October 2024 CHINA EDITION Best firms and lawyers in the Yangtze River Delta 区域市场排名:长三角地区 同时揭晓 The country’s leading women lawyers 女性律师持续引领行业发展、 创新 Booming EV sector faces more compliance issues 新能源车产业发展背后的 合规挑战 2024 ALB CHINA Top 15 General Counsel 十五佳总法律顾问 9 772220 270006 ISSN 2220-2706

ALB BEIJING IN-HOUSE LEGAL SUMMIT 2024 2024 ALB 北京 企业法律顾问峰会 SPEAKING OPPORTUNITIES 演讲事宜请联系 Wang Jin 王瑾 / (8610) 5669 2009 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 赞助机会请联系 Amantha Chia 谢京庭 / (65) 6873 8258 FOR MORE INFORMATION, KINDLY VISIT 更多信息欢迎访问本次活动页面 21 NOVEMBER - BEIJING 11月21日 – 北京 In-House Counsels tasked with managing legal risks for their businesses face interesting times ahead. Today’s volatile business climate has created an environment filled with uncertainty, tight deadlines, and limited resources. This will force In-House Counsels to rethink their risk management plans, resource planning and more. Asian Legal Business is proud to present the 20th Beijing In-House Legal Summit on 21 November 2024. This annual summit gathers senior-level corporate counsels, business leaders and private practitioners from Beijing and its surrounding areas to gain insights into the frontiers of business and discuss and share the role of in-house counsels in helping enterprises develop business. 当今的企业法律顾问秉承时代和经济发展赋予的机遇,不断精进自身法律技能和业务能力,已成为企业决策和商业 布局中不可或缺的重要伙伴,同时,由于快速变化的市场环境、高速发展的业务赛道、不断推出的法律法规和监管要 求,企业法律顾问也面临着灵活响应商业需求,不断钻研行业实务,及时研判监管政策的挑战。面对充满机会和挑战 的经济社会环境,我们看到企业法律顾问对市场变化和业务情况作出快速反应,为企业的业务决策提出可行性的法 律意见和全方位的支持,以专业、创新的思维和视野发挥企业法律顾问在助力业务发展中的最大价值。 第二十届ALB北京企业法律顾问峰会将于11月21日在北京召开。作为一年一度的北京及周边地区企业法律人盛会, 不同行业的企业法律顾问、商界精英将齐聚一堂,聆听演讲嘉宾解读法律热点,洞察商业前沿态势,探讨并分享法律 顾问这一举足轻重的角色如何助力企业实现战略发展的总体布局。 WORKSHOP SPONSORS PROUDLY PRESENTED BY

1 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 COVER STORY 14 2024 ALB China Top 15 General Counsel 2024 ALB China 十五佳总法律顾问 Ranking by Asian Legal Business, text by Hu Yangxiaoxiao ALB has highlighted China’s top general counsel. Today’s complex market challenges GCs to leverage their diverse skills and strategic vision across law, business, and management. ALB观察并评选出了中国市场上的顶尖 总法律顾问。如今,极端复杂的市场环 境成为了总法律顾问多元能力最好的“ 试金石”,在法律、商业、管理等技能板 块之上,企业正呼求总法律顾问们展现 出更高的战略视野。 With contributions from: - Be Friends Holding Limited 交个朋友 - EVE Energy 亿纬锂能 - SIG Group 康美包集团 FEATURES 22 2024 ALB China Regional Ranking: Yangtze River Delta Firms, Rising Lawyers, Client Choice 2024 ALB China 区域市场排名: 长户首三选角律地师区律所、律师新星、客 The surge in the number of lawyers, coupled with the ongoing professional development of young legal professionals, has breathed new life into the dynamic regional market of the Yangtze River Delta. 作为中国经济最具活力的区域之一,长 三角地区的律师行业不断推动着中国 法律服务市场的创新与变革。律所在专 Contents October 2024 业、品牌、人才等方面展开了激烈竞争, 青年律师的不断成长为该区域注入了 新活力。 32 Charged compliance 面临升级挑战 Supported by domestic policies, China’s electric vehicle (EV) industry is rapidly expanding and strengthening its interaction with global markets. The compliance pressures they face are also intensifying. 受到国内政策支持,中国的新能源汽车 产业正经历快速发展,并不断增强与全 球市场的互动,其所面对的合规压力也 日益升级。 36 2024 ALB China Top 15 Female Lawyers 2024 ALB China 十五佳女律师 Strength with grace, professionalism with resilience. This year’s ALB China Top 15 Female Lawyers list celebrates outstanding women in the legal industry who have earned recognition from clients and the market alike for their impressive contributions. 温柔却不失力量,专业且兼具坚韧。今 年上榜ALB China十五佳女律师榜单的 杰出女性律师们因其在法律服务行业 的精彩表现获得了客户与市场的认可。 With contribution from: - Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所 BRIEFS 4 Big Story 8 Appointments 9 Deals With contribution from: - Grandway Law Offices 国枫律师事务所 22

