16 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 SEPTEMBER 2024 Administration Commission, GEDI recognises that IT-driven management is the future. The Legal Department will continue to upgrade smart risk control through technological means, emphasising digital empowerment and enhancing risk management functions within existing business systems to elevate the company’s overall risk management capabilities. Thirdly, we will maintain our focus on improving the efficacy of compliance management, comprehensively strengthening due diligence in the performance of duties.” For Zhang at Li Auto Inc., the development of technologies such as AI and autonomous driving will become the core competitiveness of smart vehicles. However, the legal framework governing these areas is still evolving. Consequently, the in-house team will closely monitor the formulation of relevant laws and regulations in the coming phase. “Moreover, as law enforcement details concerning vehicle-related personal information protection and data security continue to be refined, data compliance requirements for smart connected vehicles will remain a key area of focus. Our team will actively participate in the formulation and consultation of laws, regulations and standards by competent authorities. We aim to share industry challenges, help both the industry and our company achieve highquality, law-compliant development, 人工智能、量子计算、生物技术 等前沿科技的不断创新进步,不仅对 人类个体和社会生活带来变化,更深 刻影响着全球的经济社会格局。中国 也正在充满不确定性的环境下,积极 寻求推动经济发展的新动能,科技创 新成为了发展“新质生产力”的核心 要素。 国家统计局8月末公布了一组与 科技创新相关的数据:2023年,中国 研究与试验发展(R&D)经费投入达 3.3万亿元,比上年增长8.1%;累计 培育专精特新“小巨人”企业达12145 家;每万人口高价值发明专利拥有量 达11.8件,比上年提高2.4件;技术 市场成交合同额达61476亿元,增长 28.6%;电动载人汽车、锂离子蓄电 early stages, promptly dissect and analyse new laws and regulations and the company’s compliance obligations, and provide training to create more space for business development,” Zhang explains. GEDI’s Legal Department provides comprehensive legal support for all engineering projects and reviews all economic contracts. Chen elaborates, “We attend cost and risk analysis and review meetings for major projects at the ‘ex ante prevention’ stage, conduct indepth reviews of contract terms during the bidding stage to identify legal risks, and have built a full-process legal support system for the ‘interim control’ stage to resolve various legal issues that arise during contract performance.” FUTURE PLANS Regarding her team’s future strategy, Chen emphasises a pivotal shift from reactive legal issue resolution to proactive risk management. “Firstly, as GEDI expands its overseas operations, the Legal Department will focus on enhancing risk prevention and control capabilities for international projects. We’ll intensify our efforts to train legal professionals capable of supporting global business ventures, thereby providing robust support for the company’s international expansion. Secondly, as a pilot enterprise for digital transformation among State-owned enterprises under the State-owned Assets Supervision and COVER STORY and contribute to the advancement of new quality productive forces.” Du Xiaoman will maintain its focus on AI application. According to Xing, the company will accelerate technological innovation, continuously lowering the threshold for AI technology application to help financial institutions further improve service levels. “The Legal and Compliance Department will provide comprehensive lifecycle IP legal support, assisting technology departments in strengthening protection of original high-tech achievements and supporting the company in maintaining its competitive edge in the technology field.”