50 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 OCTOBER 2023 China, with its remarkable economic growth and burgeoning technological advancements, has become a powerhouse in the global intellectual property landscape. As a nation with a rich history and a promising future, it holds a central role in shaping the global economy, making its approach to intellectual property rights a subject of significant interest and scrutiny. This section guide to dissect and illuminate key aspects of intellectual property protection in the Chinese context through two fundamental chapters.We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the esteemed contributors who have generously shared their expertise, making this section a repository of invaluable knowledge. Special thanks to T&C Law Firm and ZY Partners for their significant contributions and dedication in shedding light on the complex legal landscape of intellectual property in China. INTRODUCTION 导言 中国凭借卓越的经济增长和蓬 勃发展的技术成就,已成为全球 知识产权领域的一股强大力量。 中国既有丰富的历史,又同时充 满未来发展的希望,因此在塑造 全球经济中扮演核心角色,其对 知识产权权利的处理方式因此 成为了备受关注的话题。在这一 部分,我们将通过两个章节,剖 析和阐明中国知识产权保护的 关键内容。我们想要衷心感谢慷 慨分享上述专业知识的撰稿者。 特别感谢天册律师事务所、正见 永申律师事务所与我们分享对 中国知识产权法律体系复杂情 况的深度解读。 AL 法B 律知 指识 南产权 ALB LEGAL GUIDE TO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 2023