2 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 From the editor Head of Legal Media Business, Asia & Emerging Markets Amantha Chia 谢京庭 Managing Editor Ranajit Dam 邓文杰 China Editor Hu Yangxiaoxiao 胡阳潇潇 Social Media Specialist Victor Wu 吴嘉林 Editorial Associate Charlie Wu 吴卓言 Senior Content Manager Wang Jin 王瑾 China Research Bian Jie 边洁 Senior Designer John Agra Traffic/Circulation Manager Rozidah Jambari Publishing Coordinator Tracy Yang 杨紫薇 Sales Managers Yvonne Cheung 张裕裕 China Key Accounts (852) 2847 2003 Steven Zhao 赵树群 China Key Accounts (86) 10 6627 1360 Steffi Yang 杨绮繁 South and West China (86) 010 5669 2041 Hiroshi Kaneko Japan, Korea (81) 3 4520 1192 Jonathan Yap Indonesia, Singapore (65) 6973 8914 Krupa Dalal India, Middle East, Singapore (91) 22 6189 7087 Romulus Tham Southeast Asia (65) 6973 8248 Simon Wan Hong Kong SAR, China (852) 3462 7730 Legal Compass 法律“指南针” In these times of economic turbulence, the role of general counsel has never been more crucial. As businesses navigate through choppy waters of regulatory changes, geopolitical tensions, and market volatility, GCs stand as the vigilant sentinels, guarding their organizations against potential legal and compliance pitfalls. Our cover story this month shines a spotlight on the legal minds steering some of China’s most prominent companies through these challenging times. These GCs are not just legal advisors; they are strategic partners to their leadership teams, helping to chart a course through uncertainty while mitigating risks and seizing opportunities. The evolving economic landscape demands that GCs wear multiple hats. They must be adept at crisis management, possess a deep understanding of complex international regulations, and demonstrate agility in adapting to rapid changes. Moreover, as businesses increasingly prioritize ESG initiatives and grapple with cybersecurity concerns, GCs find themselves at the forefront of these critical issues. The profiles of our Top 15 GCs reveal a common thread: resilience. These legal leaders have proven their mettle in safeguarding their organizations’ interests while fostering innovation and growth. Their stories serve as an inspiration and a roadmap for aspiring legal professionals in China and beyond. 在当前经济动荡的时代,总法律顾问的 角色比以往任何时候都更加关键。当企 业在监管变革、地缘政治紧张局势和市 场波动的汹涌浪潮中航行时,总法律顾 问成为了警觉的哨兵,保护着企业免受 潜在的法律和合规风险的侵害。 本月的封面故事聚焦于那些在中国 最知名企业中指引方向的法律精英们。 这些总法律顾问不仅是法律专家,更是 业务团队的战略合作伙伴,帮助企业在不 确定中开辟前路,降低风险并抓住机遇。 我们评选的15位总法律顾问揭示了 一个共同点:坚韧不拔。这些法律领袖在 保护企业利益的同时推动着创新与增长。 他们的故事不仅激励人心,也描绘出了 中国乃至全球法律专业人士未来发展的 路线图。 Ranajit Dam Managing Editor, Asian Legal Business, Thomson Reuters Asian Legal Business is available by subscription. Please visit for details. Asian Legal Business has an audited average circulation of 11,402 as of 30 September 2016.Copyright is reserved throughout. No part of this publication can be reproduced in whole or part without the express permission of the editor. Contributions are invited, but copies of work should be kept, as Asian Legal Business can accept no responsibility for loss. MCI (P) 004/02/2024 ISSN 0219 – 6875 KDN PPS 1867/10/2015(025605) Thomson Reuters Alice @ Mediapolis, 29 Media Circle, #09-05, Singapore 138565 / T (65) 6775 5088 10/F, Cityplaza 3, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong SAR, China / T (852) 3762 3269

ALB Greater Bay Area Legal Forum 2024 2024 ALB 粤港澳大湾区法律论坛 5 DECEMBER – GUANGZHOU 12月5日 – 广州 As an important economic growth pole and international technological innovation center in my country, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has continued to deepen cooperation under the support of multiple national strategies in recent years and has carried out many explorations and practices in promoting the development of new productivity. In addition, the demand for commercial legal services in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is increasingly showing an international and diversified trend. This has prompted legal professionals in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to continue to think, especially in the areas of commercial innovation and the construction of legal service systems. In this context, Thomson Reuters Asian Legal Business (ALB) will hold the 2024 ALB Greater Bay Area Legal Forum in Guangzhou on December 5th. Hundreds of senior legal experts, legal practitioners and corporate executives will gather to discuss and share on hot topics such as global listing path exploration, digital economy, data compliance, intellectual property protection, corporate compliance and risk response, and cross-border commercial dispute resolution that are of concern to companies in the Greater Bay Area. 粤港澳大湾区作为我国重要的经济增长极和国际科技创新中心,近年来在多重国家战略加持下,粤港澳三地持续深化合作,在推动发展新质生 产力方面已开展了诸多的探索和实践。此外,粤港澳大湾区的商事法律服务需求正日益呈现国际化和多元化趋势。这都促使着粤港澳三地的法 律专业人士不断思考,特别是在商业创新和法律服务体系构建方面不断进行探索和实践。 在此背景下,汤森路透《亚洲法律杂志》(ALB)将于12月5日在广州举办2024 ALB 粤港澳大湾区法律论坛。届时,数百位资深法律专家、法务从 业者和企业高管将齐聚,共同就当前大湾区企业关注的全球上市路径探索、数字经济、数据合规、知识产权保护、企业合规及风险应对、跨境商 事争议解决等热点议题展开讨论和分享。 Wang Jin 王瑾 (8610) 5669 2009 Amantha Chia 谢京庭 (65) 6973 8258 SPEAKING OPPORTUNITIES 演讲事宜请联系 FOR MORE INFORMATION, KINDLY VISIT 更多信息欢迎访问本次活动页面 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 赞助机会请联系 PROUDLY PRESENTED BY WORKSHOP SPONSOR

