42 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 SEPTEMBER 2024 ALB SHANGHAI IN-HOUSE LEGAL SUMMIT 2024 WORKSHOP SPONSORS AllBright Law Offices AllBright Law Offices was founded in 1999 as a fullservice law firm committed to providing highest standard quality services to clients. Based in Shanghai, China, AllBright has established offices in Beijing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Taiyuan, Qingdao, Xiamen, Tianjin, Jinan, Hefei, Zhengzhou, Fuzhou, Nanchang, Xi’an, Guangzhou, Changchun, Wuhan, Urumqi, Haikou, Changsha, Kunming, Hong Kong SAR, London, Seattle, Singapore and Tokyo. In addition, we have established an association with a Hong Kong SAR law firm, Stevenson, Wong & Co. and a strategic cooperation with an international law firm, Bird & Bird LLP. Website: AMERELLER AMERELLER is an international law firm with comprehensive corporate and commercial law and dispute resolution offerings tailored to the Middle East and North Africa. More than 80 lawyers work from 10 offices in Europe and across the MENA region, advising clients from over 40 countries. The firm employs a combination of skilled foreign lawyers, often with local language knowledge, and local attorneys fluent in English or German language. This blend of expertise in multiple jurisdictions is what makes the firm unique. AMERELLER is known as a go-to firm for transactions in difficult markets including Iraq, Libya, and Yemen. Our lawyers are often retained as local counsel on major projects and transactions in the region. The firm’s multinational client base includes publicly traded companies, international organizations, governments and states, global financial institutions, family-owned businesses, NGOs, SMEs, and entrepreneurs in many sectors and industries. Website: Co-effort Law Firm LLP Co-effort Law Firm LLP is a comprehensive professional legal service organization with a global perspective and local wisdom, dedicated to providing professional legal services to clients. Uphold the concept of “Service Creates Value”, We are committed to achieving our own value and social value through providing professional services whiling creating value for clients. Established in 1998, Co-effort Law Firm restructured into the first special general partnership in Shanghai in 2011. With 20 domestic offices and 8 overseas branches, Co-effort Awarded the only law firm that has been rated as one of the Top Ten Law Firm of Shanghai for 8 consecutive years. We have over 700 practicing lawyers and other professionals. Our lawyers have various backgrounds of judicial systems, government agencies, world-renowned law firms and other professional research institutes with working languages in Chinese, English, Japanese, Italian, etc. to provide high-efficiency professional legal support for clients both at home and abroad. Website: Kudun and Partners As businesses