21 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 Brought to you by EVE Energy 从事法律职业近20年来,从涉外领域律师,到跨国公司中国区法务总监, 再到中国巨头民营企业的总法律顾问,陈卓瑛经历了中国涉外法律服务发展 的全过程,并不断将法律专业、商业嗅觉、国际化视野融会贯通,真正为企业 的跨境业务提供贴合的法律解决方案。 今年,作为亿纬锂能法务负责人,陈卓瑛获评2024 ALB China 十五佳总 法律顾问。他与ALB分享了亿纬锂能的出海之路,以及总法律顾问和法务团 队在其中扮演的关键性角色。 ALB:2021年您加盟亿纬锂能以来,企业经历了怎样的全球化发展布局?过 程中法务团队从哪些层面提供协助甚至引领服务? 陈卓瑛:过去三年是亿纬锂能在新能源赛道上高速发展的时光,营业额在三 年间增长了六倍。更重要的是,公司开启了产业链出海新篇章,提出“全球制 造、全球交付、全球服务”的口号,在欧洲和东南亚投资建造锂电池工厂。我 们将全球化看作“第三次创业”,公司全球化发展的步伐越迈越大,信心越来 越强。 在全球化过程中,法务团队很荣幸担任了排头兵的角色,尤其在投资项 目中起到关键作用。以绿地投资为例,在投资目标国选择过程中,法务团队负 责组织公司对目标国的综合风险分析;在实地考察阶段,法务同事在海外实 施各项调查;在项目实施阶段,驻地法务则是海外风险管理的核心环节。 ALB:企业出海中法务团队面对的最大挑战是什么?您如何带领团队面对? 陈卓瑛:最大挑战是地缘政治风险。尤其当美国的投资机会出现在眼前时,由 于其地缘政治上的高风险特点,给公司战略决策带来很大困难。在项目论证 阶段,我最开始尝试委托国内外咨询机构展开相关分析,但最后提交的报告 是由自己操刀,比较了光伏、车用玻璃等行业出海的得失,并从贸易壁垒和美 国的经济制裁法律角度进行利弊分析,最终促成公司进军美国的战略决策。 欧美国家胜在其完善的法治环境,相对于其他第三世界目标国家而言, 其实具备较好的可预测性和透明度。因此,在项目洽谈阶段,我们得以专注在 交易本身,在商言商地谈好每一个条款。美国有严密的知识产权保护机制,这 让我们敢于在美国市场尝试轻资产出海的模式,以技术授权的方式与当地企 业合资合作,实现共赢。 ALB:您如何搭建亿纬锂能全球法务职能?服务于中国新一代全球化企业,法 务团队需要提升哪些专业能力? 陈卓瑛:自2021年以来,亿纬锂能的全球法务团队建设跨越了三个阶段,形 成了三个团队,即从支持“产品出口”的涉外法务团队,到支持“产业链出海” 的国际投资法务团队,再到海外驻地法务团队。在全球法务管理架构上,我们 采用的是垂直集中式管理,海外驻地法务直线向中国法务部汇报,在业务上 支持海外区域的工作。我们一开始就尝试在海外聘用有十多年工作经验的资 深法务,打造强有力的驻地法务力量。 作为逐步全球化企业的法务团队,需要全员具备很好的风险管理能力、 沟通协作能力和解决问题的能力,要有很好的法商意识,将精湛的法律专业 知识和深入的商业理解结合到一起,既管理风险,又促进公司业务的发展。 ALB:对于总法律顾问又有哪些新要求? 陈卓瑛:新一代全球化企业要求总法律顾问具备国际化的综合能力。一是要 陈卓瑛 Aaron Chen 亿纬锂能总法律顾问 General Counsel, EVE Energy 打造多元能力,领导全球团队,勇于做出决策 ——专访亿纬锂能总法律顾问陈卓瑛 Building Diverse Skills, Leading Global Teams, and Making Bold Decisions — An interview with Aaron Chen, General Counsel of EVE Energy 有广阔的国际视野,熟悉国际法律和惯例,理解不同国家的文化和商业逻辑, 以此引领公司在国际化道路上前进;二是具备管理全球法务的能力,能够运 用好跨国的法务团队和资源,实现海外风险的防控;三是要具备合规意识和 合规体系管理能力,为企业规避全球化带来的合规风险;四是要具备战略意 识,从“战略法务”的高度出发,既识别出国际化的风险,又能把握住国际化 的机会,为公司创造最大化的海外增长空间。 Aaron Chen, with nearly 20 years of legal experience, has transitioned from a foreign-related lawyer to a legal director for multinational corporations in China. He now serves as General Counsel for EVE Energy, a leading Chinese private enterprise. Throughout his career, he has adeptly combined his legal expertise, business insight, and global perspective to provide solutions for cross-border transactions. This year, Chen was recognized as one of ALB China’s Top 15 General Counsel, where he discussed EVE Energy’s international expansion and the critical role its legal team plays. ALB: Since joining EVE Energy in 2021, how has the company’s global expansion progressed, and how has the legal team contributed? Chen: EVE Energy has experienced rapid growth in the new energy sector over the past three years, with revenues increasing sixfold. Our international expansion is driven by the strategy “Global Manufacturing, Global Delivery, Global Service,” leading us to invest in battery plants in Europe and Southeast Asia. We see globalization as our “third entrepreneurial venture.” The legal team has been instrumental in supporting this process, especially in managing investment projects, analyzing risks in target countries, conducting on-site due diligence, and handling overseas project risks. ALB: What has been the biggest challenge for the legal team during this international expansion, and how did you address it? Chen: The major challenge has been geopolitical risks. While opportunities in the U.S. were promising, high geopolitical tensions made decision-making complex. Initially, we consulted analysis firms, but I led the final strategic report. I evaluated trade barriers, U.S. sanctions, and comparisons with industries like photovoltaics, guiding us toward entering the U.S. market. Western countries, particularly the U.S. and Europe, offer a stable rule of law and intellectual property protections, which supported our light-asset business model and fostered joint ventures through technology licensing. ALB: How have you structured EVE Energy’s global legal functions, and what key skills are needed for legal teams in globalizing Chinese companies? Chen: Since 2021, we’ve developed EVE Energy’s global legal function in three phases, creating teams focused on foreign-related legal matters, international investment, and in-house support for overseas operations. We use a centralized management structure, with overseas legal teams reporting to the Chinese legal department. A core focus has been hiring senior legal professionals with over a decade of experience to build strong in-house teams. Essential skills for these teams include risk management, communication, problem-solving, and a strong “legal-business sense” to balance risk management with business growth. ALB: What new expectations are placed on General Counsel? Chen: General Counsel must have diverse international expertise, understanding not only laws but also cultural and business practices. They must oversee global legal operations by leveraging cross-border teams and ensuring strong compliance systems to mitigate risks. Additionally, they need strategic vision to identify international risks and opportunities, ultimately helping the company maximize its global growth potential.