4 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 Briefs In the first three quarters of 2024, U.S. capital markets led global activity, with the Nasdaq and New York Stock Exchange topping the charts for IPOs and funds raised. By the end of September, the U.S. market saw 98 IPOs, raising $24.1 billion, nearly 10 percent of which was from Chinese firms. According to Wind data, 24 Chinese companies listed in the U.S. during the first half of the year, raising a total of $2.2 billion. Chinese EV companies and their supply chain partners have been particularly active. The global EV market’s expansion has driven an intense need for funding. In May, Zeekr, a premium EV brand under Geely, listed on the NYSE, raising approximately $441 million, marking the second-largest U.S. IPO by a Chinese company this year. In September, XCharge, a provider of EV charging equipment and energy solutions, also went public on Nasdaq. Notably, Zeekr’s IPO came only three years after the brand was launched in early 2021, setting a record for the fastest IPO by a Chinese EV company. A report by Frost & Sullivan highlighted Zeekr as one of the fastest-growing high-end EV brands in China in terms of deliveries. Additionally, Frost & Sullivan forecasts that global installations of DC fast-charging stations will surge from 2.7 million units in 2024 to approximately 10.7 million by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate of 41.8 percent. According to 2023 sales EV supply chain firms eye U.S. listings 中国新能源车及产业链企业青睐赴美上市 data, XCharge is already a leading high-power charger supplier in Europe. Davis Polk was involved in both the Zeekr and XCharge IPOs. The lead counsel, He Li, partner and co-head of Davis Polk Asia (ex-Japan), notes that the EV sector’s rapid growth and fierce competition require companies to continually enhance technology, scale production, and establish global sales and service networks—all demanding substantial capital. Consequently, Chinese EV firms and their supply chain partners are actively seeking financing to expand capacity, invest in R&D, and support global market penetration. “Listing in the U.S. offers unique advantages for these firms,” says He. “The U.S. stock market is home to industry leaders like Tesla, providing a strong benchmarking and visibility platform for Chinese firms, attracting global investor attention and trust.” Furthermore, he emphasizes the liquidity of U.S. markets and the mature, diverse investor base, which provides substantial capital support. “Listing in the U.S. can also enhance a company’s international visibility, fueling its global expansion efforts.” According to He, Davis Polk is currently assisting several Chinese EV and related companies preparing for U.S. IPOs, reflecting the strong interest in accessing American capital. However, BIG STORY China’s electric vehicle (EV) makers and producers within its supply chain are experiencing robust growth. However, financing at home remains challenging for these companies, prompting a gradual shift toward the more favorable U.S. capital markets. By Charlie Wu 中国的新能源车及上下游市场发展势头良好。然而,此类企业在中国境内融资仍 面临困难,他们正逐渐转向更具优势的美国资本市场。 作者:吴卓言

5 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 Briefs these companies face certain challenges on their path to U.S. listings. “The current global market is highly volatile, influenced by inflation, interest rate changes, and geopolitical factors, which can impact investor confidence, IPO pricing, and funding,” He explains. “Chinese companies must also navigate domestic regulatory approval processes, which often require additional time and resources. With increased scrutiny on overseas listings by Chinese regulators, firms also face heightened requirements for information disclosure and compliance.” Beyond regulatory challenges, export restrictions imposed by the U.S. and Europe on Chinese EVs and related products, along with data and cybersecurity concerns, are also potential obstacles. He advises Chinese EV companies to closely monitor these issues, as they could affect the business fundamentals and international expansion strategies, which in turn impact revenue and profitability. Nonetheless, Chinese EV companies have made significant strides in areas like ESG, digitalization, and cybersecurity compliance, which have bolstered their resilience against these challenges. “Many companies have developed robust data and cybersecurity systems to meet regulatory requirements. While these issues may present challenges, they are by no means insurmountable.” He expresses optimism about the prospects for Chinese EV firms and supply chain companies listing in the U.S. “With thorough preparation in operations and compliance, these companies have a solid opportunity to succeed in the U.S. capital markets,” he concludes. 2024年前三季度,美国资本市场领衔全球发展,纳斯 达克、纽约证券交易所的IPO数量、募资金额分列全 球前两位。 截至9月底,美国市场共产生了98笔IPO交易, 募资241亿美元,其中有近十分之一来自中概股的贡 献——跟据Wind数据,上半年中概股赴美上市数量 为24家,融资金额达到了22亿美元。 这其中,中国新能源车企及上下游领域企业表现尤 为突出。由于近些年全球新能源汽车市场的不断扩大, 该领域企业对融资的需求非常强烈。今年5月,吉利旗 下高端纯电动汽车品牌极氪在纽交所成功上市,募资约 4.41亿美元,成为今年规模第二大的中概股美国IPO。 9月,电动汽车充电设备及能源方案供应商 XCharge也成功在纳斯达克上市。 值得注意的是,极氪上市时间距离其2021年初品 牌发布仅有3年,创下了中国新能源车企最快完成IPO 的纪录。根据行业顾问弗若斯特沙利文的报告,极氪已 跻身中国高端纯电汽车中交付增长最快的品牌行列。 而据沙利文预测,全球直流快速充电桩安装量预 计将从2024年的270万台大幅增加到2028年的约 1070万台,复合年增长率为41.8%。此外,按照2023 年销量计算,XCharge已经是欧洲领先的大功率充 电器供应商。 达维律师事务所同时参与了极氪与XCharge的 IPO项目。项目牵头人、达维亚洲(日本除外)联席主 管、全球合伙人何鲤律师告诉ALB,电动车市场竞争 激烈且发展迅速,企业必须不断提升技术水平、扩大 生产规模,甚至建立全球销售和服务网络,这些都需 要大量的资金投入。因此,为了支持产能扩张、研发投 入以及全球商业拓展,中国电动车及其产业链企业在 当下市场中对融资的需求非常强烈。 在何律师看来,赴美上市对该领域企业存在诸多 独特优势。“美股市场上已经聚集了许多电动车及新 能源领域的龙头企业,如特斯拉等,给中国企业提供 了一个很好的对标和展示平台,有助于其吸引全球投 资者的关注和信任。” 此外,“美股市场具有强劲的流动性,投资者基础 广泛且成熟,能够为企业提供充足的资本支持;在美上 市还能提高企业的国际知名度,进一步推动其在全球 市场的业务拓展”。 何律师告诉ALB,由于电动车及相关产业链企业寻 求赴美上市的意愿非常强烈,达维团队正在协助相当 一批此类企业筹备赴美上市。但与此同时,此类企业在 赴美上市过程中也面临一些普遍的挑战。 “首先,当前全球二级市场波动较大,市场环境复 杂多变,特别是通胀、利率变化和地缘政治等因素都可 能影响投资者的信心,这对企业的上市定价和融资规 模带来一定的不确定性。”他说。 “其次,中国企业还需要应对国内监管方面的审 批流程,这通常需要耗费额外的时间和资源。随着中 国对境外上市监管的不断加强,企业在信息披露、合 规性审查等方面也面临更高的要求。” 除此之外,近些年来,欧美国家对中国电动车及相 关产品采取的出口限制,以及电动车相关的数据和网 络安全问题也颇受关注。这些难题是否会成为上市路 上的障碍也令人担忧。 何鲤律师坦言,上述问题确实应受到中国电动车 及相关企业的足够重视。对此,企业在上市过程中应 重点关注政策与法规是否会对企业的业务基本面产 生影响,以及出口限制和数据安全问题是否会对其国 际业务拓展产生影响,从而进一步对企业的营收和盈 利能力造成连锁反应。 不过,伴随中国电动车领域发展日臻成熟,相关 企业在ESG(环境、社会和公司治理)、数字化和网络 安全合规方面已经取得了明显的进步。何律师进一步 指出:“许多企业已经建立起完善的数据和网络安全体 系,以应对相关的监管要求。因此,这些问题虽然可能 带来挑战,但并非不可克服。” 总体而言,何律师对中国电动车及相关产业链企 业赴美上市的前景持乐观态度。“企业只要在业务运 营、合规管理等方面做好充分准备,就有望成功登陆 美国资本市场。”他说道。

