1 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA CONTENTS 服务提出了截然不 同的要求。 BRI EFS 4 Big Story 焦点故事 8 Appointments 律师转所信息 9 Deals 交易 With contributions from: • Beijing DOCVIT Law Firm 北京市道可特律师事务所 COVER STORY 10 2023 ALB China Top 15 New Technology In-House Teams 2023 ALB China 十五佳新科技公司 法务团队 In China, companies in the new technology sector have ample room for growth, but they are also contending with increasingly stringent regulations. How do the in-house teams in this domain adapt to the swiftly evolving landscape? Several award-winning teams share their insights with ALB. 在中国,新科技公司 拥有广阔的发展空 间,也面临着趋严的 监管。工作于这一领 域的法务团队如何 应对快速变化的发 展环境?部分上榜团 队与ALB分享了他们 的思考。 Ranking by ALB, text by Victor Wu With contributions from: • AliExpress 全球速卖通 • Align APAC 爱齐亚太区 • Du Xiaoman 度小满 FEATURES 18 A crisis of confidence 直面“信心危机” In February, the A-share market kicked off its registration-based IPO system. Capital markets lawyers point out that under the new IPO system, regulators and market players are still finding their way, while intermediaries are also intensifying their efforts to prevent and control practice risks. 今年2月,股票发行 注册制在A股市场全 面实施,叠加中国放 开疫情管控措施,市 场原本对A股抱以充 沛信心。然而进入8 月,市场信心可谓跌 至冰点。资本市场律 师指出,注册制下,监 管及市场主体仍处于 磨合之中,中介机构 也在加紧做好执业风 险防控。 24 2023 ALB China M&A Rankings 2023 ALB China 并购排名 The firms listed in this year’s ALB M&A Rankings have demonstrated real professional capabilities under tremendous pressure. They are also looking forward to the next M&A spring with diligence and hard work. 今年上榜ALB并购排 名的律师事务所可谓 在重压之下呈现出真 正的专业实力,他们 也期待以勤奋、精进, 陪伴并购市场迎来下 一个春天。 With contributions from: • Grandway Law Offices 国枫律师事务所 32 Fully charged 全速前进 Regarded widely as the “Made in China” sector with the greatest potential, the EV industry however brings a complete different set of requirements for legal services, and lawyers need to prepare accordingly. 7月初,中国第2000 万辆新能源汽车下 线,中国汽车产业迎 来又一个里程碑。作 为最具潜力的“中国 制造”板块,新能源 汽车行业也对法律 24 2023 ALB CHINA M&A RANKINGS 2023 ALB China并购排名 Image: Guitar photographer/