38 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 worst outcomes, life goes on. They must take responsibility for their actions, but life doesn’t end here. I’ve seen clients face regulatory scrutiny or criminal charges, only to rebuild and achieve new career successes.” For Lian, “steadfastness” is the trait that earns clients’ trust. She believes an effective lawyer must combine skill with fairness, and she’s built her career on this principle. “Market recognition comes one case at a time, starting with the small ones and building a reputation. No case is too minor; we fully commit to each one, using government-court collaboration to ensure clear communication. “We handle cases with neutrality, always adhering to the law while balancing social and political needs. Our flexibility remains within compliance, never crossing boundaries. In doing so, we set aside self-interest and act with integrity—qualities that challenge not just individual bankruptcy managers but our entire team,” she says. Looking to the future For the next step, Liu of Jingtian & Gongcheng plans to deepen her expertise and broaden services through a “vertical and horizontal” strategy. “Vertically, I’m expanding from securities regulatory work into areas like compliance systems and securities crime defense, aiming for a full-spectrum approach to better manage risks. Horizontally, we’re extending beyond stock misrepresentation to include bond misrepresentation, large asset disputes, and cross-regulatory cases, while expanding geographically to key markets like Shanghai and Shenzhen. I envision integrating legal services with business decisionmaking to enhance both depth and breadth.” Xu from Han Kun envisions continued learning and exploration with her team, aiming to build a highly specialized and commercially savvy team focused on the new economy sectors. Lian at JunHe is committed to integrating the firm’s brand values with the unique strengths of her bankruptcy team. “JunHe has always valued the professional reputation and personal qualities of our lawyers. I want every team member to be dedicated to their field, resilient under pressure, and persistent in overcoming challenges. “Only by maintaining a long-term vision and taking steady steps can we achieve sustainable growth. This philosophy reflects JunHe’s 35-year journey, a shared experience for all of us. I hope to continue leveraging our collective strength to deliver outstanding legal services to our clients,” she explains. Li feels that her career is closely tied to H&T’s growth. “H&T and I will continue to uphold our professional principles and values, focusing deeply on our areas of expertise and providing clients with refined, efficient legal services in special asset disposal. Our aim is to build lasting client relationships through quality results, using our expertise and experience to meet client needs effectively. Additionally, we will strengthen our brand, drive internal transformation, and attract and develop talent to create a better future,” she says. 在中国,女性律师数量持续增长,这不仅局限于一线城市,二线、 三线城市也经历了相同变化,彰显出法律服务市场的均衡发展。 女性律师在各自专业领域里持续深耕细作,她们凭借卓越 的业务成绩和专业形象赢得了市场的持续赞誉。与此同时,女 性在律所中的领导地位逐渐提升,越来越多女律师开始担任 律所管理的关键职位。 巾帼风采 君合律师事务所合伙人连晶律师从业24年,是业内少有的具有 破产重组、投资并购,以及能源、基础设施建设行业从业经验的 专家复合型律师,能够在不同项目中以多元视角为客户提供全 面的法律服务和意见。 “加入君合之前,我曾在中石油海外子公司工作了多年,随 后进入外资律所工作,一直专注于能源领域。加盟君合后,除了 能源相关融资项目,我开始接触并逐渐深耕于破产领域,希望进 行多方面的业务叠加,成为复合型律师。凭借多年的项目管理、 投资经验,以及对实业和企业的了解,我迅速上手了破产业务管 理,为各类项目提供更多的行业资源。” 执业生涯当中,她曾连续多年任华南国际经济贸易仲裁委 员会(深圳国际仲裁院)仲裁员,作为首席仲裁员审理了众多疑 难复杂的商事纠纷案件,能够深刻理解商事纠纷的裁判思维。 近年来,连律师办理重大复杂破产案件业绩卓越,在利害关系 方众多、利益冲突巨大的复杂破产案件中,以专业、公正、高效 的执业作风,先后获得多个金融债权人、多级政府部门的赞誉。 刘思远律师是竞天公诚律师事务所最年轻的合伙人之一, 在证券合规和证券投资者诉讼领域有着丰富的实务经验。她 从业13年,面对证券监管力度进一步提升的发展风口,她果断 抓住了市场机遇。刘律师告诉ALB,中国证监会行政执法实践 的十年,也是她法律实务经验得以不断丰厚的十年。在此期间, 她不仅维护了多家上市公司和相关企业家的合法权益,也以一 个个具体而鲜活的案例、一次次不懈且专业的建言献策,为提升 监管机构行政执法和司法机关司法审判的可接受度贡献力量, 同时积极普法宣传、提升被监管对象合规意识,致力于配合监管 建立健康有序的资本市场。 2017年加入竞天公诚后,刘律师凭借扎实的专业功底、深 厚的理论水平、准确的业务判断与良好的服务意识,成功代理 了中信证券司度案、康得新财务造假案、乐视网虚假陈述案等 具有代表性的重大案件,对证券合规领域发展做出了积极贡献。 “作为国内最早一批从事证券合规法律服务的律师、也是 新生代证券合规律师的代表,我的个人发展路径切实融入到了 法律行业发展的大潮当中。从第一单股民集体索赔案至今,中国 的证券合规市场方兴未艾,立法虽在进步但仍需完善。2015年 股市异常波动事件后,中国证监会加大行政处罚力度,近年来重 点打击信息披露违法违规、内幕交易、操纵市场行为,对财务造 假零容忍。”刘律师指出。 汉坤律师事务所合伙人许莹律师从业20年,是一路伴随汉 坤成长起来的新一代合伙人。在她看来,律师是个辛苦的行业, 但同时又是充满挑战、需要不断适应和创新的行业,不断突破 自我是从事这份工作的动力和乐趣。许律师一直专注于科技、 媒体及新经济领域的法律服务,见证、参与和主导了很多具有 里程碑意义的创新项目,也参与了诸多互联网头部企业的拆 分融资项目。 许律师表示:“我们这一代律师,见证了互联网和新兴领 域很多历史性法律法规和交易的诞生,我也有幸成为了许多 2024 ALB China Top 15 Female Lawyers