8 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS – JAPAN E-MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2023 is part of a strategic effort to enhance our position in the global legal market. Below are some insights into the evolution and the next steps in the strategy to advance our goal. Our business model centers on delivering a high level of service globally, mainly to Southeast Asia, with a level of quality equivalent to what Nishimura & Asahi has provided in Japan. From our initial overseas expansion in 2010, we have always focused on having lawyers who have long served clients at N&A in Japan take the lead in their respective local organizations. As we expanded our global network, we incorporated local ALB: What has prompted the decision to rebrand Nishimura & Asahi and what’s the eventual goal that Nishimura & Asahi is aiming to achieve through the efforts? Nakayama: Our decision to rebrand is driven by several key factors with the ultimate goal of positioning our firm as a leading law firm with a strong international presence and reputation. As the legal industry witnesses significant changes, we recognize the urgency to adapt to these evolving market dynamics. We provide value to clients through our global outlook and our diverse capabilities and teams. This rebranding represents a shift from our established and dignified image to one that gives a more modern and dynamic impression. ALB: What’s the next stage of N&A’s evolution in terms of internationalisation and how is N&A planning to differentiate itself from an increasingly crowded field of domestic and foreign competitors at home and overseas? Nakayama: We have indeed been actively evolving our operational model, which partners alongside Japanese professionals. However, N&A has consistently prioritized delivering the high-level service it has cultivated over the years in Japan and offering a one-stop service across entity boundaries. Fortunately, as our network in Southeast Asia and beyond has expanded, our reputation locally has grown stronger. The top and brightest talents in local markets joined our network. In recent years, we have rapidly expanded both in terms of regional coverage and scale. Throughout this growth, from management to associate levels, we have emphasized unity and communication as a group. Our commitment to maintaining close coordination as the N&A Group is exemplified by events like the annual Global Meeting, where lawyers from our network worldwide gather. Thanks to this cohesiveness, we take collective pride in receiving high praise, particularly from long-standing Japanese clients, for the one-stop, global-wide service we provide. In the future, we intend to enhance our capabilities and reputation in each region and increase our presence not only with traditional Japanese clients but also with top local companies and Asia-related matters for global Western companies. Competition at both the global and local levels has intensified, but N&A is not only Japan’s largest law firm but also boasts one of the largest networks in Asia, giving us a significant advantage in terms of scale compared to other competitors. As mentioned earlier, our network is not merely a franchise; it operates under extremely close cooperation, enabling us to truly provide one-stop service to clients. Indeed, we have steadily built a track record in Asia. Our regional coverage, high quality, and established track record have earned us numerous industry awards and rankings across the AsiaPacific region and globally. We are proud of these achievements and grateful to our clients for their trust and support. We believe that our regional coverage, high quality, and established track record allow us to differentiate ourselves effectively in the market. ALB: N&A has become the second Japanese Big Four law firm to allow foreign lawyers to become full equity partners. Q&A ‘WE CAN NOW SIGNIFICANTLY BROADEN OUR CAPABILITIES’ 世界標準の法律事務所へ Japan’s biggest law firm Nishimura & Asahi has embarked upon a transformational journey, allowing foreign lawyers to be equity partners, as well as announcing a refreshed branding. Ryutaro Nakayama, managing partner at N&A, shares his firm’s global ambitions and why he thinks it has what it takes to compete with resourceful international firms on the world stage. 日本最大の法律事務所である西村あさひ法律事務所・外国法共同事業が体 制の変革に着手し、外国人弁護士が経営の重要な意志決定に参画できるよ う制度を変更するとともに、ブランドの刷新を発表した。執行パートナーの中 山龍太郎弁護士に、同法律事務所のグローバルな展望、そして豊富なリソー スを備えた世界の国際法律事務所と肩を並べるために必要な取り組みにつ いて話を聞いた。 By Sarah Wong Ryutaro Nakayama 中山龍太郎