42 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 2024 ALB Commerce & Finance Top 15 New Technology In-House Teams Award Ceremony Held Successfully 2颁0奖2 4典A礼L B圆通满商举十办五 佳 新 科 技 公 司 法 务 团 队 On September 20, ALB Commerce & Finance Top 15 New Technology In-house Teams Award Ceremony 2024 was held at the Westin Beijing Chaoyang Hotel. The event was attended by representatives of the winning teams this year. Amantha Chia, head of legal media group at Thomson Reuters, gave a warm welcome to the guests via video, while Li Hongji, partner of Commerce & Finance Law Offices, gave an on-site speech. They jointly congratulated the awardwinning legal teams and welcomed the presence of all the guests. Chia mentioned that in today’s rapidly changing economic environment, new technology enterprises are gradually becoming an important force driving China’s economic growth, not only innovating work models but also bringing disruptive changes to our lives and the world. With the rapid development of new technology enterprises, their legal teams are also facing challenges and opportunities, needing to truly keep pace with the business. Li Hongji revisited the journey of how technology has changed lives over the past few decades. As times progress, everyone is both an experiencer and a witness. Technological advancements have brought about numerous legal issues and provided a new stage for legal professionals to shine. He believes that legal teams serving in the new technology field will continue to demonstrate extraordinary wisdom and vitality. The event then proceeded to a heavyweight discussion session moderated by Zou Danli, partner at Commerce & Finance Law Offices. The panel included Cai Chenlin at Hesai Technology; Yu Zhiyun at; Yang Miao at Beijing Kingsoft Cloud Network Technology; Zhang Liming at So-Young International; and Liu Wen, Li Amin, both partners at Commerce & Finance Law Offices. These guests shared insightful views on the topic of “Moving Towards the New, Empowering with Quality - Challenges and Responsibilities of Legal Professionals in the New Era of Technology.” After the engaging discussion, the ceremony proceeded to the award presentation. Experts from Commerce & Finance Law Offices served as award presenters, and representatives of the winning new technology companies’ legal teams came on stage to receive their awards. Luan Jianhai, partner at Commerce & Finance Law Offices, told ALB: “Inhouse legal teams of new technology enterprises usually bear greater pressure and responsibility. In addition to daily legal skills and industry experience, they must also have sufficient foresight and innovation to ensure business breakthroughs while maintaining compliant