Rajah & Tann has fallen from this year's list of the top 30 international arbitration practices compiled by Global Arbitration Review (GAR), after being on the list for four straight years, with WongPartnership making the list for the first time, according to a report in yesterday’s Business Times.

At 29th place, WongPartnership is the only Asian law firm in the top 30. Four other Singapore firms are in the GAR 100 this year, said the report: Rajah & Tann (in GAR 31-41), Allen & Gledhill, Drew & Napier and Rodyk & Davidson.

The report added that the rankings were based on reputation and arbitrator appointments, volume of cases and merit hearings, and the value of the work done. It noted that WongPartnership's recent arbitrations included a high-profile dispute between the Astro and Lippo groups concerning a joint venture for satellite pay television services in Indonesia; the firm represented Astro.

BT said that GAR lists WongPartnership as having had 12 completed merit hearings in two years and 20 pending cases as arbitrator; its portfolio value is US$4.5 billion.

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