Indian full-service law firm Singh & Associates has received approval to open a Singapore representative office.

The new office, which is expected to become operational by the end of August, will have two lawyers including principal associate and Bangalore head Radjutt Singh, who will relocate to Singapore to head the branch.

“After we identified an inevitable need to open an office in Singapore due to our existing clients who are based there, and Singapore being a strategic location for handling Southeast Asia work - we decided to open a representative office there,” said Manoj Singh, managing partner of the firm, in a statement.

The Singapore office will also identify business opportunities for the firm’s Indian clients to invest in Singapore, and explore partnership opportunities for Singapore clients who are interested in venturing into the Indian market, he added.

Singh & Associates, which is headquartered in New Delhi, also has offices in Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad, along with representative offices in New York and Beijing.

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