6 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 New York-headquartered law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom has confirmed to ALB that it will be closing its Shanghai office and making changes to its corporate business in China. “We continually examine the scope and scale of our practices and operations around the world to ensure that they are aligned with our clients’ needs and our strategic plans. Shifting market dynamics have led us to the decision to begin winding down our operations in Shanghai and rescale our China corporate practice,” the firm stated. Skadden’s Shanghai office was established in 2008. According to the firm’s website, the Shanghai office currently has 19 legal professionals, including two partners: Haiping Li, the office head, and Yuting Wu. Li works across its Shanghai and Hong Kong offices. Skadden also maintains offices in Beijing and Hong Kong. The Beijing office, established in 1991, currently has 13 legal professionals, including two partners. The Hong Kong office has a total of 76 employees and is led by lawyer Steve Kwok. Skadden confirms closure in Shanghai, to make changes to China corporate practice 世达确认将关闭上海办公室,调整中国公司业务 “We will continue to provide outstanding service to our clients from our five other offices in the region,” the firm said. Skadden also has Asia offices in Seoul, Tokyo, and Singapore. 世达国际律师事务所向ALB确认,其将关闭上海办公 室,并调整在中国的公司业务运营。“我们持续审视全 球业务及运营范围和规模,以确保符合客户需求和律 所策略计划。变化的市场情况使我们决定着手关闭在 上海的运营,并调整中国公司业务。”该所说。 世达上海办公室设立于2008年。该所网站显示, 上海办公室目前有19位员工,包括2位合伙人——办 公室负责人李海平律师,以及武玉挺律师。其中李律 师同时工作于上海、香港两地。 目前,世达在中国还开设有北京、香港两家办公 室。北京办公室设立于1991年,目前有13位员工,包 括两名合伙人。香港办公室共有76位员工,由郭子俊 律师领导。 “我们将继续依靠亚洲地区的其他五家办公室, 为客户提供杰出服务。”世达说。该所在亚洲还有首 尔、东京、新加坡办公室。 Briefs NEWS

7 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 Brought to you by Grandway Law Offices 资源整合,稳舵防波—— Co-GP基金模式搭建之风控导航 当下,我们正处于资本市场生态重塑期,监管态势长期维持 强本强基、严监严管已为业界共识。2023年7月,随着《私募投资 基金监督管理条例》的出台,私募基金行业也迎来了更为规范和 透明的监管环境,有助于私募基金行业的健康和可持续发展。另 一方面,私募基金在我国的迅速发展亦涌现出诸多形式灵活的基 金模式,不断丰富资本市场的层次和产品种类。Co-GP基金作为 风险共担、利益共享的创新机制,已成为投资主体整合资源、稳 固收益的常见模式。 笔者将结合业务实践情况,试析Co-GP基金架构设立时的注 意事项,供相关业内人士关注及探讨。 一、Co-GP基金模式简介 Co-GP基金模式,是由两个或多个普通合伙人共同设立的合 伙型基金,各GP根据自身优势,不同程度地共同参与基金的决策 和管理。 Co-GP基金模式可分为合资GP模式和双/多GP模式。合资 GP模式即多个投资方设立一个GP担任基金管理人,而双/多GP 模式指投资方各自作为GP参与基金管理。鉴于篇幅有限,本文主 要围绕双/多GP模式基金的设立展开分析。 二、法律法规及监管态度 首先,在法律法规层面均未出现禁止设立Co-GP基金的规 定。其次,在行业监管层面,为了防止出现通过委托其他主体规 避管理人义务及相关监管要求的情况,中国证券投资基金业协会 (以下简称“中基协”)在《私募投资基金登记备案办法》《私募基 金备案案例公示》及相关官方解读中就Co-GP基金进行了规范。 具体而言如下: 1.与设立其他私募基金相同,在中基协AMBERS系统中仅能 登记一位基金管理人。 2.私募基金管理人应当担任执行事务合伙人,或者与执行事 务合伙人存在控制关系或者受同一控股股东、实际控制人控制。 但是,中基协的前述规定对“双执行事务合伙人”基金模式中不 担任基金管理人的执行事务合伙人未作要求。 另经笔者检索,在司法判例中,法院对Co-GP基金也没有持 不予认可的裁判口径。因此,在符合上述主体紧密关联性要求的 前提下,Co-GP基金模式并不违反法律法规及部门规章的规定, 也为司法判例所认可。 三、Co-GP基金设立之博弈策略 投资主体作为资本市场的“源头活水”,在设立Co-GP基金 时所关注之处主要围绕如何在合规前提下,通过资源整合及适度 强化所主导基金的控制权,获取更稳定的高收益。 因此,我们将分别就基金管理人GP和非基金管理人GP设立 Co-GP基金时的风险防范作提示如下: (一)作为基金管理人 1.确保管理职能的独立性。基金管理人应当特别注意其不得将 投资管理职责委托他人行使,确保管理职责的独立性,基金管理人 应当单独管理、单独核算、单独建账,避免被认定具有通道风险。 2.管理费收取的专属性。管理费只能由基金管理人收取。虽 对于非基金管理人GP的报酬所列名目不同,但在数额上也应注 意不超过管理费。 3.关于法律责任承担的内部约定。基于合伙企业的法律性质, 合伙企业对外承担无限连带责任,对内责任可由合伙人自行约定。 因此,建议与非管理人GP书面约定各自权责以及内部追偿比例。 4.关注经营者集中申报义务。Co-GP基金是较为常见的触发 经营者集中申报的模式。随着执法常态化的趋势,建议将判断各 GP对基金的共同控制程度及营业额指标纳入合规流程,从而规 避相应的反垄断监管风险。 (二)作为非基金管理人 1.事前进行充分背调。建议关注合作GP的背景情况,通过尽 职调查对公司的财务情况、治理结构、已存或潜在纠纷等情况进行 筛选,在源头把控风险的发生概率及合作方自身应对风险的能力。 2.新设主体,隔离风险。建议投资者为设立基金事宜新设主 体,从而起到隔离风险的作用。同时,亦应保证新设主体的独立 性,避免被认定为法人人格混同。 3.信披、报告和监督机制。建议在合伙协议中约定完善的信 息披露、报告和监督机制,确保能够及时了解基金的运作情况, 包括投资决策、费用支出和收益分配等。同时,可考虑在合伙协 议中明确具有提出财务方面、投资方面,以及对基金管理人进行 监督和提出建议的权利。 4.投资决策机制。建议设立投决会,在保证基金管理人具有 投资决策主导权、避免被认定将投资管理职责委托他人行使的前 提下,可在合伙协议中明确在投决会中的席位,确保投资决策过 程的透明性和合理性。 5.关于费用收取。费用名目建议突出行政性、咨询服务性、合 伙人报酬等性质,避免与基金管理人收取的管理费、业绩报酬名 称雷同。 面对资本周期,投资主体掌舵资本时兼顾谨慎管理资金和强 化资源整合,有助于促使投资主体在波动的市场中保持发展韧性 和持续竞争力。Co-GP基金模式作为资本市场的一种创新结构, 在与合作方博弈共赢的同时,也应关注风险防控机制,促进资本 的高效配置,为新质生产力的培育和发展提供有力的资本支持。 袁晓东 北京国枫(上海)律师事务所 合伙人 庞晶华 北京国枫(上海)律师事务所 律师

