1 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 COVER STORY 14 2024 ALB China Top 15 General Counsel 2024 ALB China 十五佳总法律顾问 Ranking by Asian Legal Business, text by Hu Yangxiaoxiao ALB has highlighted China’s top general counsel. Today’s complex market challenges GCs to leverage their diverse skills and strategic vision across law, business, and management. ALB观察并评选出了中国市场上的顶尖 总法律顾问。如今,极端复杂的市场环 境成为了总法律顾问多元能力最好的“ 试金石”,在法律、商业、管理等技能板 块之上,企业正呼求总法律顾问们展现 出更高的战略视野。 With contributions from: - Be Friends Holding Limited 交个朋友 - EVE Energy 亿纬锂能 - SIG Group 康美包集团 FEATURES 22 2024 ALB China Regional Ranking: Yangtze River Delta Firms, Rising Lawyers, Client Choice 2024 ALB China 区域市场排名: 长户首三选角律地师区律所、律师新星、客 The surge in the number of lawyers, coupled with the ongoing professional development of young legal professionals, has breathed new life into the dynamic regional market of the Yangtze River Delta. 作为中国经济最具活力的区域之一,长 三角地区的律师行业不断推动着中国 法律服务市场的创新与变革。律所在专 Contents October 2024 业、品牌、人才等方面展开了激烈竞争, 青年律师的不断成长为该区域注入了 新活力。 32 Charged compliance 面临升级挑战 Supported by domestic policies, China’s electric vehicle (EV) industry is rapidly expanding and strengthening its interaction with global markets. The compliance pressures they face are also intensifying. 受到国内政策支持,中国的新能源汽车 产业正经历快速发展,并不断增强与全 球市场的互动,其所面对的合规压力也 日益升级。 36 2024 ALB China Top 15 Female Lawyers 2024 ALB China 十五佳女律师 Strength with grace, professionalism with resilience. This year’s ALB China Top 15 Female Lawyers list celebrates outstanding women in the legal industry who have earned recognition from clients and the market alike for their impressive contributions. 温柔却不失力量,专业且兼具坚韧。今 年上榜ALB China十五佳女律师榜单的 杰出女性律师们因其在法律服务行业 的精彩表现获得了客户与市场的认可。 With contribution from: - Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所 BRIEFS 4 Big Story 8 Appointments 9 Deals With contribution from: - Grandway Law Offices 国枫律师事务所 22