Welcome to the ALB Japan IP Conference 2014


Venue: Thomson Reuters Markets Seminar Room, 30F Akasaka Business Tower, 5-3-1 Minatu-ku, Tokyo, 107-6330
107-6330 東京都港区赤坂5-3-1赤坂Bizタワー30

On the 15th of April 2014, ALB will be holding the Tokyo Chapter of our well-acclaimed IP Conference series, serving as a key platform for IP experts from across the APAC region. Boasting official support by the Japan Patent Office, the Japan Fair Trade Commission, the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and the Hong Kong Government`s IP Department, the event stands out as an international IP forum on the latest global trends in IP monetisation and protection offering unprecedented regional best practices to Japan`s legal community.

Key topic highlights

  • Learn how leading experts have bridged IP management efforts between Japan, HK, Singapore and across the region
  • Localise your IP rights in Japan and monetise your brand/innovation globally
  • Hear case studies by key organisations including Microsoft, eBay, Coach, 21st Century Fox, NEC Corporation, IFPI Asia and many more!
  • Harmonise IP monetisation and anti-trust law compliance
  • Get updated on the swiftly developing international IP trading market
  • Use e-discovery processes in the correct manner throughtout IP litigation
  • Established streamlined anti-counterfeiting strategies in collaboration with brands, marketplaces, government and associations


Agenda for the ALB Japan IP Conference 2014

Please click here to download the brochure. A Japanese version of the conference programme is also availabe here.


9:15        Registration


9:40        Chair’s Opening Remarks


The Latest Legislative Developments & Government Guidelines in IP


9:45        Government Keynote: Japan’s experience in using IP-based strategies to promote innovation and growth


·         The government`s 2013 “Japan Revitalization Strategy” and the “Basic Policy Concerning IP Policy”: achieving an IP-based nation?

·         Planned revisions to the Design Act, the Trademark Act and the Patent Attorney Act

·         International harmonisation providing strengthened IP protection in Japan and for Japanese businesses expanding overseas

·         Enhanced support for SMEs, local regions and universities




Japan Patent Office (JPO)


IP Collaboration Across Borders & International Best Practices


10:15     Keynote Address: WIPO’s IP information strategy in the global digital era


·         IP protection for Japanese businesses: WIPO’s global services

·         WIPO`s take on IP cooperation in Asia/Japan

·         Digital data driven IP management

·         Japan`s initiatives in using IP-centric measures to drive economic development




World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)


10:45     Applying an international patent strategy in Asia: Microsoft`s multi-jurisdictional case study


·         Microsoft`s patent management strategy

·         Policy updates on advancing currently lacking user interface protection



Director of International Patents, Asia, Director of IP,

Microsoft Japan


11:15     Refreshment Break


The Impact of Antitrust and Competition Law on IP Monetisation


11:30     Government Keynote: IP monetisation vs. compliance with anti-trust regulations


·         The Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC)`s IP Guidelines: the implications of conflicting competition and IP protection laws

·         Guidelines on the Standardisation and Patent Pool Arrangements

·         Violating the Anti-Monopoly Act via IPR protection practices: case studies

·         Non-assertion and cross-licensing rights: the threat of unfair trade practices




Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC)


12:00     Networking Luncheon


Commercialising IP in Japan and globally


13:10     Government Keynote: Crusading IP Monetisation and International IP Trading: The story of the HK IP Department


·         Bringing international IP trading to the forefront: successfully launching IP trading platforms

·         The innovative concept of Trading of Virtual Goods (TVG)/International copyright digital exchange

·         Collaboration across borders: streamlining IP protection and monetisation across different jurisdictions (the HK example)




Intellectual Property Department, Government of HKSAR (tbc)


13:35     IP monetisation on FRAND terms with case studies from the ICT industries


·         Essential vs. improvement patents and the standard-setting process

·         IP licensing on Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) terms

·         Challenges: patent trolls, third party patents, transfer of patents and prohibitive royalties

·         Reconciling conflicting standardisation and anti-trust law compliance

·         Japan-specific ICT case studies vs. Qualcomm`s world-class IP monetisation strategy



