Squire Patton Boggs has strengthened its presence in Japan, combining with Tokyo-based law firm Mamiya Law Offices.

Established in 2008 by Jun Mamiya, Mamiya Law Offices comprises five lawyers who focus on M&A, private equity, restructurings, securities and other transactional matters. The firm also has an expertise in litigation and international arbitration.

“Not only do we share a number of major public institutional clients, but there are synergies with our financial services and intellectual property practices in Tokyo, which will lead to new and exciting opportunities in Japan as well as elsewhere around the world,” said Squire Patton Boggs’ Tokyo office managing partner, Ken Kurosu, in a statement.

The combination with Mamiya Law Offices comes on the back of Squire Sanders’ acquisition of Patton Boggs in late May to create Squire Patton Boggs.

The newly combined firm has more than 1,500 lawyers across 44 offices worldwide, including more than 140 lawyers in the Asia-Pacific region.

With the addition of Mamiya Law Offices, the firm now has close to 40 lawyers in Tokyo.

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