46 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 OCTOBER 2023 2023 ALB CHINA TOP 15 NEW TECHNOLOGY IN-HOUSE TEAMS On September 15, ALB Commerce & Finance Top 15 New Technology In-house Teams Award Ceremony 2023 was held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beijing. The event was attended by representatives of the winning teams this year. Amantha Chia, head of legal media group at Thomson Reuters, gave a warm welcome to the guests via video, while Kong Xin, Director of Commerce & Finance Law Offices, gave an on-site speech. They jointly congratulated the award-winning legal teams of the top 15 emerging technology companies and welcomed the presence of all the guests. Chia mentioned that emerging technologies are reshaping the landscape of traditional industries in China. The power of innovation-driven development is evident, with industries such as AI, big data, cloud computing, chips, biotech, and new energy brimming with disruptive innovation. These technologies are fueling global investment enthusiasm and genuinely changing people’s lives. The exceptional and cutting-edge nature of these technologies also presents various challenges, requiring legal teams to demonstrate extraordinary wisdom and vitality in their services. Kong noted that in recent years, all industries have undoubtedly faced significant challenges. Only by maintaining confidence and fostering innovation can we embrace hope. Economic and social development now requires the support of emerging technology companies, and the growth of these companies is inseparable from the care of all legal professionals. Therefore, legal professionals need to maintain unwavering confidence, cultivate their skills, ALB COMMERCE & FINANCE TOP 15 NEW TECHNOLOGY INHOUSE TEAMS AWARD CEREMONY 2023 HELD SUCCESSFULLY 2023 ALB通商十五佳新科技公司法务团队 颁奖典礼圆满举办 Kong Xin, Director of Commerce & Finance Law Offices 通商律师事务所主任孔鑫律师 From left: Zou Danli, Chen Jing, Amy Liang, Wang Lijuan, Chu Mi, Yuan Chao 由左至右,由上至下:邹丹莉律师、陈敬律师、梁敏女士、王李娟女士、褚密女士、苑超律师 Amantha Chia, Head of Legal Media Group, AEM, Thomson Reuters 谢京庭, 法律传媒集团高级总监, 汤森路透 and bravely break through to provide high-quality legal services and business solutions. The event then proceeded to a heavyweight discussion session moderated by Zou Danli, partner at Commerce & Finance Law Offices. The panel included Chu Mi at Kuang-Chi Technologies, Amy Liang at Beijing Calorie Information Technology (Keep), Wang Lijuan at Beijing Kuangshi Technology, and Yuan Chao, Chen Jing, both partners at Commerce & Finance Law Offices. These guests shared insightful views on the topic of “Seizing Opportunities and Rising with the Momentum –