8 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 Song Fang Leaving: Fangda Partners Going to: Chance Bridge Law Firm Practice: Intellectual Property Location: Beijing Position: Partner 宋方原就职律所:方达律师事务所 现就职律所:卓纬律师事务所 业务领域:知识产权 地点:北京 职位:合伙人 The Briefs APPPOINTMENTS Qin Zhen Leaving: AllBright Law Offices Going to: Jingtian & Gongcheng Practice: Corporate Location: Shanghai Position: Partner 秦蓁原就职律所: 锦天城律师事务所 现就职律所: 竞天公诚律师事务所 业务领域:公司业务 地点:上海 职位:合伙人 Keung Yui Fai Leaving: So Keung Yip & Sin Going to: Guantao & Chow Law Firm Practice: Dispute Resolution Location: Hong Kong SAR Position: Partner 姜耀辉 原就职律所:苏姜叶冼律师行 现就职律所:观韬律师事务所 业务领域:争议解决 地点:中国香港特别行政区 职位:合伙人 James Zimmerman Leaving: Perkins Coie Going to: Loeb & Loeb Practice: Corporate Location: Beijing Position: Partner James Zimmerman 原就职律所:博钦律师事务所 现就职律所:乐博律师事务所 业务领域:公司业务 地点:北京 职位:合伙人 Wu Bin Leaving: Landing Law Offices Going to: W&H Law Firm Practice: Dispute Resolution Location: Shanghai Position: Partner 武彬原就职律所:兰迪律师事务所 现就职律所:炜衡律师事务所 业务领域:争议解决 地点:上海 职位:合伙人 Alfred Wu Leaving: Norton Rose Fulbright Going to: Dentons Practice: Dispute Resolution Location: Hong Kong SAR Position: Partner 姜耀辉 原就职律所: 诺顿罗氏律师事务所 现就职律所:Dentons 业务领域:争议解决 地点:中国香港特别行政区 职位:合伙人 Scott Palmer Leaving: Perkins Coie Going to: Loeb & Loeb Practice: Intellectual Property Location: Beijing Position: Partner 彭明原就职律所:博钦律师事务所 现就职律所:乐博律师事务所 业务领域:知识产权 地点:北京 职位:合伙人 Palmer has spent the past two decades in Beijing, first as a partner at Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton, and later as the office managing partner at Perkins Coie. As an intellectual property (IP) lawyer, he specializes in brand protection and advises leading organizations, artists, and innovators on a wide range of IP matters. He was instrumental in establishing Perkins' IP agency in Beijing, later expanding it into the tech hub of Shenzhen. Following Perkins' decision to close its Beijing office, along with other U.S. firms, Palmer transitioned to Loeb, together with his long-time colleague James Zimmerman and in total seventeen team members. 彭明律师在中国执业已超20年,此前先在 美国盛智担任合伙人,后于美国博钦担任 北京办公室管理合伙人。作为知识产权律 师,他专长于品牌保护,并为领先机构、艺 术家、创作者提供广泛的知产服务。他主 导开设了博钦北京知识产权代理公司,并 于深圳设立了该公司的分支机构。 博钦近期加入一众美国律所行列,决 定关闭北京办公室,彭明和搭档James Zimmerman,以及团队共17位专业人士 一起加入了乐博。

