19 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 WWW.LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA BROUGHT TO YOU BY DU XIAOMAN In the past year, the Legal and Compliance Department of Du Xiaoman continued to improve the consumer protection mechanism and advance anti-fraud and anti-money laundering work, providing solid support for the company’s sustainable development. These excellent achievements have secured its spot as one of 2024 ALB China Top 15 New Technology In-House Teams. Advocating ESG via multiple channels to maximize social value The Legal and Compliance Department assisted Du Xiaoman in releasing the Du Xiaoman 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report, which according to Xing Jing, General Manager of the Legal and Compliance Department, can hopefully serve to promote the company to maximize its social value by leveraging the power of fintech. With consumer protection a top priority, the Legal and Compliance Department pushed for the establishment of the Duxiaoman consumer protection committee and protection center. “In 2023, the responsibilities and division of tasks for each line of defense for consumer protection were made clearer. The Legal and Compliance Department also built a ‘user protection center’ for mobile devices to step up financial knowledge education and optimize privacy settings and other basic functions,” says Xing. Further, in 2023, the Legal and Compliance Department, working with several key internal departments, led the establishment of an anti-telecommunications fraud working group, and provided more than 380,000 people with anti-fraud reminder services through the fraud victim identification model, an AI anti-fraud robot and manual anti-fraud warnings. The team managed to dissuade and intercept more than 15,000 potential victims throughout the credit workflow, and provided over 100 clues and case support information to public security organs throughout the year, which has severely cracked down on illegal and dubious activities and effectively protected user funds. “In terms of anti-money laundering, we took the lead in upgrading the client due diligence system, introduced technologies such as anti-facial deepfakes and visual risk control, and improved the compliance and effectiveness of ongoing client due diligence. Specifically, we conducted tens of thousands of enhanced due diligence on clients with abnormal identity information or conducts, building a firewall against financial crimes.” Xing adds that the Legal and Compliance Department also participated in the preparation of the National Financial Literacy White Paper (2022-2023) released by the National Institution for Finance & Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2023, providing a series of practical experience and case studies. It shared professional advice for a number of industry standards such as the Research Report on the Development of China’s Internet Loan Assistance Business and the Operational Guidelines for Digital Finance Consumer Protection prepared under the auspice of the National Internet Finance Association of China. In 2024, the team is involved in the formulation of collective standards such as the Guide on Enterprise Personal Information Protection Management Systems led by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (“CAICT”). Supporting compliant new technology exploration Xing believes that a new round of technological revolution and industry transformation is approaching and digital technology has become a new engine of development. At the same time, however, the