
Hong Kong Lawyer, the official monthly publication of The Law Society of Hong Kong is widely considered to be a trusted source of insightful articles on legal developments, case analysis and other value-add content in the city that help lawyers and law firms function at their optimal level.

If you are a qualified lawyer or a legal scholar and are interested in contributing articles on any legal practice area that is relevant to Hong Kong’s legal market, we’d like to hear from you! If you would like to write about other areas relevant to the legal sector such as how law firms can be managed better or what skills lawyers should work on developing to meet the expectations of clients in today’s times, we’d like to hear from you too! We are also interested in hearing from any lawyer based in Hong Kong who has an interesting hobby that they would like to share with the legal community.

Should you wish to contribute articles or ideas for any of the above, please reach out to Sonali Khemka, Lead Editor of Hong Kong Lawyer, at