9 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 The Briefs $2.2 bln The Ministry of Finance’s issuance of sovereign bonds Deal Type: DCM Firm: Fanda Partners Jurisdictions: China, France 财政部发行20亿欧元主权债券 交易类型:债券 参与律所:方达律师事务所 管辖地:中国,法国 $1.54 bln TCL’s acquisition of LG Display’s LCD Plants Deal: M&A Firms: Fanda Partners, Latham & Watkins Jurisdictions: China, Hong Kong SAR TCL华星收购LG Display 中国液晶显示业务 交易类型:并购 参与律所:方达律师事务 所,瑞生国际律师事务所 管辖地:中国,中国香港特 别行政区 Amid the growing trend of industry consolidation, Chinese display maker TCL CSOT has acquired two Guangzhou factories from South Korean giant LG Display. The deal also includes the transfer of LG Display’s related technologies and services. 在行业整合趋势日益增长 的背景下,中国显示器制 造商TCL华星光电收购了 韩国巨头LG Display位于 广州的两家工厂。此次收 购还包括LG Display的相 关技术和服务的转让。 DEALS $1.42 bln Bank of Beijing’s issuance of perpetual bonds Deal Type: DCM Firm: Grandall Law Firm Jurisdiction: China 北京银行发行永续债 交易类型:债券 参与律所:国浩律师事务所 管辖地:中国 $930 mln China General Technology’s strategic investment into Neusoft Medical Deal Type: M&A Firms: King & Wood Mallesons, Zhong Lun Law Firm Jurisdiction: China 通用技术对东软医疗进行战略投资 交易类型:并购 参与律所:金杜律师事务所、 中伦律师事务所 管辖地:中国 $499 mln China Railway Construction’s issuance of guaranteed notes Deal Type: Note Firm: Baker McKenzie Jurisdiction: China 中国铁建发行人民币担保票据 交易类型:票据 参与律所:贝克·麦坚时律师事务所 管辖地:中国 $196 mln Intsig Information’s listing on STAR Market Deal Type: ECM Firms: AllBright Law Offices, Jia Yuan Law Offices Jurisdiction: China 合合信息科创板上市 交易类型:股权融资 参与律所:锦天城律师事务所、 嘉源律师事务所 管辖地:中国 $120 mln Winner Medical’s acquirement of 75.2% stake of Global Resources International Deal Type: M&A Firm: King & Wood Mallesons Jurisdictions: China, U.S. 稳健医疗收购Global Resources International部分股权 交易类型:并购 参与律所:金杜律师事务所 管辖地:中国,美国

10 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 三十而励,向新而行 2024资本市场改革论坛暨国枫30周年庆典在京举行 叠翠流金,枫叶如丹。9月6日,“三十 而励,向新而行”2024资本市场改革 论坛暨国枫30周年庆典于北京正大宴 会厅拉开帷幕。有关部门领导、业内专 家、行业代表、国枫合作伙伴以及来自 国枫各地办公室的员工们七百余人欢 聚一堂,共同回顾三十年来的风雨兼 程,见证三十年来的满枝硕果;同时, 探讨资本市场法律实务,洞察资本市 场前沿态势,携手应对挑战,探寻发展 新机遇。 本次庆典由国枫执行合伙人朱黎 庭律师主持。朱律师代表国枫全体同 仁向参会嘉宾们致以最热烈的欢迎和 最衷心的感谢,并宣布庆典正式开始。 国枫首席合伙人、主任张利国律 师为庆典致欢迎辞。在致辞中,张利国 主任总结回顾了国枫三十年的发展历 程,介绍了国枫的管理模式、内核制 度、发展战略等。张主任表示,国枫在“ 有限多元化”“适度规模化”的发展之 中,始终追求“高度专业化”,始终秉 持客户至上的发展理念;国枫倡导“共 享”文化,致力于打造一个有温度、有 活力、有生命力的平台;同时国枫也不 忘回报社会,坚持做“接地气、有实效” 的社会公益。最后,张主任展望了国枫 未来的发展蓝图,并对给予国枫指导 与支持的领导、合作伙伴,给予国枫信 任的客户、朋友,以及所有国枫同事表 达了衷心的感谢。 北京市安理律师事务所主任王清 友先生发表致辞,高度肯定了国枫的 发展及成就,他表示,“在我心中,国枫 Grandway Law Offices’ 30th anniversary ceremony 是以专业制胜而无往不胜”,并期待未 来与国枫开展进一步的交流与合作。 中国上市公司协会副会长潘春生 先生代表中国上市公司协会对国枫建 所三十周年表示热烈祝贺,对国枫一直 以来大力支持中上协工作表示由衷感 谢,并向与会嘉宾分享了上市公司发展 情况、上市公司监管趋势,以及中上协 有关工作的进展情况。 北京仲裁委员会/北京国际仲裁中 心副秘书长陈福勇先生发表致辞,向 过去三十年辛勤付出的国枫人表示敬 意,并祝福国枫未来三十年取得更好 成绩。恰逢“仲裁文化推广月”系列活 动,本次庆典作为该活动的一部分,助 力提升了公众对仲裁的认知,有效推 动了仲裁文化的传播。

11 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 国枫客户代表小熊电器创始人、董 事长李一峰先生通过致辞表示,“感恩 国枫及国枫律师多年来的陪伴和保驾 护航,帮助公司化解了上市过程中的 诸多风险,在公司遇到难题时及时提 供建设性的意见建议,帮助我们‘跨过 了很多看起来无法逾越的障碍’,愿与 国枫携手并进迈向更美好的未来。”小 熊电器与国枫缘起于2012年,十余年 间,国枫律师为其提供了卓越高效的 法律服务,助力小熊电器IPO项目、并 购项目、可转债项目等圆满完成。 湖南弘慧教育发展基金会理事长 张帆先生发表致辞,对国枫长期为弘 慧提供法律顾问志愿服务表示感谢, 并衷心祝愿国枫的未来更加辉煌。随 后,张理事长发表了“与枫同行,共慧乡 村教育梦”的主题演讲,呼吁更多企业 和个人参与到乡村教育事业中来,助力 乡村孩子有尊严、有担当地融入社会。 庆典现场播放了国枫弘慧公益专 项基金专题片《国枫之光》,影片记录 了国枫携手弘慧致力于乡村教育的点 点滴滴。 随后,北京大学法学院党委书记、 院长郭雳先生,兴业证券首席经济学 家王涵先生,中信证券首席经济学家 明明先生,国金证券党委副书记、总裁 姜文国先生先后登台,作主旨发言。 郭雳先生以“促进资本市场高质 量发展——机制出新,改革走深”为题, 从“指导思想、监管态势”“法制框架、 重要政策”“改革观察、热点评析”三个 方面向与会嘉宾分享了其对于资本市 场法律服务的真知灼见。 王涵先生以“经济与金融市场的中 长期逻辑”为题,在中长期视角下,结 合一系列国内外金融市场实例,阐释 了中国经济的核心矛盾、美国经济的 逻辑等重要议题。 Grandway Law Offices’ 30th anniversary ceremony 潘春生先生 王清友先生 李一峰先生 陈福勇先生 郭雳先生 张帆先生 王涵先生 明明先生 姜文国先生 明明先生以“下半年宏观经济形势 分析与展望”为题,从季度、行业等不 同维度,围绕国内经济、美国经济、宏 观政策、大类资产展望、风险因素五个 方面进行了分析。 姜文国先生总结回顾了国金证 券与国枫在多个领域的合作历程,并 以“2024年资本市场机遇与挑战”为 题,围绕资本市场投行业务及服务的 重点问题展开探讨 。 当天下午,国枫与北京大学金融法 研究中心联合举办了“2024资本市场 改革论坛”,同时也是“仲裁文化推广 月”的重要组成部分。本次论坛包含 “公司融资、规范治理及并购重组”与 “资本市场争议解决”两大主题。分享 嘉宾们立足业界前沿,聚焦法律动态, 和与会者们一道,分享研究成果、探讨 实务经验,以专业献礼国枫三十周年。 “公司融资、规范治理及并购重

