34 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 Compliance acquisitions, and joint ventures, “antitrust compliance becomes a critical factor,” Yang says. Lawyers can assist in preparing detailed filings and navigating the review process with antitrust regulators, ensuring smooth transactions. Furthermore, EV companies should develop a comprehensive antitrust compliance system. Meanwhile, with ESG considerations becoming a routine concern for companies, meeting internationally recognized standards for environmental protection, social responsibility, and corporate governance is key to establishing a strong brand image and fostering sustainable development. Yang highlights that ESG is broad in scope, covering areas such as compliance with domestic and international environmental laws, ensuring green and sustainable production, choosing eco-friendly suppliers, ensuring employee welfare, fair compensation, health and safety, protecting consumer rights, and maintaining a transparent and efficient corporate governance structure. KWM points out in its article titled “Risks and Responses for Chinese EVs Under Cross-Border Regulation” that “pan-ESG” issues, particularly those related to the European and U.S. markets, warrant special attention. One area of concern is forced labor. Regulations such as the European Union’s Regulation on Prohibiting Products Made with Forced Labor and the U.S. Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act focus on whether products or their supply chains involve sensitive regions. If investigated and implicated, all products could be removed from the relevant market. Another issue relates to the sourcing of raw materials. The EU’s Conflict Minerals Regulation mandates due diligence on the compliance of supply chains with respect to “conflict minerals,” which include tin, tungsten, and other metals widely used in automotive manufacturing. These minerals are linked to environmental degradation, child labor, workers’ rights violations, and violent conflict in certain regions. If found to be involved, products may also be banned from the market. Additionally, different sub-markets have introduced unique regulatory requirements for EVs, such as Thailand’s safety certification regulations and South Korea’s regulations on hazardous materials and recycling rates for imported vehicles. 2024年上半年,中国汽车出口数量继续实现全球 领跑,达到279.3万辆。其中,包括插电式混动汽车 和纯电动汽车在内的新能源汽车出口量为60.5万 辆,占比达21.6 percent。 欧洲、东南亚是中国新能源汽车最重要的市场, 其中在比利时、泰国的市场渗透率最高。今年,巴西 和以其为代表的拉美市场的重要性也在持续提升。 而在整车直接出口之外,中国新能源车的出海 模式正变得更加丰富。天元律师事务所合伙人杨晓 莉律师指出,汽车散件出口、海外组装模式正在增 加,此外收购海外品牌、建立产业链等实现“本土化” 运营的模式也持续见诸报端,各类“新能源车出海项 目迅猛发展”。 的确,过去几年中国车企海外建厂,尤其打造 新能源车工厂的消息不断牵动着市场神经。和热点 销售市场相对应,已落地工厂和建厂计划也聚焦于 欧洲、东南亚、拉美三区域。 2024年,已经有比亚迪新能源汽车生产基地落 地匈牙利、奇瑞与西班牙埃布罗电动汽车设立当地 合资企业、广汽埃安泰国工厂启动生产;此外,哪吒 汽车、上汽集团、长城汽车、小鹏汽车等,也公布了在 泰国、巴西、墨西哥、欧洲等地建厂的计划。 伴随出海深度加增,关注中国企业全球化的新 媒体霞光社就在《2024中国新能源汽车出海十大趋 势洞察》中指出,未来新能源汽车出海将呈现“四化” 趋势,其中之一便是“合规化”,即“遵守国际市场法 规,确保合规经营”。 数据合规成重点关切 汽车作为出行工具,和数据原本不太相关。但伴随 智能化、科技感成为许多新能源汽车的重要卖点, 汽车开始越来越多收集个人信息,提供个性化的出 行及生活服务,新能源车甚至被称为手机之外第二 个“超级终端”。 另一方面,数据问题在全球范围内、针对各行各 业,都开始成为重点关切,如金杜律师事务所所指出 的,“迄今,全球194个国家中已有130多个国家通 过了数据和个人隐私保护相关法律。绝大多数商业 经营活动中都无法绕开数据和个人信息处理活动, 汽车行业也不例外”。 天元的杨晓莉律师认为,EV企业实际上在数据 合规与隐私保护领域面临着更严格的要求。她解释 道:“车辆数据涉及用户隐私、驾驶习惯及车辆安全 等敏感信息,企业应在数据采集、存储、处理及传输 的每一个环节,严格遵循国内外相关法律法规及行 业标准,保障数据的安全性、隐私性及完整性。”此 外,企业还需“严格遵守相关国家和地区的跨境数 据流动规定”。 不久前,金杜律师事务所和吉利数科合作撰写 了一系列新能源车出海现状文章,其中《中国新能 源汽车出海数据合规风险与应对》一篇专门关注了 相关问题。文章中,金杜将汽车企业的数据义务分 为了三类。 一类是“个人信息保护的一般性义务”,例如根 据国际主流个人信息保护思路,收集个人信息需要 个人授权、采取充分的安全措施、遵循最小必要和 目的限制原则、向个人信息主体提供行使法定权利 的途径等。