19 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 Brought to you by SIG Group 周颖是瑞士上市公司、全球食品饮料包装巨头SIG集团的亚太北区法 务及合规总监。从业26年来,他先后在多家跨国制造、科技及消费企业从 事法务合规工作,走出了一条既有广度、又有深度的总法律顾问成长之路。 今年,周颖获评2024 ALB China 十五佳总法律顾问,ALB借此机会 与他展开对话——如他所说,“人生每一步都是版图中的一块,当它们拼凑 完整,就形成了一幅美好的画卷”。 ALB:作为总法律顾问,您所负责的领域十分广泛,怎样的经历帮助您塑 造出多元的能力板块? 周颖:我的职业生涯经历比较独特。回首过往,其中伴随了中国几部重要 法律的落地,同时结合彼时所在企业的发展重点,我不断调整主攻专业方 向,最终塑造出较为多元的能力板块。 具体来说,早期我就职于一家通讯设备领域的大型跨国企业,在合同 管理、风险管理领域积累了扎实经验。 2007年,我加入一家食品包装领域的跨国企业,彼时中国《反垄断法》 刚刚落地,该公司遭遇了国家工商总局启动的滥用市场支配地位“黎明突 袭”调查。为了应对挑战,我针对中国反垄断法展开前沿研究,并全程参与 调查,在实践中体会法条真意,在反垄断领域积累了深刻认识。 2017年,我加盟一家跨国家居零售企业,彼时中国《网络安全法》出 台,一方面,我参与了跨国企业在华相关合规工作的最早期实践;另一方 面,我协助公司管理层洞察立法背后的国家安全命题,展开数据安全立 法“三驾马车”时代的整体合规工作。 在这些经验的基础上,加盟SIG集团后,我承担起了亚太北区整体的 法务、合规、个人信息保护管理工作。总结来说,只有不断跟上时代发展, 同时清晰个人专业定位,才能持续搭建业务能力的完整版图。 ALB:广度之外,您的专业深度也令人瞩目。您如何在总法律顾问职位上 练就这样的纵深能力? 周颖:总法律顾问是公司内部的专业人士,法律功底和经验永远是立身之 本。通常大家认为,和外部律师相比,内部法务人员的专业性似乎有所欠缺, 但其实借由在公司内部的独特经历,我们往往能够练就精深的专业能力。 以我自己为例,在反垄断领域,2022年SIG集团并购唯绿亚洲,我负 责领导该跨境并购在几个主要法域的反垄断申报工作,过程中经历了竞 争对手的挑战、接受了行业协会和主管部委的问询、解决了诸多疑难法律 问题,在反垄断领域积累了更深厚的知识和经验。 再以数据领域为例,加入SIG集团后,《数据安全法》《个人信息保护 法》相继出台,我继而领导了公司内部业务和现行法规的差异分析,并相 应搭建了内部制度体系。 另外在合规管理领域,正是基于企业内部管理经验,我于2019年在国 际论坛就提出“大合规”概念,主张从公司价值链角度全面控制反腐败反 贿赂、竞争合规、数据合规、贸易合规等风险。 周颖 Kenneth Zhou SIG集团亚太北区法务及合规总监 Head of Legal & Compliance, AP-N, SIG Group 多元职能、精深专业:拼就完美的“GC职业版图” ——专访SIG亚太北区法务合规总监周颖 Diverse Functions, Deep Expertise: Crafting the Perfect “GC Career Map” —A Conversation with Kenneth Zhou, Head of Legal & Compliance at SIG AP-N ALB:您目前是SIG亚太北区的跨法域法务、合规管理者,这需要具备怎 样的特质? 周颖:SIG亚太北区覆盖中国大陆、中国台湾、中国香港、韩国及蒙古国, 市场和法律差异大,作为总法律顾问很有挑战。在“硬实力”方面,需要具 备管理不同市场的方法论,我的方法是首先通过风险分析建立系统性管 理策略,再依据具体地区个案,通过与当地律师合作,加深风险管控的专 业性。专业性是赢得团队以及合作伙伴认可的基础。 此外,“软实力”也很重要,最核心的是“尊重差异性”——包括法律、文 化差异性,这样才能避免管理层面的混乱。 法务合规不能脱离当前国际形势、地缘政治,要站在战略性的高度, 以全局性视角通过流程管理。通俗点讲,就是要站在跨国公司C-level顶 层设计区域制度。 Kenneth Zhou leads the legal and compliance team for Asia-Pacific North in SIG Group, a Swiss-listed global food and beverage packaging giant. With 26 years of experience spanning multinational sectors, Kenneth has built a well-rounded career as a General Counsel (GC), balancing breadth and depth. Named one of the 2024 ALB China Top 15 GCs, he describes his career as a puzzle, where “each step forms a beautiful picture.” ALB: Your role as a GC is vast. How did you build such a diverse skill set? Kenneth: My career evolved alongside key law developments in China. I gained strong contract and risk management experience at a large telecommunications MNC in my early stage of career. In 2007, when I joined a food packaging company, China’s Anti-Monopoly Law had just been introduced. We faced a dawn raid investigation for alleged abuse dominant position , which led me to specialize in antitrust law. Later, at a multinational home retail company, I worked on compliance with China’s Cybersecurity Law. These experiences built my diverse skill set. ALB: You have both breadth and depth in your expertise. How did you deepen your specialization? Kenneth: In-house counsel often develop sharp expertise due to direct corporate experience. During SIG’s acquisition of Evergreen Asia in 2022, I led antitrust filings in key regions, managing challenges from competitors and regulators. This deepened my antitrust expertise. Additionally, I aligned SIG’s operations with China’s Data Security Law and Personal Information Protection Law, developing comprehensive compliance systems. In 2019, I introduced the concept of “comprehensive compliance” in an international forum, covering areas like anti-corruption, competition, and trade compliance etc. ALB: What qualities are essential for leading legal and compliance across multiple jurisdictions? Kenneth: SIG Asia-Pacific North covers Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong SAR, South Korea, and Mongolia, each with distinct legal systems. To succeed, a GC must manage these complexities through a strong risk management framework. I focus on thorough risk analysis and collaboration with local counsel. Equally important are “soft skills”—respecting cultural and legal differences is key to preventing confusion. Today, legal compliance also requires a strategic, global perspective, factoring in international dynamics and geopolitical factors.