12 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 Grandway Law Offices’ 30th anniversary ceremony 组”主题分论坛由国枫执行合伙人马 哲律师主持。 高盛(中国)证券有限责任公司总 经理索莉晖女士以“中国企业境外上 市现状及展望”为题,回顾了2024年 初至今的资本市场走势,通过案例分 析、行业分析等,从境外资本市场动态 更新、境内外上市地点比较、中国企业 境外上市未来展望三个方面进行分享。 中信建投证券投资银行业务管理 委员会协管委员、董事总经理、成长企 业融资部负责人赵鑫先生以“新形势 下的资本市场改革发展与企业IPO、再 融资”为题,从市场政策、项目案例、数 据走向、舆情现状等方面深入阐释了 资本市场之变,并就当今市场环境下 能做什么、该做什么的问题进行了分 享。他强调,要以长期主义为纲,获取 长期回报;资本市场要强化支持服务 新质生产力。 华泰联合证券董事总经理、并购业 务负责人、投行执行管理委员会委员 劳志明先生以“并购重组趋势与实操” 为题,围绕企业并购的驱动力和成功 率、近年来并购市场的环境变化、决定 并购方案的要点、并购中投行的作用、 重建并购中的谈判思维五个核心问题 进行讲述,并建议大家要持续关注资 本市场,坚持信念,抓住机会。 德勤会计师事务所合伙人祝小兰 女士以“新形势下财务信息规范及典 型案例分享”为题,分享了《2023年上 市公司年报会计监管报告》中值得关 注的财务信息规范、信息披露规则修 订及列报与披露等相关问题,并结合 典型案例进行具体分析与深入探讨。 她强调,在信息披露上要遵守规则,做 财务规范上的“好孩子”。 随后由国枫合伙人朱锐律师主持 “新监管形势下法律服务的挑战与担 当”圆桌论坛。国枫合伙人臧欣、董一 平、殷长龙、刘涛作为与谈嘉宾,围绕 新形势下律师行业如何应对挑战,共 同探讨了法律服务的“广”“深”“新” “防”。嘉宾们从法律服务行业的内生 特点角度,解读了在资本市场面临冲 击与挑战的环境下,如何为客户提供 量体裁衣式的、全生命周期的法律服 务,以及如何为客户做好前瞻性规划, 并以广拓深,提供增值服务等;从外部 因素角度,探讨了AI等信息技术变革对 律师行业的影响,强调应该积极拥抱变 化,同时就此问题对青年律师提出始 终保持独立判断能力的建议。 赵鑫先生 索莉晖女士 祝小兰女士 劳志明先生 谢鸿飞先生 彭冰先生 邢会强先生 张皓亮先生 张利国律师 朱黎庭律师

13 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 Grandway Law Offices’ 30th anniversary ceremony “资本市场争议解决”主题分论坛 由国枫合伙人、国枫研究院副院长何 海锋律师主持。 北京大学法学院教授、博士生导 师彭冰先生以“重构虚假陈述民事赔 偿的上市公司责任”为题,深入阐述了 虚假陈述民事赔偿风险在增大、区分 两类虚假陈述的民事责任、对上市公 司的赔偿予以额度限制等内容,并分 享了关于“建立投资者补偿基金”的设 想。彭教授认为,针对持续披露中的虚 假陈述行为,现有的民事赔偿责任制 度需要进一步优化,建议对赔偿额度 加以限制。 中央财经大学首届龙马学者特聘 教授、博士生导师邢会强先生以“财务 造假:手段、动因、责任”为题,结合丰 富的实际案例,详细介绍了收入造假 常见的舞弊手段,分析了造假动因。对 于造假被揭露的方式,邢教授表示, “发现造假最好的手段就是奖励 ‘吹哨人’”。此外,邢教授还就造假的 法律责任、最高检印发《关于办理财务 造假犯罪案件有关问题的解答》进行 了解读。 中国社会科学院民法研究室主任、 私法研究中心研究员谢鸿飞先生以 “上市公司疑难合同纠纷案件的处理 之道”为题,聚焦上市公司合同的复杂 问题,结合资深的实务经验,深入浅出 地分享了上市公司征信类合同、上市 公司融资有关合同、上市公司员工持 股合同的纠纷解决策略。 北京仲裁委员会/北京国际仲裁中 心业务拓展处(国际案件处)处长张皓 亮先生以“商事仲裁——它如何受资本 市场当事人关注”为题,就商事仲裁实 现了纠纷处理的市场化、尊重意思自 治是结果可预期的基本原则、注重商 事惯例是商事仲裁的主要特色、行业 专业是商事仲裁质效之基、资本市场 世界相通需国际性的解纷途径等方面 作了详尽阐释。最后,张处长期待能有 更多人关注和参与到仲裁事业中来。 随后由何海锋律师继续主持“对 赌协议的实务争议与破解之道”圆桌 论坛,国枫合伙人周晶敏、袁晓东、潘 君辉、海澜、李铃、陈军作为与谈嘉宾, 共同探讨了对赌协议的纠纷类型及特 点、对赌协议实务中存在的争议、“法答 网”关于回购期间的解答、对赌协议纠纷 中的责任主体和连带责任问题等,并分 享了对赌协议纠纷的实务应对技巧与 建议。 最后,朱黎庭律师对各位与会嘉宾 表示了诚挚的感谢并作总结发言,“国 枫是将资本市场的非诉业务和争议解 决的诉讼与仲裁业务相结合的、高度 专业化的律师事务所,希望通过此次庆 典,客户能够更加了解国枫,国枫也将 臻于至善,与客户携手共创美好未来”。 站在而立之年的新起点,国枫将继 马哲律师 何海锋律师 续秉承“精益求精,客户至上,包容信 任,合作共赢”的核心价值观,不断提 升自身专业能力和服务水平,为客户 提供更加卓越的法律服务。路虽远,行 则将至;事虽难,做则必成。国枫及国 枫律师将不忘初心、接续奋斗,以高质 量法律服务为国家经济社会建设贡献 坚实力量 ! 从左到右依次是朱锐律师、臧欣律师、董一平律师、殷长龙律师、刘涛律师 从左到右依次是周晶敏律师、袁晓东律师、潘君辉律师、海澜律师、李铃律师、陈军律师、何海锋律师