development and application of new technologies such as generative artificial intelligence has brought about new risks to fields such as personal information protection, algorithm and data security and intellectual property protection. The Legal and Compliance Department has worked very hard to ensure the compliant operation of new technologies. On the one hand, the team evaluates the application scenarios of the company’s various AI tools to ensure the smooth launch of new technologies and products, prevent risks, and achieve compliance from the very beginning. On the other hand, as Du Xiaoman was training its large financial model “Xuanyuan” based on a general-purpose large model, the Legal and Compliance Department provided compliance review legal services for the record-filing of “Xuanyuan” to ensure that the model meets regulatory requirements for market use. The record-filing was successfully obtained. “In addition, the Legal and Compliance Department, on behalf of Du Xiaoman, was successfully selected as a member of the technology ethics working group of the China Artificial Intelligence Industry Development Alliance. With guidance from the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Cyberspace Administration of China, the working group is jointly established by the CAICT and relevant AI companies. We plan to actively participate in the research and formulation of relevant policy documents and detailed standards, guide AI ethics review, and promote the implementation of AI ethical principles,” says Xing. Going forward, Xing says that the Legal and Compliance Department will continue to ensure the compliant development and application of the company’s new technologies. It will also provide full lifecycle IP legal support, better assist technology departments to strengthen protection of original high-tech achievements, support the company to keep innovating in the technology field, and contribute to the development of new quality productive forces and social progress. 守护新技术合规探索,多管齐下履行社会责任 ——专访2024 ALB China十五佳新科技公司法务团队:度小满法律合规部 Ensuring Compliance of New Technology Exploration and Comprehensively Fulfilling Social Responsibility ——Interview with 2024 ALB China Top 15 New Technology In-House Team Du Xiaoman Legal and Compliance Department 过去一年中,度小满法律合规部不断完善消费者权益保护机制、持续推进反 诈及反洗钱工作,为公司可持续发展提供了有力保障,凭借优异的成绩上榜 2024 ALB China十五佳新科技公司法务团队。 多渠道践行ESG,发挥社会价值 度小满法律合规部助力公司发布《度小满2023年度环境、社会及管治 (ESG)报告》。法律合规部总经理邢璟表示,希望借此推动度小满以科技金 融的力量发挥自身社会价值。 消费者权益保护是重中之重,法律合规部推动设立度小满消费者权益 保护委员会和权益保护中心。“2023年,消费者权益保护各道防线的职责和 分工更加明晰。法律合规部还在手机端打造了‘用户保护中心’,强化金融知 识宣教,优化隐私设置等基础功能。”邢璟介绍道。 2023年,法律合规部联动公司内部多个主要部门,牵头成立了反电信 诈骗工作组,并通过诈骗被害人识别模型、AI反诈机器人、反诈预警人工等 方法,累计为38万余人提供反诈防范提醒服务,在信贷业务流程中累计劝 阻并拦截1.5万余名潜在受害者,全年向公安机关提供打击线索和案件支持 100余件次。严厉打击了“黑灰产”,有效守护了用户的“钱袋子”。 “反洗钱方面,我们牵头升级了客户尽职调查体系,引入防人脸图像深 度伪造、视觉风控等技术,提高了对客户持续尽调工作的合规性及有效性, 全年对异常身份及行为的客户开展强化尽调数万次,为防范金融犯罪筑起 防火墙。”邢璟强调。 他还补充道,法律合规部2023年参与了中国社会科学院国家金融与发 展实验室发布《国民金融素养白皮书(2022-2023)》编撰,提供一系列实务 经验及案例分享,并为中国互联网金融协会主办的《中国互联网助贷业务发 展研究报告》《数字金融消费者权益保护操作指引》等多项行业标准提供专 业意见。2024年还参与了中国信息通信研究院主导的《企业个人信息保护 管理体系指南》等团体标准的制定。 助力新技术合规探索 邢璟认为,新一轮科技革命和产业变革奇点临近,数字技术已成为新的 发展引擎,但同时,生成式人工智能等新技术的发展和应用对个人信息保 护、算法及数据安全、知识产权保护等领域带来了新的风险。法律合规部为 确保新技术合规运行下足了功夫: 一方面,法律合规部对公司的多个人工智能应用场景开展评估,保障新 技术新产品平稳上线,防范风险,实现源头合规;另一方面,度小满在通用大 模型基础上,训练了金融大模型“轩辕”,法律合规部为“轩辕”的备案提供合 规审核法律服务,确保满足大模型合规展业的监管要求,最终备案成功。 “另外,我们代表度小满申请并成功入选为中国人工智能产业发展联 盟科技伦理工作组成员单位。该组织由国家发改委、工信部、科技部、网信办 指导,中国信通院会同相关人工智能企业单位共同成立。团队将积极参与相 关政策文件与标准细则的研究制定,指导开展人工智能伦理审查,推动人工 智能伦理原则落实实施。”邢璟说。 面向未来,邢璟表示法律合规部将继续确保公司新技术的合规发展和 应用,同时,将提供知识产权全生命周期法律支持,进一步助力技术部门加 大对高新技术领域原创成果的保护,支持公司在科技保持创新动力,为新质 生产力发展和经济社会进步作出贡献。