Professor of Economics,

Kobe City University of Foreign Studies



Professor of Law,

Nagoya University Graduate School of Law,

Competition Review Advisory Board Member,

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)



Vice President, Patent Counsel,

Qualcomm Incorporated


Anti-counterfeiting & Brand Protection


14:20     Online Brand Protection



Product Planning and Marketing,

OKI Data Corporation



Intellectual Property,

OKI Data Corporation


*Session sponsored by Thomson Reuters IP & Science


14:50     Protecting your brand effectively: The case of Coach


·         Top 3 issues/challenges created by the Internet for brand protection

·         Creating an effective online/offline “Watch” program for IP infringement

·         Mechanisms to identify fraud, enforce IPR and prevent future infringements

·         Evaluating successful counterfeit enforcement cases and the extent of possible damage recovery



Director of Legal,

Coach Japan


15:05     Combating digital piracy across multiple jurisdictions


·         The implications of copyright infringement on IP monetisation in the entertainment sector

·         Effective remedies: take-down procedures (old approach) vs. updated and improved measures such as injunctive relief for overseas sites

·         Examining the Japanese landscape - the effect of Japan`s new anti-piracy law: criminal penalties for deliberate downloading of pirated content


Case study presentations followed by an interactive panel with:


Vice-President for Government Relations, Asia,

21st Century Fox



Regional Director,





Recording industry of Japan (RIAJ)


15:50     Refreshment Break


16:05    Panel: Collaboration between brands and marketplaces for effective anti-counterfeiting measures


·         How do brand owners leverage the Internet as a business intelligence tool for controlling, identifying and fighting counterfeit products?

·         What approaches do/should Internet and e-commerce service providers (`Marketplaces`) take in the monitoring of and enforcement against unauthorised selling of products on their websites?

·         How do Marketplaces work with government and all stakeholders to develop an effective policy to safeguard fair trade?

·         What are the main challenges in implementing a proactive, long-term brand protection strategy?


Moderator: ANG KWEE TIANG,

Regional Director,




Senior Legal Counsel,

Fox International (Japan)



Director of Legal,

Coach Japan



Partner, Practice Leader, IP Group

Baker & McKenzie


16:35     Applying reputation management tools as part of overall brand protection: going beyond anti-counterfeiting efforts


·         Adopting a proactive (as opposed to a reactionary) brand protection approach

·         Dealing with “beyond anti-counterfeiting” issues: look-alike-products and reputation management on social media platforms



Representative Director and General Counsel,

Unilever Japan Holdings K.K.



Unilever Japan Holdings K.K.


Optimising IP Dispute Resolution


17:05     What US IP litigation means to Japanese companies: the impact of discovery/e-Discovery processes on managing IP


·         Breaking the stereotype of Japanese corporations shying away from litigations: taking control of IP dispute settlement

·         Streamlining e-discovery in patent litigation to reduce procedural costs - the importance of reducing costs for any litigation, but especially for those against non-practicing entities (NPEs)

·         Strengths Japanese companies have in IP litigation - using those strengths to our advantage

·         Model Order, IPR, new technologies, joint defence group (JDG) etc. as tools for efficient and lower-cost litigations



Manager and Attorney at Law, Intellectual Property Management Div., Licensing Dept.,

NEC Corporation



17:35     Chair’s Closing Remarks and conference closes






Speakers at the ALB Japan IP Conference 2014

Click here for more information on our high-level speaker line-up!

Contact us

For more information regarding this event, please contact:

Trang Chu Minh
Phone: (65) 6870 3711(65) 6870 3711
Email: chuminh.trang@thomsonreuters.com

For details on sponsorship opportunities, please contact:

Jessie Cheung
Phone: +852 3762 3267+852 3762 3267 
Email: jessie.cheung@thomsonreuters.com

Register for the ALB Japan IP Conference 2014


 Register before 14 March and save $100. Book 5 delegates and the 5th attendee joins for free.

 In-House Counsel / Academia / Government: $390 (Early Bird Rate) / $490 (Full Price)

  • Law Firm / Service Provider: $590 (Early Bird Rate) / $690 (Full Price)

 For more details, please contact Trang at chuminh.trang@thomsonreuters.com or call +65 6870 3711+65 6870 3711.

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