36 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 SEPTEMBER 2023 2023 ALB HAN KUN IP FORUM 2023 ALB Han Kun IP Forum was successfully held at the Andaz Hotel Xintiandi Shanghai on August 17. The forum brought together over a hundred professionals, including corporate legal advisors, executives, and intellectual property specialists. Nearly ten speakers and panelists discussed trendy topics such as corporate patent and technology import/export compliance, open source and intellectual property, patent operations, patent litigation, and the latest developments in global Standard Essential Patents (SEPs). The event featured in-depth sharing and enthusiastic discussions among the attendees. The forum officially kicked off at ALB JOINS HANDS WITH HAN KUN TO DELIVER SUCCESSFUL IP FORUM 2023 ALB汉坤知识产权论坛圆满落幕 9:30am. Amantha Chia, head of legal media group, AEM at Thomson Reuters, delivered a video speech to the guests, while Wang Yan, partner at Han Kun Law Offices, delivered an opening speech on-site. They jointly welcomed the attendance of all the guests. Following the opening remarks, the forum welcomed its first speaker, Wu Lili from Han Kun, who presented a keynote speech titled “Patent and Compliance with Technology Import and Export.” Dr. Zhang Tao from Han Kun then took the stage, delivering a speech on the topic of “Open Source and Intellectual Property.” The forum then entered a tea break, during which the attendees engaged in heated discussions with the speakers. After the break, Duan Zhichao from Han Kun delivered a presentation on the topic of “Patent Operation and Patent Litigation.” The forum then proceeded to a panel discussion moderated by Wang Yan, featuring Bruce Wang, IP Legal Counsel, Kimberly-Clark (China), along with Luo Rui and Zhang Jian at Han Kun Law Firm. They collectively discussed the “The Latest Global Developments in SEP.” After the forum, Wang Yan and Wu Lili shared their thoughts with ALB. “With economic development, the