisting those around her, believing this to be the direction female lawyers should strive towards. On the first International Day for Women in Maritime by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Zheng was invited to speak at the women’s education and development forum, sharing experiences and suggestions for females on how to advance their careers in the maritime sector. Additionally, Ma suggests that female lawyers need to reflect on their aspirations and how they want to shape their lives, incorporating their careers as a part of that vision. “It’s easier to persevere when faced with adversity once we discover our interest in our career. It’s more about choosing between work and family rather than trying to balance them,” says Ma. Fu emphasizes that female lawyers have their advantages. They tend to approach tasks with great care and exhibit a gentler demeanour when dealing with clients. Moreover, lawyers are perpetual learners. Female lawyers should continuously expand their knowledge in various areas of legal services, including reading books, attending lectures, learning from peers and clients, and staying updated on current topics such as artificial intelligence, economic development, and international political situations. “Being a lawyer requires us to possess more knowledge than our clients to serve them better. In each case, we should strive to give our best, accumulating experience and reputation day by day,” says Fu. “I believe every accomplished female lawyer is not just a professional but also an adept manager of both her career and personal life. Discovering a harmonious balance between work and home is an art that requires lifelong practice,” says Liu. On the onther hand, women lawyers bring distinct strengths to the table. In transactions, their nuanced approach and empathy can offer deeper insights, often paving the way for solutions. Therefore, Liu believes that lawyers should not rush in their career development or grow impatient. Doing everything quickly is not necessarily a good approach. Liu advocates leaving room for reflection and learning, which takes time. “Even though your progress may not be as swift as those who are constantly in a rush, you will stand firm, enabling you to soar higher once you take off in the future.” FUTURE ASPIRATIONS Liu adds that the way to distinguish oneself from other lawyers is to become proficient in their field, something many lawyers have yet to achieve. She notes that currently, many lawyers are overly anxious, overly focusing on acquiring more clients when they reach a certain stage, neglecting fundamental issues. “I believe good lawyers should immerse themselves in their work. Over time in the market, everyone will recognize you as a good lawyer, leading to more cases coming your way,” Liu says. Despite their considerable achievements, these lawyers aspire to further advance their careers, having already set their career development plans and goals. Ma hopes to continue serving her clients excellently and providing training to new lawyers. Leading her team, Ma aims to deliver emotional value to her clients, colleagues, and partners beyond her profession. In the upcoming years, Fu will remain focused on legal services in dispute resolution, corporate bankruptcy, reorganization, and liquidation. Simultaneously, she is eager to provide opportunities to diligent and motivated young individuals. “It’s a challenging time for many companies due to the economic downturn. In the years ahead, I aim to integrate social resources to raise awareness of corporate rescue concepts and offer more bankruptcy training. As a lawyer, I strive to contribute to publicizing bankruptcy concepts, enterprise rescue, social and economic transformation, and the establishment of a society based on the rule of law,” Fu emphasizes. ANNIE YAN 晏丽珺 Davis Polk & Wardwell 达维律师事务所 ZHANG HONG 张宏 Baker McKenzie FenXun 奋迅·贝克麦坚时 ZHANG ZONGZHEN 张宗珍 JunHe LLP 君合律师事务所 GRACE ZHENG 郑蕾 Co-effort Law Firm LLP 协力律师事务所 ZHOU QIAN 周倩 Tian Yuan Law Firm 天元律师事务所