today face a constantly evolving environment, a paradigm-shifting approach to legal advice is required. Founded in 2015, Kudun and Partners is a modern and awardwinning full-service law firm led by some of South East Asia’s most accomplished lawyers from a desire to provide more commercially minded and creative legal advice to our clients. Since inception, we have attracted many lawyers from various large international firms and representing various entities on transactions in Thailand and throughout Southeast Asia. Clients value our responsiveness and distinctly commercial attitude, as well as our passion for developing forward-thinking, innovative strategies and solutions that respond to their unique business needs. In only six years since our inception, we have been awarded the highly coveted Thailand Law Firm of the Year by The Legal 500 Southeast Asia Awards 2020/2021 and 2023, a reflection of the firm’s commitment to deliver work that exceeds expectations and raise industry standards. Website: Shehata & Partners Shehata & Partners, established 1996, has since been driven by a vision to provide unique legal services that cater to the business needs of corporate entities doing business in Egypt. Our core mission is to provide the most trusted and effective legal advice on dispute resolution and corporate law both in Egypt and across the MENA Region. Website: 责任纠纷的新趋势”展开演讲。他剖析 了证券的三重涵义,对新国九条内容进 行了解读,并对虚假陈述责任展开详细 介绍。王伟斌律师则聚焦于“仲裁实践 发展新趋势”,首先结合数据与图标,为 与会嘉宾带来分享。 下午的峰会首先迎来第二个重磅讨 论环节,由上海市协力律师事务所高级 合伙人江翔宇律师主持,邀请到道客网 络科技公司首席法务官丁震宇先生、朴 诚乳业(集团)有限公司法务总监荀为正 女士,围绕“AI/AIGC时代企业业务发展 的创新探索及法律人的积极角色”主题 展开分享。 下午的第二个环节依旧是精彩的专 家对谈,由汤森路透ALB中国区法律编辑 胡阳潇潇和Shehata & Partners律师事务 所管理合伙人Ibrahim Shehata就投资埃 及展开对话。Ibrahim说,今年是中埃建 立战略合作伙伴关系十周年,埃及政府 颁布一系列举措强化与中国的交往。他 指出,对于国际贸易、制造业领域的中国 企业来说,当下是投资埃及的合适时机。 随后,峰会迎来了上海市协力律师 事务所的两位专家:高级合伙人江翔宇 律师、高级合伙人朱玲律师。 江翔宇律师就“数字经济下的数据 合规最新实践与趋势”展开演讲。他介 2024年8月15日,2024 ALB上海 企业法律顾问峰会在上海浦东丽思卡 尔顿酒店成功举办。本次峰会汇聚了百 余位来自上海及周边,以及东南亚、中 东北非地区不同行业的资深法务专家 与企业高管,近二十位演讲嘉宾围绕热 点话题展开深入探讨与交流。 早上9点半,峰会正式开始。峰会首先 迎来第一个重磅讨论环节,围绕“ESG视 角下的企业合规与商业实践”话题展开, 由锦天城律师事务所高级合伙人鲍方舟 律师主持,邀请到欧文斯科宁亚太区建 筑材料部法律总监黄虹女士、美国索理 思集团亚太区法律总监杨楠女士参与。 随后,峰会迎来了精彩的专家对谈 环节,由汤森路透ALB中国区法律编辑 胡阳潇潇,对话AMERELLER律师事务 所合伙人Jonathan Noble,围绕“中东 投资”话题展开探讨。Jonathan介绍了 过去两年中国与中东地区,尤其阿联酋 之间密切的经贸往来情况;他提醒中国 客户要做好尽调、警惕欺诈行为,并分 析了沙特的日益开放、中国企业和中东 其他区域的往来情况。 茶歇过后,峰会迎来了锦天城律师 事务所的两位专家:高级合伙人李云律 师、高级合伙人王伟斌律师。 李云律师就“证券合规与虚假陈述 绍了涉及个人信息数据流通利用的实 践难点,并聚焦于AIGC大模型领域。朱 玲律师则就“企业的数据出境、数据产 品交易以及数据资产”主题展开分享, 结合相关立法,指出了数据出境三路径。 接下来,泰国鲲鹏律师事务所合伙 人、中国业务部负责人林小丁律师带来 了题为“泰国投资法律风险及注意事项” 的精彩演讲。林律师指出,中国是第一大 对泰投资国,中美摩擦与新能源汽车的 发展使得中国投资者日益重视泰国市 场。她详细梳理了中资企业在泰投资时 需要关注的法律法规。 茶歇过后,峰会迎来了收官的话题 讨论环节,由隆安律师事务所高级合伙 人仇少明律师主持,邀请到上海飞乐音 响股份有限公司法务部总经理孙华玲 女士;上海实业(集团)有限公司风控法 务部主管,上实金融服务控股股份有限 公司法务总监杨炜栋先生;百时美施贵 宝中国法务部负责人朱意女士作为嘉 宾,围绕“数‘智’化变革:企业风险管理 与应对策略”参与分享。 在与会者热烈的掌声中,2024 ALB 上海企业法律顾问峰会圆满落幕。ALB始 终期待为律师和企业法务创造良好、有价 值的交流平台,感谢各位参会嘉宾和演讲 者对本次峰会的支持,期待上海再见!