45 Asian Legal Business | October 2024 ALB successfully holds the third China Regional Law Awards: East China in Shanghai 第华 三东 届地 A区L颁B 中奖国典区礼域成市功场落法地律上大海奖 : 作为ALB在华东地区的旗舰活动、华东法 律及商业人士一年一度的庆典仪式,当晚,近 200位华东地区律师、企业法务、学界人士、商 业精英等汇聚一堂,共同见证获奖者的荣誉 时刻,也在特殊的市场环境下相互勉励、寄语 未来。 今年的华东大奖共设30个奖项类 别。律所方面,共有28个国内外律所团 队及个人捧得奖项:华东本地律所方面, 锦天城位列第一,赢得7项大奖;海华永 泰、汇业各捧得两项大奖。非本地律所方 面,金杜拔得头筹,捧得6项大奖;中伦获 得5项大奖;汉坤、君合则各自赢得两个 奖项。 法务类奖项方面,华友钴业法务部获得合 规和风险管理公司法务组大奖;利洁时中国 法务部得到创新力层面的最高认可;公牛集团 法务部获评年度华东地区公司法务组大奖;同 程旅行的马莉则赢得年度华东地区公司法务 大奖。 获奖代表、大奖评委及与会嘉宾于现场和 ALB分享道,虽然过去两年华东经济和法律市 场发展承压,但法律集体仍表现出坚韧品质和 乐观心态,不断思索创新、扎根专业,帮助客 户迎向持续不断的变化。他们鼓励彼此继续为 中国法治建设贡献力量,推动行业发展至新高 度,而ALB将继续扮演这一历程的见证者和记 录 者,与 华 东 法 律 同 仁 携 手 共 进 ! On August 16, 2024, the ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: East China ceremony was grandly held at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Pudong, Shanghai. The winners of this year’s East China Law Awards were announced during the event. This year, the East China Law Awards featured 30 categories. Among law firms, 28 teams and individuals from domestic and international firms were recognized: Shanghai-based firm AllBright took the lead, winning 7 awards, followed by Hiways and Co-effort with two awards each. Among non-local firms, King & Wood Mallesons topped the list with 6 awards, followed by Zhong Lun with 5 awards, and Han Kun and JunHe each winning two awards. In the in-house category, the legal department of Huayou Cobalt won the Compliance and Risk Management Award; RB China’s legal team received top honors for innovation; Goneo Group’s legal department was named East China In-House Team of the Year, while Ma Li from Tongcheng Travel won the East China In-House Lawyer of the Year award. 2024年8月16日,2024ALB中国区域市场法 律大奖:华东地区颁奖典礼在上海浦东文华东 方酒店隆重举办,今年度的华东法律大奖获奖 名单也于现场揭晓。 WELCOME ADDRESS Amantha Chia, Senior Director, Legal Media Group, Thomson Reuters 谢京庭, 汤森路透法律传媒集团总监 GUEST OF HONOR Du Tao, Dean at International Law School of the East China University of Political Science and Law 杜涛教授, 华东政法大学国际法学院院长