47 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA 2023 ALB CHINA TOP 15 NEW TECHNOLOGY IN-HOUSE TEAMS From left: Representative of Beijing Kuangshi Technology Co.,Ltd Legal Affairs Department; Zhang Xinyang, Member of the Management Committee of Commerce & Finance Law Offices 左起:北京旷视科技有限公司法务部代表;通商律师事务所 管委会委员张新阳律师 From left: Representative of Bojiang Group Limited Compliance Department; Zhang Xinyang, Member of the Management Committee of Commerce & Finance Law Offices 左起:博将集团有限公司合规部代表;通商律师事务所管委 会委员张新阳律师 Representative of Align APAC Legal & Compliance 爱齐亚太区法务合规部通过视频致辞 From left: Representative of Du Xiaoman Legal and Compliance Department; Zhang Meng, Partner of Commerce & Finance Law Offices 左起:度小满法律合规部代表;通商律师事务所合伙人张 蒙律师 From left: Representative of Legal Kanyun; Kong Xin, Director of Commerce & Finance Law Offices 左起:看云控股法务部代表;通商律师事务所主任孔鑫律师 From left: Representative of Department of Legal & Intellectual Property, Foxconn Industrial Internet Co., Ltd.; Catherine Shen, Partner of Commerce & Finance Law Offices 左起:富士康工业互联网股份有限公司法务智权处代表; 通商律师事务所合伙人沈晓琳律师 From left: Representative of Beijing Calorie Information Technology Co., Ltd. Legal Department; Kong Xin, Director of Commerce & Finance Law Offices 左起:北京卡路里信息技术有限公司法务部代表;通商律师事 务所主任孔鑫律师 From left: Representative of AliExpress - Legal Department; Kong Xin, Director of Commerce & Finance Law Offices 左起:全球速卖通 – 法务部代表;通商律师事务所主任孔鑫律师 From left: Representative of China Tianchen Engineering Corporation Legal Affairs Dept; Zhang Meng, Partner of Commerce & Finance Law Offices 左起:中国天辰工程有限公司法律合规部代表;通商律师事 务所合伙人张蒙律师 Opportunities and Challenges for Legal Professionals in Emerging Technology Companies.” The award ceremony took place after the inspiring panel discussion. Experts from Commerce & Finance Law Offices presented the awards to the winning legal teams. Zhang Xinyang, member of the managing committee at Commerce & Finance Law Offices, told ALB, “This year, Commerce & Finance and ALB jointly focus on the legal teams of new technology companies in the Chinese market. Here, we warmly congratulate the fifteen outstanding legal teams that made it to this year’s ranking. They truly represent various sectors of China’s emerging technology industry, and we look forward to their greater contributions in the future!” “For individual lawyers, staying at the forefront of technological and regulatory changes in a timely manner, keeping pace with the times and technology, is the key to truly serving technology companies. For legal teams, adapting to the changing landscape and building a comprehensive service model is essential. The era of emerging technology is here, and lawyers must equip themselves with new technological tools to serve technology in a tech-savvy way, supporting the development and innovation of emerging technology companies.” ALB wishes all the new technology company legal teams to provide forward-thinking and value realization for new economic enterprises, to navigate and continue their journey, and to achieve more outstanding results!