14 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 2024 ALB China Top 15 General Counsel This year, ALB once again recognizes fifteen outstanding and versatile corporate legal and compliance leaders. Over the past decade, through its rankings, ALB has witnessed the growth of general counsel in China. While past focus was on the emergence of new roles and skills, today’s market serves as a testing ground for general counsel to demonstrate their adaptability in guiding companies through complex environments. Some of the featured general counsel share their journeys and experiences in navigating new market challenges over the past year. Supporting global expansion Aaron Chen is the General Counsel of EVE Energy, a leading Chinese lithium battery company. With nearly 20 years in legal practice, Chen’s expertise spans cross-border investment and compliance, gained through roles at law firms and multinational corporations. He joined EVE Energy in 2021 during a period of rapid growth, with the company’s revenue increasing sixfold in three years. More importantly, EVE Energy began expanding its supply chain globally, building lithium battery factories in Europe and Southeast Asia, marking what they call the company’s “third entrepreneurship phase.” Chen’s international experience proved invaluable in this expansion. “My experience as a legal LIST (1 of 3) Jonathan Ao Senior Legal Director, LOTUS TECH 敖先知 路特斯科技,高级法务总监 Lily Chen Head of Legal Department, TCL Technology Group Corporation 陈晓亚 TCL科技集团股份有限公司(“TCL科技”),法务部部长 Aaron Chen Vice President, General Council, EVE Energy Co., Ltd. 陈卓瑛 亿纬锂能股份有限公司副总裁、总法律顾问 2024 ALB China Top 15 General Counsel 十五佳总法律顾问 For the tenth year, ALB has highlighted China’s top general counsel. Today’s complex market challenges GCs to leverage their diverse skills and strategic vision across law, business, and management. Ranking by Asian Legal Business, text by Hu Yangxiaoxiao 连续第十年,ALB观察并评选出了中国市场上的顶尖总法律顾问。如今,极端复杂的市场环境成 为了总法律顾问多元能力最好的“试金石”,在法律、商业、管理等技能板块之上,企业正呼求总法 律顾问们展现出更高的战略视野。 排名:《亚洲法律杂志》,作者:胡阳潇潇

15 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 2024 ALB China Top 15 General Counsel director for MNCs in China helped significantly with EVE’s international ventures. For instance, I adapted the licensing cooperation models I observed to EVE’s U.S. projects. Similarly, my background in global legal and compliance management allowed me to oversee EVE’s legal operations globally,” he shares. In 2023 and 2024, Chen has keenly felt the challenges posed by geopolitical uncertainties. While he notes that these uncertainties do not necessarily hinder Chinese companies’ global ambitions and can, in some cases, even encourage expansion, he also acknowledges the challenges posed by regulations in Western countries, requiring substantial resources to ensure compliance. Another key focus for Chen has been building a capable legal team for EVE Energy. Since 2021, EVE’s global legal team has developed through three stages: supporting “product exports,” then “supply chain expansion,” and finally, establishing legal teams in overseas markets. Under Chen’s leadership, the team aims to foster a culture of compliance within the company. “One of the biggest risks in globalization is compliance. The legal department must actively build a compliance framework and culture, ensuring the company’s long-term stability abroad,” Chen emphasizes. ‘Traffic, rules go hand in hand’ Melvin Zhang, Vice President of Legal and Compliance at the Chinese livestreaming e-commerce company “Be Friends,” has been working in corporate legal roles since 2006. His career has spanned state-owned enterprises, Fortune 500 companies, and internet startups, covering industries from transportation to manufacturing to the platform economy and livestreaming e-commerce. Zhang has focused on understanding the unique aspects of legal work in each sector. Since joining “Be Friends” in 2023, Zhang has faced the challenge of balancing compliance and growth. He explains, “Unlike traditional industries, livestreaming e-commerce’s growth involves managing a diverse supply chain and higher-margin products, while maintaining trustworthiness and value for consumers. Safety and compliance must always be a priority to build trust.” Over the past two years, Zhang has worked on establishing cross-platform, multi-domain, and international compliance standards for livestreaming. He highlights the complexity of the sector, which is regulated by various laws such LIST (2 of 3) Fanley General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer, IEIT SYSTEMS Co. Ltd. 范磊 浪潮电子信息产业股份有限公司总法律顾问兼首席合规官 Fang Zheng General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer, Hunan Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. 方拯 湖南建投集团总法律顾问、首席合规官 Shelly Li Head of Legal and Compliance, Vice President, MetaX Integrated Circuits (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. 李静 沐曦集成电路(上海)有限公司,法律合规负责人、副总裁 Avril Li Head of legal and Compliance Department, Grand pharma (China)Co., Ltd. 李轶忱 远大医药法务合规部高级总监 Liu Zhao General Manager, Legal & Compliance Dept., ENN Energy Holdings Limited 刘钊 新奥能源控股有限公司法务合规部总经理 Amelia Lu Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Human Resources Officer, and Secretary of the Board of Directors, Huatai Insurance Group Co., Ltd 吕通云 华泰保险集团股份有限公司资深副总经理兼合规负责人、 首席人力资源官及董事会秘书