A lawyer with a penchant for IT has launched an online network aimed at connecting ‘good lawyers’.
Christopher Eddison-Cogan launched GoodLawyers earlier this year with the aim of providing a networking service for likeminded legal practitioners and legal service consumers. He is the director of BHL Software, a partner of Barringer Leather Lawyers and a is a member of the Law Society of NSW IT committee.

The network now has 14 members, who refer work to each other and receive referrals from the network itself. “For sole or small practice practitioners we are trying to replicate the social and professional aspects of a large law firm, but with broader flexibility,” said Eddison-Cogan.

Because it’s invitation-only, community members are highly-skilled and are expected to refer on work they know is not suited to them. “Economic theory dictates that the best person to do the work is the one who knows it best and enjoys it. That is the way to provide value and quality,” said Eddison-Cogan.
Referring work out to other lawyers when it’s a valued client can often be daunting for lawyers, which is why Eddiso-Cogan has made the network invitation only. “Bad service from the lawyer they refer the work to can back fire on them, which is why they are reluctant to refer the work in the first place”, said Eddison-Cogan. “Most lawyers know that the best source of good work is referred work from other lawyers and this is an opportunity for them to stimulate that work by giving the work they don’t want to lawyers who do,” he said.

The network is looking to have practitioners across the country in more than 100 areas of legal practice. Eddison-Cogan has two researchers currently identifying suitable candidates and they are also receiving applications on the website. Members of the network are required to subscribe and have the option of four levels of subscription, with the most basic package available for free. The levels of subscription dictate the amount of exposure and visibility on the website for that lawyer. As the subscription level increases the ability for that lawyer to connect with other lawyers increases also. “We think that our subscription rates are a tiny portion of the value of work they could receive through the network,” explained Eddison-Cogan.

As part of the subscription fee members have access to a legal co-ordinatior who acts as a matchmaker when a lawyer needs to find another lawyer in another area of practice for their client. Legal consumers who come directly to the network will also be directed by the co-ordinator to the best suited lawyer for their legal needs. “If you are a sophisticated user of legal services, or if you have a complex legal issue, you don’t want the cheapest legal advice, you want good legal advice,” stated Eddison-Cogan.

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