14 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 2024 ALB China Top 15 General Counsel This year, ALB once again recognizes fifteen outstanding and versatile corporate legal and compliance leaders. Over the past decade, through its rankings, ALB has witnessed the growth of general counsel in China. While past focus was on the emergence of new roles and skills, today’s market serves as a testing ground for general counsel to demonstrate their adaptability in guiding companies through complex environments. Some of the featured general counsel share their journeys and experiences in navigating new market challenges over the past year. Supporting global expansion Aaron Chen is the General Counsel of EVE Energy, a leading Chinese lithium battery company. With nearly 20 years in legal practice, Chen’s expertise spans cross-border investment and compliance, gained through roles at law firms and multinational corporations. He joined EVE Energy in 2021 during a period of rapid growth, with the company’s revenue increasing sixfold in three years. More importantly, EVE Energy began expanding its supply chain globally, building lithium battery factories in Europe and Southeast Asia, marking what they call the company’s “third entrepreneurship phase.” Chen’s international experience proved invaluable in this expansion. “My experience as a legal LIST (1 of 3) Jonathan Ao Senior Legal Director, LOTUS TECH 敖先知 路特斯科技,高级法务总监 Lily Chen Head of Legal Department, TCL Technology Group Corporation 陈晓亚 TCL科技集团股份有限公司(“TCL科技”),法务部部长 Aaron Chen Vice President, General Council, EVE Energy Co., Ltd. 陈卓瑛 亿纬锂能股份有限公司副总裁、总法律顾问 2024 ALB China Top 15 General Counsel 十五佳总法律顾问 For the tenth year, ALB has highlighted China’s top general counsel. Today’s complex market challenges GCs to leverage their diverse skills and strategic vision across law, business, and management. Ranking by Asian Legal Business, text by Hu Yangxiaoxiao 连续第十年,ALB观察并评选出了中国市场上的顶尖总法律顾问。如今,极端复杂的市场环境成 为了总法律顾问多元能力最好的“试金石”,在法律、商业、管理等技能板块之上,企业正呼求总法 律顾问们展现出更高的战略视野。 排名:《亚洲法律杂志》,作者:胡阳潇潇