26 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 Regional Ranking fully leverage the high degree of integration within the YRD region. Zhao Wenmei, chief partner of Beijing W&H (Shanghai) Law Firm, notes, “With the integration of the YRD region becoming a national strategy, the legal services market is also accelerating its own integration. Firms are actively establishing a presence in the region, while local legal services providers are enhancing cooperation to form closer collaborative networks.” W&H has opened offices in cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wenzhou, Ningbo and Nantong, forming a legal services network covering major cities in the YRD region. Lu from Joint-Win also observes the corresponding increase in demand for legal services brought about by macro policy support for the legal services industry in the YRD region and the increase in cross-regional business activities of enterprises. “Integrated development has raised the bar on the cross-regional collaborative capabilities of firms and the comprehensive competency of lawyers,” Lu states. Lu shares that different offices of Joint-Win Partners in the YRD region boast expertise and advantages in various fields, but through collaboration, the firm has built a diversified and professional legal services network. In the past 12 months, the firm also ventured beyond the YRD region, opening three new offices in Nanchang, Zhengzhou and Chengdu to “better meet the diverse needs of cross-regional clients through division of tasks and cooperation among teams across different regions”. Apart from riding the trend of integration, Zhao believes that specialisation can help build up a firm’s core competitiveness. “A firm must first have a clear idea of its core practice areas and market positioning, and identify and concentrate on the practice areas where it enjoys competitive edges. On this basis, the firm can gradually expand and develop other practice expertise to provide clients with more comprehensive legal services.” Zhou from SGLA emphasises that talent represents the “brand image” of a firm, while solid organisational and operational management will contribute to exponential improvement in this image. SGLA is the first firm in China to expand through the “N+1” model. Unlike the traditional “1+N” model, SGLA centralises the management authority of the firm at the national level to the headquarters but continues to let the offices in regional markets decide and develop their own business operations. Driven by this innovative model, the number of practising lawyers in SGLA’s Shanghai office increased by 10 percent last year compared to the previous year, with total revenue up by 12 percent. In Jiangsu, SGLA set up seven offices in 境内办公室: 北京、青岛、济南、上海、深圳、前海联营、石家庄、天津、太原、邯郸、郑州、 哈尔滨、呼和浩特、南京、杭州、成都、武汉、长沙、重庆、苏州、海口、广州、 福州、佛山、南昌、昆明、宁波、兰州、南宁、大连、无锡、乌鲁木齐、厦门 境外办公室: 中国香港、美国(华盛顿特区、加利福尼亚州)、俄罗斯(莫斯科、圣彼得堡)、 加拿大(多伦多)、澳大利亚(悉尼)、新加坡、日本(东京)、西班牙(马德里)、 蒙古(乌兰巴托)、英国(伦敦)、德国(柏林) 北京德和衡(上海)律师事务所 BEIJING DHH (SHANGHAI) LAW FIRM 德和衡上海所介绍 DHH Shanghai Office Introduction 北京德和衡(上海)律师事务所(“德和衡上海所”)位于陆家嘴金融圈顶级办公楼——上海中心大厦28层,经过十余年跨越式发展,已成为以商事法律服务为核心的 国际化律师事务所。 德和衡上海所秉承“客户至上、质量第一"的服务理念,严格办案流程,注重风险控制,勤勉尽责完成客户交办的法律事务,竭尽全力维护客户的合法权益。 德和衡上海所拥有近300名具有国内外知名院校教育背景和丰富执业经验的专业律师和助理,根据客户不同类型的法律服务需求,能够在国际、资本市场、金融、金 融+、公司法、房地产与建设工程、刑事和争议解决等各个业务领域组建专业法律服务团队,为客户提供全方位、一站式法律服务,最大限度满足客户各种类型法律需求。 德和衡全球网络 Global Network 北京德和衡律师事务所("德和衡")成立于2010年5月,是中国最具品牌影响 力的综合性商事律师事务所之一。律所总部位于北京,并在中国主要省、市、 自治区以及全球主要国家和地区设有超过四十家分支机构。 德和衡是一家全球化、国际化的律师事务所 设有30+境内机构, 10+境外机构, 提供覆盖150+国家和地区的法律服务