45 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA ALB CHINA DEBT RESTRUCTURING FORUM 2023 Li Min, Senior Partner, Zhong Lun W&D Law Firm 李敏,高级合伙人,中伦文德律师事务所 From Left: Zhang Xueyun, Cheng Quan, Xu Xinhang 左起:张雪云律师、程全女士、徐昕航先生 Liu Peifeng, Partner, Zhong Lun W&D Law Firm 刘培峰,合伙人,中伦文德律师事务所 WORKSHOP SPONSORS and complex cases in civil, commercial and criminal fields. As a trustworthy leader in the legal service industry, all lawyers help customers succeed with professional skills, fast and efficient service. Website: W&H Law Firm W&H Law Firm was founded in 1995 by core members of the former China Affairs Center of Ministry of Justice. Headquartered in Beijing, W&H has over 40 branches at home and abroad, which makes it one of the largest general law firms in China. For years W&H has established a good reputation in the industry and won local and international acclaims for outstanding performance. At present, there are more than 4000 legal practitioners and supporting staff. With profound knowledge and extensive experience, we provide our clients with comprehensive, specialized, diverse and in-depth legal services. Website: Zhonglun W&D Law Firm Established in 1992, Zhonglun W&D Law Firm is one of the first partnership law firms approved by the Ministry of Justice. After years of development, it has become a large comprehensive law firm based in China with the goal of establishing its international presence. There are currently over 2500 practicing lawyers and professionals, providing comprehensive, high-quality, and efficient professional legal services to domestic and foreign clients. Headquartered in Beijing, Zhonglun W&D has branches in Shanghai, Chengdu, Shijiazhuang, Tianjin, Wuhan, Taiyuan, Jinan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Qianhai, Changsha, Changzhou, Chongqing, Shenyang, Hangzhou, Dalian, Zhengzhou, Xi’an, Qingdao, Kunming, Nanchang, Hefei, Suzhou and Fuzhou etc. In addition to its associated firm in Hong Kong, Zhonglun W&D also has branch offices overseas including in London and New York. Website: Hantao Law Firm Hantao has been founded in Beijing since March 2004 and opened its Tianjin Branch in March 2016. Since its establishment, Hantao has been focusing on special asset legal services, while developing legal business in corporate, funds, investment and financing, mergers and acquisitions, real estate and construction projects, foreign-related affairs, bankruptcy and other areas of legal practice. Hantao also provides legal services in litigation, arbitration and enforcement for major civil and commercial disputes. Hantao is a specialized law firm with “professionalism” and “proficiency” characteristics. Website: Hai Run Law Firm Hai Run Law Firm, founded in Beijing in 1997, is one of China’s earliest established partnership law firms. With an elite team of more than 700 professionals, Hai Run has many lawyers that have held important positions in industry associations and arbitration bodies, taken part in national legislation, published articles and books, and been appointed visiting professors. In addition to its Beijing Headquarter, Hai Run has branch offices in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjing, Chongqin, Nanjing, Dalian, Hefei, Zibo, Hangzhou, Kunming cities, and can reach more clients with comprehensive and one-stop legal services. Website: Leaqual Law Firm Lianggao Law Firm is a partnership law firm approved by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice. It is a comprehensive law firm. Lianggao Law Firm was established in 2006 and has more than 500 lawyers. The lawyers are graduated from China University of Political Science and Law, Renmin University of China, Peking University and other famous institutions of law doctor and law master. Lianggao Law Firm focuses on legal services for difficult 2023年8月25日,2023 ALB中 国债务重组论坛在北京JW万豪酒店成 功举办。本次论坛汇聚了百余位来自 债务重组领域的专业人士,十余位演 讲嘉宾围绕服务信托、企业重整、房企 重整投资避险、小微企业纾困投资、国 有企业债务重组合规、共益债投资等热 点话题,进行了深度分享与热烈讨论。 早上9点半,大会正式开始。论坛 首先迎来的演讲嘉宾是汉韬律师事 务所创始合伙人李玲律师,李律师带 来了题为“服务信托参与企业重整” 的主题演讲。 随后,论坛迎来了炜衡律师事务所 高级合伙人张雪云律师,张律师带来的 演讲题为“关联企业实质合并重整”。 茶歇过后,论坛迎来了海润天睿 律师事务所合伙人、破产与重整业务 部副主任林涛律师,林律师带来题为 “房企重整投资避险指南”主题演讲。 气氛热烈的交流午餐后,论坛迎 来了下午的议程。 下午首先带来演讲的是两高律 师事务所破产与清算法律事务部部 门主任程若苗律师,程律师的演讲题 目为“小微企业纾困投资的机遇与风 险防范”。 论坛随后迎来中伦文德律师事务 所合伙人刘培峰律师、中伦文德律师 事务所高级合伙人李敏律师,共同带 来带来“国有企业参与债务重组合规 问题及破产重整中共益债投资问题” 主题演讲。 短暂茶歇后,论坛迎来了重磅的 专家话题讨论环节。本次讨论由炜衡 律师事务所高级合伙人张雪云律师 主持,邀请到金融机构不良资产处置 专业人士程全女士以及昆朋资产管 理股份有限公司重组投资部总经理 徐昕航先生,共同就“当前市场经济 环境下金融机构对不良资产投资探 讨与展望”展开探讨。 在与会者热烈的掌声中,2023 ALB中国债务重组论坛圆满落幕。ALB 始终期待为法律人创造良好并有价值 的交流平台,感谢各位参会嘉宾和演 讲者对本次论坛的支持,期待不久后 再见!