ALB Greater Bay Area Legal Forum 2024 2024 ALB 粤港澳大湾区法律论坛 5 DECEMBER – GUANGZHOU 12月5日 – 广州 As an important economic growth pole and international technological innovation center in my country, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has continued to deepen cooperation under the support of multiple national strategies in recent years and has carried out many explorations and practices in promoting the development of new productivity. In addition, the demand for commercial legal services in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is increasingly showing an international and diversified trend. This has prompted legal professionals in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to continue to think, especially in the areas of commercial innovation and the construction of legal service systems. In this context, Thomson Reuters Asian Legal Business (ALB) will hold the 2024 ALB Greater Bay Area Legal Forum in Guangzhou on December 5th. Hundreds of senior legal experts, legal practitioners and corporate executives will gather to discuss and share on hot topics such as global listing path exploration, digital economy, data compliance, intellectual property protection, corporate compliance and risk response, and cross-border commercial dispute resolution that are of concern to companies in the Greater Bay Area. 粤港澳大湾区作为我国重要的经济增长极和国际科技创新中心,近年来在多重国家战略加持下,粤港澳三地持续深化合作,在推动发展新质生 产力方面已开展了诸多的探索和实践。此外,粤港澳大湾区的商事法律服务需求正日益呈现国际化和多元化趋势。这都促使着粤港澳三地的法 律专业人士不断思考,特别是在商业创新和法律服务体系构建方面不断进行探索和实践。 在此背景下,汤森路透《亚洲法律杂志》(ALB)将于12月5日在广州举办2024 ALB 粤港澳大湾区法律论坛。届时,数百位资深法律专家、法务从 业者和企业高管将齐聚,共同就当前大湾区企业关注的全球上市路径探索、数字经济、数据合规、知识产权保护、企业合规及风险应对、跨境商 事争议解决等热点议题展开讨论和分享。 Wang Jin 王瑾 (8610) 5669 2009 Amantha Chia 谢京庭 (65) 6973 8258 SPEAKING OPPORTUNITIES 演讲事宜请联系 FOR MORE INFORMATION, KINDLY VISIT 更多信息欢迎访问本次活动页面 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 赞助机会请联系 PROUDLY PRESENTED BY WORKSHOP SPONSOR