ALB SEPTEMBER 2024 (CHINA EDITION) Asian Legal Business is pleased to announce that nominations are now open for the ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: South China & Central China, with the winners being announced in a gala ceremony in Shenzhen on Friday 6th December 2024. Recognizing your organization’s accomplishments, ALB would like to invite you to nominate your own legal team or that of another organization that you have worked with in the past, for one or more of the 30 categories we will be presenting on the awards night. Joining the nomination process and attending the awarding ceremony are ideal opportunities for law firms and in-house teams not only to establish competitive networks, but also to showcase their expertise and leading position in the legal community. 《亚洲法律杂志》(ALB)欣然宣布,2024 ALB中国区域市场法律大奖 : 华南地区 & 华中地区提名已开放,这些象征着中国华南地 区 & 华中地区法律市场领先地位的奖项最终花落谁家,将于 2024 年 12 月 6 日(星期五)在深圳举行的颁奖盛典上一一公布。 ALB诚邀华南地区 & 华中地区的法律从业者参与到本次活动中,展示您及团队的专业程度与领先地位,并帮助您建立极具竞争 力的人脉资源,可以提名自己的团队、或者提名在过去一年中与您有工作交集的其它组织或团队,去赢得 30 个奖项中的一个或 多个奖项。 YVONNE CHEUNG 张裕裕 China Key Accounts +852 3952 5814 STEFFI YANG 杨绮繁 South and West China Key Accounts +86 10 5669 2041 STEVEN ZHAO 赵树群 China Key Accounts +86 10 5669 2021 RESEARCH TEAM 调研团队 +86 10 5669 2015 +86 10 5669 2009 +86 10 5669 2010 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 CHINA INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC AND TRADE ARBITRATION COMMISSION 6TH DECEMBER • SHENZHEN 12月6日 • 深圳