32 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 SEPTEMBER 2023 TMT China’s electric-vehicle (EV) industry is clearly operating at full throttle. In the first five months of 2023, approximately 3 million EVs were manufactured, and about 2.94 million were sold in the country, marking year-onyear increases of 45.1 percent and 46.8 percent, respectively. And there is no doubt at this point that EVs are poised to dominate the automobile industry, emerging as one of China’s most exciting sectors in the near future. Auto Shanghai 2023 in April showcased over 1,500 complete vehicles, with two-thirds of them being EVs. Furthermore, the most popular booths featured electric vehicles, and even the new releases from traditional auto manufacturing giants were predominantly mass-produced EVs, either already in circulation or soon to be delivered. “At Auto Shanghai 2023, new energy vehicles took center stage in the product launches of nearly all brands, with electric vehicles and smart operations serving as the prevailing themes and trends,” says Karl Gao, vice president and global general counsel of NIO, a prominent EV manufacturer. Unsurprisingly, this growth has garnered strong support from state policies. “The Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and other government departments have issued policies aimed at optimizing the reduction and exemption of purchase taxes on electric vehicles. Furthermore, vehicle purchase taxes will not be applied to EVs equipped with swappable batteries, such as NIO’s vehicle models,” explains Gao. He goes on to mention that the government has also actively promoted industry development by investing in charging infrastructure, introducing new energy vehicles to rural areas, and enhancing the management 7月初,中国第2000万辆新能源汽车下线,中国汽车产业迎来又一个里程碑。实现第二个1000万辆,中国新能 源汽车行业仅用了1年零5个月时间。作为最具潜力的“中国制造”板块,新能源汽车行业也对法律服务提出了截 然不同的要求 。 作者:吴嘉林 In early July, China’s 20 millionth electric vehicle rolled off the production line, marking another milestone for China’s auto industry, and the second 10 million took less than 18 months. Regarded widely as the “Made in China” sector with the greatest potential, the EV industry however brings a complete different set of requirements for legal services, and lawyers need to prepare accordingly. BY VICTOR WU FULLY CHARGED 全速前进